mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 06:46:21 +03:00
Remove OpenVPN helper
This commit is contained in:
@ -74,18 +74,6 @@ src_nm_wireguard_service_LDADD = \
EXTRA_src_nm_wireguard_service_DEPENDENCIES = \
libexec_PROGRAMS += src/nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper
src_nm_openvpn_service_openvpn_helper_CPPFLAGS = $(src_cppflags)
src_nm_openvpn_service_openvpn_helper_LDFLAGS = \
src_nm_openvpn_service_openvpn_helper_LDADD = \
src/libnm-utils.la \
EXTRA_src_nm_openvpn_service_openvpn_helper_DEPENDENCIES = \
properties/resources.h: properties/gresource.xml
@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper - helper called after OpenVPN established
* a connection, uses DBUS to send information back to nm-openvpn-service
* Tim Niemueller [www.niemueller.de]
* Based on work by Dan Williams <dcbw@redhat.com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* (C) Copyright 2005 Red Hat, Inc.
* (C) Copyright 2005 Tim Niemueller
* $Id: nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper.c 4170 2008-10-11 14:44:45Z dcbw $
#include "nm-default.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <regex.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include "nm-utils/nm-shared-utils.h"
#include "nm-utils/nm-vpn-plugin-macros.h"
extern char **environ;
static struct {
int log_level;
const char *log_prefix_token;
} gl;
#define _NMLOG(level, ...) \
if (gl.log_level >= (level)) { \
g_print ("nm-openvpn[%s]: %-7s [helper-%ld] " _NM_UTILS_MACRO_FIRST (__VA_ARGS__) "\n", \
gl.log_prefix_token ?: "???", \
nm_utils_syslog_to_str (level), \
(long) getpid () \
} \
static inline gboolean
_LOGD_enabled (void)
return gl.log_level >= LOG_INFO;
#define _LOGD(...) _NMLOG(LOG_INFO, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _LOGI(...) _NMLOG(LOG_NOTICE, __VA_ARGS__)
#define _LOGW(...) _NMLOG(LOG_WARNING, __VA_ARGS__)
static void
helper_failed (GDBusProxy *proxy, const char *reason)
GError *err = NULL;
_LOGW ("nm-openvpn-service-openvpn-helper did not receive a valid %s from openvpn", reason);
if (!g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "SetFailure",
g_variant_new ("(s)", reason),
&err)) {
_LOGW ("Could not send failure information: %s", err->message);
g_error_free (err);
exit (1);
static void
send_config (GDBusProxy *proxy, GVariant *config,
GVariant *ip4config, GVariant *ip6config)
GError *err = NULL;
if (!g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "SetConfig",
g_variant_new ("(*)", config),
&err)) {
_LOGW ("Could not send configuration information: %s", err->message);
g_error_free (err);
err = NULL;
if (ip4config) {
if (!g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "SetIp4Config",
g_variant_new ("(*)", ip4config),
&err)) {
_LOGW ("Could not send IPv4 configuration information: %s", err->message);
g_error_free (err);
err = NULL;
if (ip6config) {
if (!g_dbus_proxy_call_sync (proxy, "SetIp6Config",
g_variant_new ("(*)", ip6config),
&err)) {
_LOGW ("Could not send IPv6 configuration information: %s", err->message);
g_error_free (err);
err = NULL;
static GVariant *
str_to_gvariant (const char *str, gboolean try_convert)
/* Empty */
if (!str || strlen (str) < 1)
return NULL;
if (!g_utf8_validate (str, -1, NULL)) {
if (try_convert && !(str = g_convert (str, -1, "ISO-8859-1", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL)))
str = g_convert (str, -1, "C", "UTF-8", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (!str)
/* Invalid */
return NULL;
return g_variant_new_string (str);
static GVariant *
addr4_to_gvariant (const char *str)
struct in_addr temp_addr;
/* Empty */
if (!str || strlen (str) < 1)
return NULL;
if (inet_pton (AF_INET, str, &temp_addr) <= 0)
return NULL;
return g_variant_new_uint32 (temp_addr.s_addr);
static GVariant *
addr6_to_gvariant (const char *str)
struct in6_addr temp_addr;
GVariantBuilder builder;
int i;
/* Empty */
if (!str || strlen (str) < 1)
return NULL;
if (inet_pton (AF_INET6, str, &temp_addr) <= 0)
return NULL;
g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("ay"));
for (i = 0; i < sizeof (temp_addr); i++)
g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "y", ((guint8 *) &temp_addr)[i]);
return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
static void
parse_addr_list (GPtrArray *array4, GPtrArray *array6, const char *str)
char **split;
int i;
GVariant *variant;
/* Empty */
if (!str || strlen (str) < 1)
split = g_strsplit (str, " ", -1);
for (i = 0; split[i]; i++) {
if (array4 && (variant = addr4_to_gvariant (split[i])) != NULL)
g_ptr_array_add (array4, variant);
else if (array6 && (variant = addr6_to_gvariant (split[i])) != NULL)
g_ptr_array_add (array6, variant);
g_strfreev (split);
static inline gboolean
is_domain_valid (const char *str)
return (str && (strlen(str) >= 1) && (strlen(str) <= 255));
static GVariant *
get_ip4_routes (void)
GVariantBuilder builder;
char *tmp;
gboolean has_any = FALSE;
guint i;
g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("aau"));
for (i = 1;; i++) {
GVariantBuilder array;
char key_name[255];
in_addr_t network;
in_addr_t netmask;
in_addr_t gateway = 0;
guint32 metric;
nm_sprintf_buf (key_name, "route_network_%u", i);
tmp = getenv (key_name);
if (!tmp || !tmp[0])
if (inet_pton (AF_INET, tmp, &network) != 1) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid static route address %s = \"%s\"", key_name, tmp);
nm_sprintf_buf (key_name, "route_netmask_%u", i);
tmp = getenv (key_name);
if ( !tmp
|| inet_pton (AF_INET, tmp, &netmask) != 1) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid static route netmask %s = %s%s%s", key_name, NM_PRINT_FMT_QUOTE_STRING (tmp));
nm_sprintf_buf (key_name, "route_gateway_%u", i);
tmp = getenv (key_name);
/* gateway can be missing */
if ( tmp
&& inet_pton (AF_INET, tmp, &gateway) != 1) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid static route gateway %s = \"%s\"", key_name, tmp);
nm_sprintf_buf (key_name, "route_metric_%u", i);
tmp = getenv (key_name);
/* metric can be missing */
if (tmp && tmp[0]) {
metric = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (tmp, 10, 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0);
if (errno) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid static route metric %s = \"%s\"", key_name, tmp);
} else
metric = 0;
g_variant_builder_init (&array, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("au"));
g_variant_builder_add_value (&array, g_variant_new_uint32 (network));
g_variant_builder_add_value (&array, g_variant_new_uint32 (nm_utils_ip4_netmask_to_prefix (netmask)));
g_variant_builder_add_value (&array, g_variant_new_uint32 (gateway));
g_variant_builder_add_value (&array, g_variant_new_uint32 (metric));
g_variant_builder_add_value (&builder, g_variant_builder_end (&array));
has_any = TRUE;
if (!has_any) {
g_variant_builder_clear (&builder);
return NULL;
return g_variant_builder_end (&builder);
static GVariant *
get_ip6_routes (void)
gs_unref_ptrarray GPtrArray *routes = NULL;
guint i;
routes = g_ptr_array_new_full (10, (GDestroyNotify) nm_ip_route_unref);
for (i = 1;; i++) {
NMIPRoute *route;
GError *error = NULL;
gs_free char *dst = NULL;
char key_name[255];
int prefix;
const char *tmp;
nm_sprintf_buf (key_name, "route_ipv6_network_%u", i);
tmp = getenv (key_name);
if (!tmp || !tmp[0])
if ( !nm_utils_parse_inaddr_prefix (tmp, AF_INET6, &dst, &prefix)
|| prefix == -1) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid static route %s = \"%s\"", key_name, tmp);
nm_sprintf_buf (key_name, "route_ipv6_gateway_%u", i);
tmp = getenv (key_name);
route = nm_ip_route_new (AF_INET6, dst, prefix, tmp, -1, &error);
if (!route) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring route#%u: %s", i, error->message);
g_error_free (error);
g_ptr_array_add (routes, route);
if (!routes->len)
return NULL;
return nm_utils_ip6_routes_to_variant (routes);
static GVariant *
trusted_remote_to_gvariant (void)
char *tmp;
GVariant *val = NULL;
const char *p;
gboolean is_name = FALSE;
tmp = getenv ("trusted_ip6");
if (tmp) {
val = addr6_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val == NULL) {
_LOGW ("failed to convert VPN gateway address '%s' (%d)",
tmp, errno);
return NULL;
return val;
tmp = getenv ("trusted_ip");
if (!tmp)
tmp = getenv ("remote_1");
if (!tmp) {
_LOGW ("did not receive remote gateway address");
return NULL;
/* Check if it seems to be a hostname */
p = tmp;
while (*p) {
if (*p != '.' && !isdigit (*p)) {
is_name = TRUE;
/* Resolve a hostname if required. Only look for IPv4 addresses */
if (is_name) {
struct in_addr addr;
struct addrinfo hints;
struct addrinfo *result = NULL, *rp;
int err;
addr.s_addr = 0;
memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints));
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_flags = AI_ADDRCONFIG;
err = getaddrinfo (tmp, NULL, &hints, &result);
if (err != 0) {
_LOGW ("failed to look up VPN gateway address '%s' (%d)",
tmp, err);
return NULL;
/* FIXME: so what if the name resolves to multiple IP addresses? We
* don't know which one pptp decided to use so we could end up using a
* different one here, and the VPN just won't work.
for (rp = result; rp; rp = rp->ai_next) {
if ( (rp->ai_family == AF_INET)
&& (rp->ai_addrlen == sizeof (struct sockaddr_in))) {
struct sockaddr_in *inptr = (struct sockaddr_in *) rp->ai_addr;
memcpy (&addr, &(inptr->sin_addr), sizeof (struct in_addr));
freeaddrinfo (result);
if (addr.s_addr != 0)
return g_variant_new_uint32 (addr.s_addr);
else {
_LOGW ("failed to convert or look up VPN gateway address '%s'",
return NULL;
} else {
val = addr4_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val == NULL) {
_LOGW ("failed to convert VPN gateway address '%s' (%d)",
tmp, errno);
return NULL;
return val;
main (int argc, char *argv[])
GDBusProxy *proxy;
GVariantBuilder builder, ip4builder, ip6builder;
GVariant *ip4config, *ip6config;
char *tmp;
GVariant *val;
int i;
GError *err = NULL;
GPtrArray *dns4_list, *dns6_list;
GPtrArray *nbns_list;
GPtrArray *dns_domains;
struct in_addr temp_addr;
int tapdev = -1;
char **iter;
int shift = 0;
gboolean is_restart;
gboolean has_ip4_prefix = FALSE;
gboolean has_ip4_address = FALSE;
gboolean has_ip6_address = FALSE;
gchar *bus_name = NM_DBUS_SERVICE_OPENVPN;
#if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 35, 0)
g_type_init ();
for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--")) {
if (nm_streq (argv[i], "--debug")) {
if (i + 2 >= argc) {
g_printerr ("Missing debug arguments (requires <LEVEL> <PREFIX_TOKEN>)\n");
exit (1);
gl.log_level = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (argv[++i], 10, 0, LOG_DEBUG, 0);
gl.log_prefix_token = argv[++i];
} else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--tun"))
tapdev = 0;
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--tap"))
tapdev = 1;
else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "--bus-name")) {
if (++i == argc) {
g_printerr ("Missing bus name argument\n");
exit (1);
if (!g_dbus_is_name (argv[i])) {
g_printerr ("Invalid bus name\n");
exit (1);
bus_name = argv[i];
} else
shift = i - 1;
if (_LOGD_enabled ()) {
GString *args;
args = g_string_new (NULL);
for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
if (i > 0)
g_string_append_c (args, ' ');
if (shift && 1 + shift == i)
g_string_append (args, " ");
tmp = g_strescape (argv[i], NULL);
g_string_append_printf (args, "\"%s\"", tmp);
g_free (tmp);
_LOGD ("command line: %s", args->str);
g_string_free (args, TRUE);
for (iter = environ; iter && *iter; iter++)
_LOGD ("environment: %s", *iter);
/* shift the arguments to the right leaving only those provided by openvpn */
argv[shift] = argv[0];
argv += shift;
argc -= shift;
is_restart = argc >= 7 && !g_strcmp0 (argv[6], "restart");
proxy = g_dbus_proxy_new_for_bus_sync (G_BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM,
NULL, &err);
if (!proxy) {
_LOGW ("Could not create a D-Bus proxy: %s", err->message);
g_error_free (err);
exit (1);
g_variant_builder_init (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
g_variant_builder_init (&ip4builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
g_variant_builder_init (&ip6builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT);
/* External world-visible VPN gateway */
val = trusted_remote_to_gvariant ();
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_CONFIG_EXT_GATEWAY, val);
helper_failed (proxy, "VPN Gateway");
/* Internal VPN subnet gateway */
tmp = getenv ("route_vpn_gateway");
val = addr4_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_INT_GATEWAY, val);
else {
val = addr6_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_INT_GATEWAY, val);
/* VPN device */
tmp = getenv ("dev");
val = str_to_gvariant (tmp, FALSE);
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_CONFIG_TUNDEV, val);
helper_failed (proxy, "Tunnel Device");
if (tapdev == -1)
tapdev = strncmp (tmp, "tap", 3) == 0;
/* IPv4 address */
tmp = getenv ("ifconfig_local");
if (!tmp && is_restart)
tmp = argv[4];
if (tmp && strlen (tmp)) {
val = addr4_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val) {
has_ip4_address = TRUE;
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_ADDRESS, val);
} else
helper_failed (proxy, "IP4 Address");
/* PTP address; for vpnc PTP address == internal IP4 address */
tmp = getenv ("ifconfig_remote");
if (!tmp && is_restart)
tmp = argv[5];
val = addr4_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val) {
/* Sigh. Openvpn added 'topology' stuff in 2.1 that changes the meaning
* of the ifconfig bits without actually telling you what they are
* supposed to mean; basically relying on specific 'ifconfig' behavior.
if (tmp && !strncmp (tmp, "255.", 4)) {
guint32 addr;
/* probably a netmask, not a PTP address; topology == subnet */
addr = g_variant_get_uint32 (val);
g_variant_unref (val);
val = g_variant_new_uint32 (nm_utils_ip4_netmask_to_prefix (addr));
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_PREFIX, val);
has_ip4_prefix = TRUE;
} else
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_PTP, val);
/* Netmask
* Either TAP or TUN modes can have an arbitrary netmask in newer versions
* of openvpn, while in older versions only TAP mode would. So accept a
* netmask if passed, otherwise default to /32 for TUN devices since they
* are usually point-to-point.
tmp = getenv ("ifconfig_netmask");
if (tmp && inet_pton (AF_INET, tmp, &temp_addr) > 0) {
val = g_variant_new_uint32 (nm_utils_ip4_netmask_to_prefix (temp_addr.s_addr));
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_PREFIX, val);
} else if (!tapdev) {
if (has_ip4_address && !has_ip4_prefix) {
val = g_variant_new_uint32 (32);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_PREFIX, val);
} else
_LOGW ("No IP4 netmask/prefix (missing or invalid 'ifconfig_netmask')");
val = get_ip4_routes ();
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_ROUTES, val);
else if (is_restart) {
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}",
g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE));
/* IPv6 address */
tmp = getenv ("ifconfig_ipv6_local");
if (tmp && strlen (tmp)) {
val = addr6_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val) {
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_ADDRESS, val);
has_ip6_address = TRUE;
} else
helper_failed (proxy, "IP6 Address");
/* IPv6 remote address */
tmp = getenv ("ifconfig_ipv6_remote");
if (tmp && strlen (tmp)) {
val = addr6_to_gvariant (tmp);
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_PTP, val);
helper_failed (proxy, "IP6 PTP Address");
/* IPv6 netbits */
tmp = getenv ("ifconfig_ipv6_netbits");
if (tmp && strlen (tmp)) {
long int netbits;
errno = 0;
netbits = strtol (tmp, NULL, 10);
if (errno || netbits < 0 || netbits > 128) {
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid prefix '%s'", tmp);
} else {
val = g_variant_new_uint32 ((guint32) netbits);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_PREFIX, val);
val = get_ip6_routes ();
if (val)
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_ROUTES, val);
else if (is_restart) {
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}",
g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE));
/* DNS and WINS servers */
dns_domains = g_ptr_array_sized_new (3);
dns4_list = g_ptr_array_new ();
dns6_list = g_ptr_array_new ();
nbns_list = g_ptr_array_new ();
for (i = 1; i < 256; i++) {
char *env_name;
env_name = g_strdup_printf ("foreign_option_%d", i);
tmp = getenv (env_name);
g_free (env_name);
if (!tmp || strlen (tmp) < 1)
if (!g_str_has_prefix (tmp, "dhcp-option "))
tmp += 12; /* strlen ("dhcp-option ") */
if (g_str_has_prefix (tmp, "DNS "))
parse_addr_list (dns4_list, dns6_list, tmp + 4);
else if (g_str_has_prefix (tmp, "WINS "))
parse_addr_list (nbns_list, NULL, tmp + 5);
else if (g_str_has_prefix (tmp, "DOMAIN ") && is_domain_valid (tmp + 7))
g_ptr_array_add (dns_domains, tmp + 7);
if (dns4_list->len) {
val = g_variant_new_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32, (GVariant **) dns4_list->pdata, dns4_list->len);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_DNS, val);
if (has_ip6_address && dns6_list->len) {
val = g_variant_new_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("ay"), (GVariant **) dns6_list->pdata, dns6_list->len);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_DNS, val);
if (nbns_list->len) {
val = g_variant_new_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_UINT32, (GVariant **) nbns_list->pdata, nbns_list->len);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_NBNS, val);
if (dns_domains->len) {
val = g_variant_new_strv ((const gchar **) dns_domains->pdata, dns_domains->len);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip4builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP4_CONFIG_DOMAINS, val);
/* Domains apply to both IPv4 and IPv6 configurations */
if (has_ip6_address) {
val = g_variant_new_strv ((const gchar **) dns_domains->pdata, dns_domains->len);
g_variant_builder_add (&ip6builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_IP6_CONFIG_DOMAINS, val);
g_ptr_array_unref (dns4_list);
g_ptr_array_unref (dns6_list);
g_ptr_array_unref (nbns_list);
g_ptr_array_unref (dns_domains);
/* Tunnel MTU */
tmp = getenv ("tun_mtu");
if (tmp && tmp[0]) {
guint32 mtu;
mtu = _nm_utils_ascii_str_to_int64 (tmp, 10, 0, G_MAXUINT32, 0);
if (errno)
_LOGW ("Ignoring invalid tunnel MTU '%s'", tmp);
else {
g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}",
g_variant_new_uint32 (mtu));
ip4config = g_variant_builder_end (&ip4builder);
if (g_variant_n_children (ip4config)) {
val = g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE);
g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_CONFIG_HAS_IP4, val);
} else {
g_variant_unref (ip4config);
ip4config = NULL;
ip6config = g_variant_builder_end (&ip6builder);
if (g_variant_n_children (ip6config)) {
val = g_variant_new_boolean (TRUE);
g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "{sv}", NM_VPN_PLUGIN_CONFIG_HAS_IP6, val);
} else {
g_variant_unref (ip6config);
ip6config = NULL;
if (!ip4config && !ip6config)
helper_failed (proxy, "IPv4 or IPv6 configuration");
/* Send the config info to nm-openvpn-service */
send_config (proxy, g_variant_builder_end (&builder), ip4config, ip6config);
g_object_unref (proxy);
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user