2018-08-08 10:08:17 +03:00

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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
* Traditional Chinese translation
* By hata1234
* 09 April 2007
Ext.onReady(function() {
var parseCodes;
if (Ext.Date) {
Ext.Date.monthNames = ["一月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "十二月"];
Ext.Date.dayNames = ["星期日", "星期一", "星期二", "星期三", "星期四", "星期五", "星期六"];
Ext.Date.formatCodes.a = "(this.getHours() < 12 ? '上午' : '下午')";
Ext.Date.formatCodes.A = "(this.getHours() < 12 ? '上午' : '下午')";
parseCodes = {
g: 1,
c: "if (/(上午)/i.test(results[{0}])) {\n"
+ "if (!h || h == 12) { h = 0; }\n"
+ "} else { if (!h || h < 12) { h = (h || 0) + 12; }}",
s: "(上午|下午)",
calcAtEnd: true
Ext.Date.parseCodes.a = Ext.Date.parseCodes.A = parseCodes;
if (Ext.util && Ext.util.Format) {
Ext.apply(Ext.util.Format, {
thousandSeparator: ',',
decimalSeparator: '.',
currencySign: '\u00a5',
// Chinese Yuan
dateFormat: 'Y/m/d'
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.view.View", {
override: "Ext.view.View",
emptyText: ""
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.grid.plugin.DragDrop", {
override: "Ext.grid.plugin.DragDrop",
dragText: "選擇了 {0} 行"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.tab.Tab", {
override: "Ext.tab.Tab",
closeText: "關閉此標籤"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.form.field.Base", {
override: "Ext.form.field.Base",
invalidText: "數值不符合欄位規定"
// changing the msg text below will affect the LoadMask
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.view.AbstractView", {
override: "Ext.view.AbstractView",
loadingText: "讀取中..."
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.picker.Date", {
override: "Ext.picker.Date",
todayText: "今天",
minText: "日期必須大於最小容許日期",
maxText: "日期必須小於最大容許日期",
disabledDaysText: "",
disabledDatesText: "",
nextText: "下個月 (Ctrl+右方向鍵)",
prevText: "上個月 (Ctrl+左方向鍵)",
monthYearText: "選擇月份 (Ctrl+上/下方向鍵選擇年份)",
format: "y/m/d",
ariaTitle: '{0}',
ariaTitleDateFormat: 'Y\u5e74m\u6708d\u65e5',
longDayFormat: 'Y\u5e74m\u6708d\u65e5',
monthYearFormat: 'Y\u5e74m\u6708',
getDayInitial: function (value) {
// Grab the last character
return value.substr(value.length - 1);
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.picker.Month", {
override: "Ext.picker.Month",
okText: "确定",
cancelText: "取消"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.toolbar.Paging", {
override: "Ext.PagingToolbar",
beforePageText: "第",
afterPageText: "頁,共{0}頁",
firstText: "第一頁",
prevText: "上一頁",
nextText: "下一頁",
lastText: "最後頁",
refreshText: "重新整理",
displayMsg: "顯示{0} - {1}筆,共{2}筆",
emptyMsg: '沒有任何資料'
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.form.field.Text", {
override: "Ext.form.field.Text",
minLengthText: "此欄位最少要輸入 {0} 個字",
maxLengthText: "此欄位最多輸入 {0} 個字",
blankText: "此欄位為必填",
regexText: "",
emptyText: null
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.form.field.Number", {
override: "Ext.form.field.Number",
minText: "此欄位之數值必須大於 {0}",
maxText: "此欄位之數值必須小於 {0}",
nanText: "{0} 不是合法的數字"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.form.field.Date", {
override: "Ext.form.field.Date",
disabledDaysText: "無法使用",
disabledDatesText: "無法使用",
minText: "此欄位之日期必須在 {0} 之後",
maxText: "此欄位之日期必須在 {0} 之前",
invalidText: "{0} 不是正確的日期格式 - 必須像是 「 {1} 」 這樣的格式",
format: "Y/m/d"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.form.field.ComboBox", {
override: "Ext.form.field.ComboBox",
valueNotFoundText: undefined
}, function() {
Ext.apply(Ext.form.field.ComboBox.prototype.defaultListConfig, {
loadingText: "讀取中 ..."
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.form.field.VTypes", {
override: "Ext.form.field.VTypes",
emailText: '此欄位必須輸入像 "user@example.com" 之E-Mail格式',
urlText: '此欄位必須輸入像 "http:/' + '/www.example.com" 之網址格式',
alphaText: '此欄位僅能輸入半形英文字母及底線( _ )符號',
alphanumText: '此欄位僅能輸入半形英文字母、數字及底線( _ )符號'
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.grid.header.Container", {
override: "Ext.grid.header.Container",
sortAscText: "正向排序",
sortDescText: "反向排序",
lockText: "鎖定欄位",
unlockText: "解開欄位鎖定",
columnsText: "欄位"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.grid.PropertyColumnModel", {
override: "Ext.grid.PropertyColumnModel",
nameText: "名稱",
valueText: "數值",
dateFormat: "Y/m/d"
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.window.MessageBox", {
override: "Ext.window.MessageBox",
buttonText: {
ok: "確定",
cancel: "取消",
yes: "是",
no: "否"
// This is needed until we can refactor all of the locales into individual files
Ext.define("Ext.locale.zh_TW.Component", {
override: "Ext.Component"