Рабочий движок
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
package gorrent
import (
type TorrentStatus struct {
DownloadRate int
UploadRate int
Seeds int
type FileStatus struct {
Name string
Url string
Progress int
Length int
type Engine struct {
fileIdx int
settings *Settings
torrCfg *torrent.ClientConfig
client *torrent.Client
torrent *torrent.Torrent
alive bool
srv *http.Server
srvWg sync.WaitGroup
ctx context.Context
shutdown context.CancelFunc
msgs chan string
status struct {
lastBytesReadData int
lastBytesWrittenData int
downRate int
upRate int
seeds int
func NewEngine(settings *Settings) *Engine {
e := &Engine{
settings: settings,
msgs: make(chan string, 50),
e.ctx, e.shutdown = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
return e
func (o *Engine) IsAlive() bool {
return o.alive
func (o *Engine) StartTorrent(idx int) error {
o.fileIdx = idx
var err error
o.torrCfg = torrent.NewDefaultClientConfig()
o.torrCfg.ListenPort = o.settings.ListenPort
o.torrCfg.DataDir = o.settings.DownloadPath
if o.settings.Proxy != "" {
if u, err := url.Parse(o.settings.Proxy); err != nil {
o.torrCfg.HTTPProxy = func(request *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) { return u, nil }
o.client, err = torrent.NewClient(o.torrCfg)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`create torrent client failed: %s`, err.Error())
o.debug(`got new client for torrent file: %s`, o.settings.TorrentPath)
if o.torrent, err = o.client.AddTorrentFromFile(o.settings.TorrentPath); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf(`add torrent file failed: %s`, err.Error())
o.debug(`added torrent file: %s`, o.settings.TorrentPath)
o.debug(`set max connections: %d`, o.settings.MaxConnections)
o.alive = true
go func() {
t := o.torrent
file := o.torrent.Files()[idx]
firstPieceIndex := file.Offset() * int64(t.NumPieces()) / t.Length()
endPieceIndex := (file.Offset() + file.Length()) * int64(t.NumPieces()) / t.Length()
o.torrent.DownloadPieces(int(firstPieceIndex), int(endPieceIndex))
for i := firstPieceIndex; i <= endPieceIndex*5/100; i++ {
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
defer ticker.Stop()
for {
select {
case <-o.ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
o.debug(`update stats finished. down: %d KB/s up: %d KB/s seeds: %d`, o.status.downRate, o.status.upRate, o.status.seeds)
go func() {
defer o.srvWg.Done()
router := http.NewServeMux()
router.HandleFunc("/", o.GetFileHandler(file))
o.srv = &http.Server{Addr: fmt.Sprintf(`%s:%d`, o.settings.HttpBindHost, o.settings.HttpBindPort), Handler: router}
o.info(`starting http server on port: %d`, o.settings.HttpBindPort)
err = o.srv.ListenAndServe()
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, http.ErrServerClosed) {
o.error(`http listener exit with error: %s`, err.Error())
o.info(`http server stopped successfully`)
return nil
func (o *Engine) updateStats() {
stats := o.torrent.Stats()
if o.status.lastBytesReadData == 0 {
o.status.downRate = 0
} else {
o.status.downRate = (int(stats.BytesReadData.Int64()) - o.status.lastBytesReadData) / 1024
o.status.lastBytesReadData = int(stats.BytesReadData.Int64())
if o.status.lastBytesWrittenData == 0 {
o.status.upRate = 0
} else {
o.status.upRate = (int(stats.BytesWrittenData.Int64()) - o.status.lastBytesWrittenData) / 1024
o.status.lastBytesWrittenData = int(stats.BytesWrittenData.Int64())
o.status.seeds = stats.ConnectedSeeders
func (o *Engine) Status() TorrentStatus {
res := TorrentStatus{}
res.DownloadRate = o.status.downRate
res.UploadRate = o.status.upRate
res.Seeds = o.status.seeds
return res
func (o *Engine) FileStatus(i int) (FileStatus, error) {
fs := FileStatus{}
if i < 0 || i > len(o.torrent.Files())-1 {
return fs, fmt.Errorf(`file index out of range: %d`, i)
file := o.torrent.Files()[i]
pathParts := strings.Split(file.DisplayPath(), `/`)
fs.Name = file.DisplayPath()
for idx := range pathParts {
pathParts[idx] = url.QueryEscape(pathParts[idx])
fs.Url = fmt.Sprintf(`http://%s:%d/files/%s`, o.settings.HttpBindHost, o.settings.HttpBindPort, strings.Join(pathParts, `/`))
fs.Progress = int(float64(file.BytesCompleted()) / float64(file.Length()) * 100.0)
fs.Length = int(file.Length())
return fs, nil
func (o *Engine) Stop() {
go func() {
httpCtx, cancelHttp := context.WithTimeout(o.ctx, time.Second*5)
defer cancelHttp()
if err := o.srv.Shutdown(httpCtx); err != nil {
o.error(`shutting down http server failed: %s`, err.Error())
o.syncDebug(`dropping torrent`)
o.syncDebug(`closing client`)
if !o.settings.KeepFiles {
o.syncDebug(`torrent engine stopped`)
o.alive = false
func (o *Engine) GetMsg() string {
select {
case msg, ok := <-o.msgs:
if ok {
return msg
} else {
return "__CLOSED__"
return "__NO_MSG__"
func (o *Engine) debug(tmpl string, args ...interface{}) {
go o.syncDebug(tmpl, args...)
func (o *Engine) info(tmpl string, args ...interface{}) {
go o.syncInfo(tmpl, args...)
func (o *Engine) error(tmpl string, args ...interface{}) {
go o.syncError(tmpl, args...)
func (o *Engine) syncError(t string, a ...interface{}) {
defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
fmt.Printf("recovered from panic: %v\n", rec)
var result string
if len(a) > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(t, a...)
} else {
result = t
o.msgs <- fmt.Sprintf(`[ERROR] %s`, result)
func (o *Engine) syncDebug(t string, a ...interface{}) {
if o.settings.Debug {
defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
fmt.Printf("recovered from panic: %v\n", rec)
var result string
if len(a) > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(t, a...)
} else {
result = t
o.msgs <- fmt.Sprintf(`[DEBUG] %s`, result)
func (o *Engine) syncInfo(t string, a ...interface{}) {
defer func() {
if rec := recover(); rec != nil {
fmt.Printf("recovered from panic: %v\n", rec)
var result string
if len(a) > 0 {
result = fmt.Sprintf(t, a...)
} else {
result = t
o.msgs <- fmt.Sprintf(`[INFO] %s`, result)
func (o *Engine) GetFileHandler(target *torrent.File) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request) {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
entry := target.NewReader()
entry.SetReadahead(target.Length() / 100)
defer func() {
if err := entry.Close(); err != nil {
o.error(`close torrent file in file handler failed: %s`, err.Error())
pathParts := strings.Split(target.DisplayPath(), `/`)
w.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\""+pathParts[len(pathParts)-1]+"\"")
http.ServeContent(w, r, target.DisplayPath(), time.Now(), entry)
func (o *Engine) Clean() {
fp := path.Join(o.settings.DownloadPath, o.torrent.Name())
if err := os.RemoveAll(fp); err != nil {
o.syncError(`remove downloaded data failed: %s`, err.Error())
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module gorrent
go 1.17
require (
github.com/RoaringBitmap/roaring v0.9.4
github.com/anacrolix/dht/v2 v2.15.2-0.20220123034220-0538803801cb
github.com/anacrolix/log v0.10.1-0.20220123034749-3920702c17f8
github.com/anacrolix/torrent v1.41.0
github.com/go-python/gopy v0.4.0
golang.org/x/net v0.0.0-20220127200216-cd36cc0744dd
golang.org/x/time v0.0.0-20210723032227-1f47c861a9ac
require (
github.com/anacrolix/chansync v0.3.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/confluence v1.9.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/envpprof v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/go-libutp v1.2.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/missinggo v1.3.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/perf v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/missinggo/v2 v2.5.2 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/mmsg v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/multiless v0.2.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/stm v0.3.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/sync v0.4.0 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/upnp v0.1.3-0.20220123035249-922794e51c96 // indirect
github.com/anacrolix/utp v0.1.0 // indirect
github.com/benbjohnson/immutable v0.3.0 // indirect
github.com/bits-and-blooms/bitset v1.2.0 // indirect
github.com/bradfitz/iter v0.0.0-20191230175014-e8f45d346db8 // indirect
github.com/davecgh/go-spew v1.1.1 // indirect
github.com/dustin/go-humanize v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/edsrzf/mmap-go v1.0.0 // indirect
github.com/google/btree v1.0.1 // indirect
github.com/google/uuid v1.3.0 // indirect
github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.4.2 // indirect
github.com/huandu/xstrings v1.3.2 // indirect
github.com/mattn/go-isatty v0.0.12 // indirect
github.com/mschoch/smat v0.2.0 // indirect
github.com/pion/datachannel v1.5.2 // indirect
github.com/pion/dtls/v2 v2.1.2 // indirect
github.com/pion/ice/v2 v2.1.20 // indirect
github.com/pion/interceptor v0.1.7 // indirect
github.com/pion/logging v0.2.2 // indirect
github.com/pion/mdns v0.0.5 // indirect
github.com/pion/randutil v0.1.0 // indirect
github.com/pion/rtcp v1.2.9 // indirect
github.com/pion/rtp v1.7.4 // indirect
github.com/pion/sctp v1.8.2 // indirect
github.com/pion/sdp/v3 v3.0.4 // indirect
github.com/pion/srtp/v2 v2.0.5 // indirect
github.com/pion/stun v0.3.5 // indirect
github.com/pion/transport v0.13.0 // indirect
github.com/pion/turn/v2 v2.0.6 // indirect
github.com/pion/udp v0.1.1 // indirect
github.com/pion/webrtc/v3 v3.1.24-0.20220208053747-94262c1b2b38 // indirect
github.com/pkg/errors v0.9.1 // indirect
github.com/remyoudompheng/bigfft v0.0.0-20200410134404-eec4a21b6bb0 // indirect
github.com/rs/dnscache v0.0.0-20210201191234-295bba877686 // indirect
go.etcd.io/bbolt v1.3.6 // indirect
golang.org/x/crypto v0.0.0-20220131195533-30dcbda58838 // indirect
golang.org/x/sync v0.0.0-20210220032951-036812b2e83c // indirect
golang.org/x/sys v0.0.0-20211216021012-1d35b9e2eb4e // indirect
golang.org/x/xerrors v0.0.0-20200804184101-5ec99f83aff1 // indirect
modernc.org/libc v1.11.82 // indirect
modernc.org/mathutil v1.4.1 // indirect
modernc.org/memory v1.0.5 // indirect
modernc.org/sqlite v1.14.2-0.20211125151325-d4ed92c0a70f // indirect
zombiezen.com/go/sqlite v0.8.0 // indirect
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
package gorrent
var version = `1.0.0`
func GetMetaFromFile(path string) (*Info, error) {
info := &Info{}
if err := info.LoadFile(path); err != nil {
return info, err
return info, nil
func Version() string {
return version
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package gorrent
import (
type FileInfo struct {
Length int64
Path []string
PathUTF8 []string
type Info struct {
Name string
Length int64
Source string
Files []*FileInfo
func (o *Info) LoadFile(path string) error {
meta, err := metainfo.LoadFromFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
i, err := meta.UnmarshalInfo()
o.Name = i.Name
o.Length = i.Length
o.Source = i.Source
for _, fi := range i.Files {
o.Files = append(o.Files, &FileInfo{
Length: fi.Length,
Path: fi.Path,
PathUTF8: fi.PathUTF8,
return err
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
# Makefile for python interface for package gorrent.
# File is generated by gopy. Do not edit.
# gopy gen --output=py/gorrent gorrent
GOBUILD=$(GOCMD) build -mod=mod
# get the CC and flags used to build python:
GCC = $(shell $(GOCMD) env CC)
CFLAGS = $(shell python3-config --includes)
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib64 $(BOOST_ROOT)/stage/lib/libboost_python*.a -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -lm
all: build
# build target builds the generated files -- this is what gopy build does..
# this will otherwise be built during go build and may be out of date
- rm gorrent.c
# goimports is needed to ensure that the imports list is valid
$(GOIMPORTS) -w gorrent.go
# generate gorrent_go$(LIBEXT) from gorrent.go -- the cgo wrappers to go functions
$(GOBUILD) -buildmode=c-archive -o gorrent_go.a gorrent.go
# use pybindgen to build the gorrent.c file which are the CPython wrappers to cgo wrappers..
# note: pip install pybindgen to get pybindgen if this fails
$(PYTHON) build.py
# build the _gorrent$(LIBEXT) library that contains the cgo and CPython wrappers
# generated gorrent.py python wrapper imports this c-code package
$(GCC) gorrent.c gorrent_go.a -o _gorrent$(LIBEXT) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -fPIC --shared -w
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
# python build stubs for package gorrent
# File is generated by gopy. Do not edit.
# gopy gen --output=py/gorrent gorrent
from pybindgen import retval, param, Function, Module
import sys
class CheckedFunction(Function):
def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
super(CheckedFunction, self).__init__(*a, **kw)
self._failure_expression = kw.get('failure_expression', '')
self._failure_cleanup = kw.get('failure_cleanup', '')
def set_failure_expression(self, expr):
self._failure_expression = expr
def set_failure_cleanup(self, expr):
self._failure_cleanup = expr
def generate_call(self):
super(CheckedFunction, self).generate_call()
check = "PyErr_Occurred()"
if self._failure_expression:
check = "{} && {}".format(self._failure_expression, check)
failure_cleanup = self._failure_cleanup or None
self.before_call.write_error_check(check, failure_cleanup)
def add_checked_function(mod, name, retval, params, failure_expression='', *a, **kw):
fn = CheckedFunction(name, retval, params, *a, **kw)
return fn
def add_checked_string_function(mod, name, retval, params, failure_expression='', *a, **kw):
fn = CheckedFunction(name, retval, params, *a, **kw)
fn.set_failure_cleanup('if (retval != NULL) free(retval);')
return fn
mod = Module('_gorrent')
mod.add_function('GoPyInit', None, [])
mod.add_function('DecRef', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('IncRef', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('NumHandles', retval('int'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_bool_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_bool_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_bool_elem', retval('bool'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_bool_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_bool_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('bool', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_bool_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('bool', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_byte_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_byte_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_byte_elem', retval('uint8_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_byte_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_byte_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('uint8_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_byte_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('uint8_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float32_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_float32_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float32_elem', retval('float'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float32_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float32_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('float', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float32_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('float', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float64_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_float64_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float64_elem', retval('double'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float64_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float64_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('double', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_float64_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('double', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_int_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int_elem', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int16_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_int16_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int16_elem', retval('int16_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int16_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int16_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int16_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int16_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int16_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int32_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_int32_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int32_elem', retval('int32_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int32_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int32_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int32_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int32_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int32_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int64_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_int64_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int64_elem', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int64_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int64_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int64_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int8_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_int8_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int8_elem', retval('int8_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int8_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int8_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int8_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_int8_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int8_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_rune_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_rune_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_rune_elem', retval('int32_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_rune_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_rune_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int32_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_rune_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int32_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_string_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_string_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_string_elem', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_string_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_string_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('char*', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_string_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint_elem', retval('uint64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('uint64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('uint64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint16_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint16_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint16_elem', retval('uint16_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint16_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint16_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('uint16_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint16_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('uint16_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint32_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint32_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint32_elem', retval('uint32_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint32_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint32_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('uint32_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint32_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('uint32_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint64_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint64_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint64_elem', retval('uint64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint64_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint64_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('uint64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint64_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('uint64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint8_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint8_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint8_elem', retval('uint8_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint8_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint8_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('uint8_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_uint8_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('uint8_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_len', retval('int'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_elem', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx')])
mod.add_function('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_subslice', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'st'), param('int', 'ed')])
mod.add_function('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int', 'idx'), param('int64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_append', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'value')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Name_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Name_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Length_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Length_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Source_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Source_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Files_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Info_Files_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Info_LoadFile', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', '_handle'), param('char*', 'path')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Get', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('char*', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Get', retval('bool'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('bool', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_Debug_Get', retval('bool'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Settings_Debug_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('bool', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_Engine_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_IsAlive', retval('bool'), [param('int64_t', '_handle')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_StartTorrent', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', '_handle'), param('int64_t', 'idx')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_Status', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', '_handle')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_FileStatus', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', '_handle'), param('int64_t', 'i')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_Stop', None, [param('int64_t', '_handle'), param('bool', 'goRun')])
add_checked_string_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_GetMsg', retval('char*'), [param('int64_t', '_handle')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_Engine_Clean', None, [param('int64_t', '_handle'), param('bool', 'goRun')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_CTor', retval('int64_t'), [])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Get', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'handle')])
mod.add_function('gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Set', None, [param('int64_t', 'handle'), param('int64_t', 'val')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_GetMetaFromFile', retval('int64_t'), [param('char*', 'path')])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_NewSettings', retval('int64_t'), [])
add_checked_function(mod, 'gorrent_NewEngine', retval('int64_t'), [param('int64_t', 'settings')])
add_checked_string_function(mod, 'gorrent_Version', retval('char*'), [])
mod.generate(open('gorrent.c', 'w'))
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,723 @@
# python wrapper for package gorrent within overall package gorrent
# This is what you import to use the package.
# File is generated by gopy. Do not edit.
# gopy gen --output=py/gorrent gorrent
# the following is required to enable dlopen to open the _go.so file
import os,sys,inspect,collections
import collections.abc as _collections_abc
except ImportError:
_collections_abc = collections
cwd = os.getcwd()
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))
from . import _gorrent
from . import go
# to use this code in your end-user python file, import it as follows:
# from gorrent import gorrent
# and then refer to everything using gorrent. prefix
# packages imported by this package listed below:
# ---- Types ---
# Python type for slice []*gorrent.FileInfo
class Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameter is a python list that we copy from
self.index = 0
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_CTor()
if len(args) > 0:
if not isinstance(args[0], _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo.__init__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in args[0]:
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
s = 'gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo len: ' + str(len(self)) + ' handle: ' + str(self.handle) + ' ['
if len(self) < 120:
s += ', '.join(map(str, self)) + ']'
return s
def __repr__(self):
return 'gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo([' + ', '.join(map(str, self)) + '])'
def __len__(self):
return _gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_len(self.handle)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, slice):
if key.step == None or key.step == 1:
st = key.start
ed = key.stop
if st == None:
st = 0
if ed == None:
ed = _gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_len(self.handle)
return Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle=_gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_subslice(self.handle, st, ed))
return [self[ii] for ii in range(*key.indices(len(self)))]
elif isinstance(key, int):
if key < 0:
key += len(self)
if key < 0 or key >= len(self):
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
return FileInfo(handle=_gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_elem(self.handle, key))
raise TypeError('slice index invalid type')
def __setitem__(self, idx, value):
if idx < 0:
idx += len(self)
if idx < len(self):
_gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_set(self.handle, idx, value.handle)
raise IndexError('slice index out of range')
def __iadd__(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, _collections_abc.Iterable):
raise TypeError('Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo.__iadd__ takes a sequence as argument')
for elt in value:
return self
def __iter__(self):
self.index = 0
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.index < len(self):
rv = _gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_elem(self.handle, self.index)
self.index = self.index + 1
return rv
raise StopIteration
def append(self, value):
_gorrent.Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_append(self.handle, value.handle)
def copy(self, src):
""" copy emulates the go copy function, copying elements into this list from source list, up to min of size of each list """
mx = min(len(self), len(src))
for i in range(mx):
self[i] = src[i]
#---- Enums from Go (collections of consts with same type) ---
#---- Constants from Go: Python can only ask that you please don't change these! ---
# ---- Global Variables: can only use functions to access ---
# ---- Interfaces ---
# ---- Structs ---
# Python type for struct gorrent.FileStatus
class FileStatus(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Name = args[0]
if "Name" in kwargs:
self.Name = kwargs["Name"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Url = args[1]
if "Url" in kwargs:
self.Url = kwargs["Url"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Progress = args[2]
if "Progress" in kwargs:
self.Progress = kwargs["Progress"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.Length = args[3]
if "Length" in kwargs:
self.Length = kwargs["Length"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.FileStatus{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.FileStatus ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Name(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Get(self.handle)
def Name(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Set(self.handle, value)
def Url(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Get(self.handle)
def Url(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Set(self.handle, value)
def Progress(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Get(self.handle)
def Progress(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Set(self.handle, value)
def Length(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Get(self.handle)
def Length(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct gorrent.Info
class Info(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.gorrent_Info_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Name = args[0]
if "Name" in kwargs:
self.Name = kwargs["Name"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Length = args[1]
if "Length" in kwargs:
self.Length = kwargs["Length"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Source = args[2]
if "Source" in kwargs:
self.Source = kwargs["Source"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.Files = args[3]
if "Files" in kwargs:
self.Files = kwargs["Files"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.Info{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.Info ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Name(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Info_Name_Get(self.handle)
def Name(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Name_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Name_Set(self.handle, value)
def Length(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Info_Length_Get(self.handle)
def Length(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Length_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Length_Set(self.handle, value)
def Source(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Info_Source_Get(self.handle)
def Source(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Source_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Source_Set(self.handle, value)
def Files(self):
return Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Files_Get(self.handle))
def Files(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Info_Files_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def LoadFile(self, path):
"""LoadFile(str path) str"""
return _gorrent.gorrent_Info_LoadFile(self.handle, path)
# Python type for struct gorrent.Settings
class Settings(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.DownloadPath = args[0]
if "DownloadPath" in kwargs:
self.DownloadPath = kwargs["DownloadPath"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.HttpBindHost = args[1]
if "HttpBindHost" in kwargs:
self.HttpBindHost = kwargs["HttpBindHost"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.HttpBindPort = args[2]
if "HttpBindPort" in kwargs:
self.HttpBindPort = kwargs["HttpBindPort"]
if 3 < len(args):
self.ListenPort = args[3]
if "ListenPort" in kwargs:
self.ListenPort = kwargs["ListenPort"]
if 4 < len(args):
self.MaxConnections = args[4]
if "MaxConnections" in kwargs:
self.MaxConnections = kwargs["MaxConnections"]
if 5 < len(args):
self.TorrentPath = args[5]
if "TorrentPath" in kwargs:
self.TorrentPath = kwargs["TorrentPath"]
if 6 < len(args):
self.Proxy = args[6]
if "Proxy" in kwargs:
self.Proxy = kwargs["Proxy"]
if 7 < len(args):
self.KeepFiles = args[7]
if "KeepFiles" in kwargs:
self.KeepFiles = kwargs["KeepFiles"]
if 8 < len(args):
self.Debug = args[8]
if "Debug" in kwargs:
self.Debug = kwargs["Debug"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.Settings{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.Settings ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def DownloadPath(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Get(self.handle)
def DownloadPath(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Set(self.handle, value)
def HttpBindHost(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Get(self.handle)
def HttpBindHost(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Set(self.handle, value)
def HttpBindPort(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Get(self.handle)
def HttpBindPort(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Set(self.handle, value)
def ListenPort(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Get(self.handle)
def ListenPort(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Set(self.handle, value)
def MaxConnections(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Get(self.handle)
def MaxConnections(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Set(self.handle, value)
def TorrentPath(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Get(self.handle)
def TorrentPath(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Set(self.handle, value)
def Proxy(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Get(self.handle)
def Proxy(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Set(self.handle, value)
def KeepFiles(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Get(self.handle)
def KeepFiles(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Set(self.handle, value)
def Debug(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_Settings_Debug_Get(self.handle)
def Debug(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_Debug_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_Settings_Debug_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct gorrent.TorrentStatus
class TorrentStatus(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.DownloadRate = args[0]
if "DownloadRate" in kwargs:
self.DownloadRate = kwargs["DownloadRate"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.UploadRate = args[1]
if "UploadRate" in kwargs:
self.UploadRate = kwargs["UploadRate"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.Seeds = args[2]
if "Seeds" in kwargs:
self.Seeds = kwargs["Seeds"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.TorrentStatus{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.TorrentStatus ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def DownloadRate(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Get(self.handle)
def DownloadRate(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Set(self.handle, value)
def UploadRate(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Get(self.handle)
def UploadRate(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Set(self.handle, value)
def Seeds(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Get(self.handle)
def Seeds(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Set(self.handle, value)
# Python type for struct gorrent.Engine
class Engine(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.gorrent_Engine_CTor()
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.Engine{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.Engine ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def IsAlive(self):
"""IsAlive() bool"""
return _gorrent.gorrent_Engine_IsAlive(self.handle)
def StartTorrent(self, idx):
"""StartTorrent(int idx) str"""
return _gorrent.gorrent_Engine_StartTorrent(self.handle, idx)
def Status(self):
"""Status() object"""
return TorrentStatus(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_Engine_Status(self.handle))
def FileStatus(self, i):
"""FileStatus(int i) object, str"""
return FileStatus(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_Engine_FileStatus(self.handle, i))
def Stop(self, goRun=False):
"""Stop() """
_gorrent.gorrent_Engine_Stop(self.handle, goRun)
def GetMsg(self):
"""GetMsg() str"""
return _gorrent.gorrent_Engine_GetMsg(self.handle)
def Clean(self, goRun=False):
"""Clean() """
_gorrent.gorrent_Engine_Clean(self.handle, goRun)
# Python type for struct gorrent.FileInfo
class FileInfo(go.GoClass):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
handle=A Go-side object is always initialized with an explicit handle=arg
otherwise parameters can be unnamed in order of field names or named fields
in which case a new Go object is constructed first
if len(kwargs) == 1 and 'handle' in kwargs:
self.handle = kwargs['handle']
elif len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], go.GoClass):
self.handle = args[0].handle
self.handle = _gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_CTor()
if 0 < len(args):
self.Length = args[0]
if "Length" in kwargs:
self.Length = kwargs["Length"]
if 1 < len(args):
self.Path = args[1]
if "Path" in kwargs:
self.Path = kwargs["Path"]
if 2 < len(args):
self.PathUTF8 = args[2]
if "PathUTF8" in kwargs:
self.PathUTF8 = kwargs["PathUTF8"]
def __del__(self):
def __str__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.FileInfo{'
first = True
for v in pr:
if callable(v[1]):
if first:
first = False
sv += ', '
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1])
return sv + '}'
def __repr__(self):
pr = [(p, getattr(self, p)) for p in dir(self) if not p.startswith('__')]
sv = 'gorrent.FileInfo ( '
for v in pr:
if not callable(v[1]):
sv += v[0] + '=' + str(v[1]) + ', '
return sv + ')'
def Length(self):
return _gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Get(self.handle)
def Length(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
_gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Set(self.handle, value)
def Path(self):
return go.Slice_string(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Get(self.handle))
def Path(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
def PathUTF8(self):
return go.Slice_string(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Get(self.handle))
def PathUTF8(self, value):
if isinstance(value, go.GoClass):
_gorrent.gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Set(self.handle, value.handle)
raise TypeError("supplied argument type {t} is not a go.GoClass".format(t=type(value)))
# ---- Slices ---
# ---- Maps ---
# ---- Constructors ---
def GetMetaFromFile(path):
"""GetMetaFromFile(str path) object, str"""
return Info(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_GetMetaFromFile(path))
def NewSettings():
"""NewSettings() object"""
return Settings(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_NewSettings())
def NewEngine(settings):
"""NewEngine(object settings) object"""
return Engine(handle=_gorrent.gorrent_NewEngine(settings.handle))
# ---- Functions ---
def Version():
"""Version() str"""
return _gorrent.gorrent_Version()
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
package gorrent
type Settings struct {
DownloadPath string
HttpBindHost string
HttpBindPort int
ListenPort int
MaxConnections int
TorrentPath string
Proxy string
KeepFiles bool
Debug bool
func NewSettings() *Settings {
return &Settings{}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user