# Makefile for python interface for package gorrent.
# File is generated by gopy. Do not edit.
# gopy gen --output=py/gorrent gorrent

GOBUILD=$(GOCMD) build -mod=mod
PYTHON=env python3

# get the CC and flags used to build python:
GCC = $(shell $(GOCMD) env CC)
CFLAGS = $(shell python3-config --includes)
LDFLAGS = -L/usr/lib64 $(BOOST_ROOT)/stage/lib/libboost_python*.a -lpthread -ldl  -lutil -lm -lm

all: build

	# build target builds the generated files -- this is what gopy build does..
	# this will otherwise be built during go build and may be out of date
	- rm -f gorrent.c
	# goimports is needed to ensure that the imports list is valid
	$(GOIMPORTS) -w gorrent.go
	# generate gorrent_go$(LIBEXT) from gorrent.go -- the cgo wrappers to go functions
	$(GOBUILD) -buildmode=c-archive -o gorrent_go.a gorrent.go
	# use pybindgen to build the gorrent.c file which are the CPython wrappers to cgo wrappers..
	# note: pip install pybindgen to get pybindgen if this fails
	$(PYTHON) build.py
	# build the _gorrent$(LIBEXT) library that contains the cgo and CPython wrappers
	# generated gorrent.py python wrapper imports this c-code package
	$(GCC) gorrent.c  gorrent_go.a -o _gorrent$(LIBEXT) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -fPIC --shared -w