
1711 lines
47 KiB

cgo stubs for package gorrent.
File is generated by gopy. Do not edit.
gopy gen --output=py/gorrent gorrent
package main
#cgo CFLAGS: -I/usr/include/python3.9 -Wno-error -Wno-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-int-conversion
#cgo LDFLAGS: -L/usr/lib64 -lpython3.9 -lpthread -ldl -lutil -lm -lm
// #define Py_LIMITED_API // need full API for PyRun*
#include <Python.h>
typedef uint8_t bool;
// static inline is trick for avoiding need for extra .c file
// the following are used for build value -- switch on reflect.Kind
// or the types equivalent
static inline PyObject* gopy_build_bool(uint8_t val) {
return Py_BuildValue("b", val);
static inline PyObject* gopy_build_int64(int64_t val) {
return Py_BuildValue("k", val);
static inline PyObject* gopy_build_uint64(uint64_t val) {
return Py_BuildValue("K", val);
static inline PyObject* gopy_build_float64(double val) {
return Py_BuildValue("d", val);
static inline PyObject* gopy_build_string(const char* val) {
return Py_BuildValue("s", val);
static inline void gopy_decref(PyObject* obj) { // macro
static inline void gopy_incref(PyObject* obj) { // macro
static inline int gopy_method_check(PyObject* obj) { // macro
return PyMethod_Check(obj);
static inline void gopy_err_handle() {
if(PyErr_Occurred() != NULL) {
import "C"
import (
"github.com/go-python/gopy/gopyh" // handler
// main doesn't do anything in lib / pkg mode, but is essential for exe mode
func main() {
// initialization functions -- can be called from python after library is loaded
// GoPyInitRunFile runs a separate python file -- call in GoPyInit if it
// steals the main thread e.g., for GUI event loop, as in GoGi startup.
//export GoPyInit
func GoPyInit() {
// type for the handle -- int64 for speed (can switch to string)
type GoHandle int64
type CGoHandle C.longlong
// DecRef decrements the reference count for the specified handle
// and deletes it it goes to zero.
//export DecRef
func DecRef(handle CGoHandle) {
// IncRef increments the reference count for the specified handle.
//export IncRef
func IncRef(handle CGoHandle) {
// NumHandles returns the number of handles currently in use.
//export NumHandles
func NumHandles() int {
return gopyh.NumHandles()
// boolGoToPy converts a Go bool to python-compatible C.char
func boolGoToPy(b bool) C.char {
if b {
return 1
return 0
// boolPyToGo converts a python-compatible C.Char to Go bool
func boolPyToGo(b C.char) bool {
if b != 0 {
return true
return false
func complex64GoToPy(c complex64) *C.PyObject {
return C.PyComplex_FromDoubles(C.double(real(c)), C.double(imag(c)))
func complex64PyToGo(o *C.PyObject) complex64 {
v := C.PyComplex_AsCComplex(o)
return complex(float32(v.real), float32(v.imag))
func complex128GoToPy(c complex128) *C.PyObject {
return C.PyComplex_FromDoubles(C.double(real(c)), C.double(imag(c)))
func complex128PyToGo(o *C.PyObject) complex128 {
v := C.PyComplex_AsCComplex(o)
return complex(float64(v.real), float64(v.imag))
// --- generated code for package: gorrent below: ---
// ---- External Types Outside of Targeted Packages ---
// ---- Package: go ---
// ---- Types ---
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []bool
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(h CGoHandle) *[]bool {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]bool")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]bool)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(h CGoHandle) []bool {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_bool(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]bool", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []bool ---
//export Slice_bool_CTor
func Slice_bool_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_bool(&[]bool{}))
//export Slice_bool_len
func Slice_bool_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(handle))
//export Slice_bool_elem
func Slice_bool_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.char {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(handle)
return boolGoToPy(s[_idx])
//export Slice_bool_subslice
func Slice_bool_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_bool(&ss))
//export Slice_bool_set
func Slice_bool_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.char) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(handle)
s[_idx] = boolPyToGo(_vl)
//export Slice_bool_append
func Slice_bool_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.char) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_bool(handle)
*s = append(*s, boolPyToGo(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []byte
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(h CGoHandle) *[]byte {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]byte")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]byte)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(h CGoHandle) []byte {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_byte(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]byte", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []byte ---
//export Slice_byte_CTor
func Slice_byte_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_byte(&[]byte{}))
//export Slice_byte_len
func Slice_byte_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(handle))
//export Slice_byte_elem
func Slice_byte_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.char {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(handle)
return C.char(s[_idx])
//export Slice_byte_subslice
func Slice_byte_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_byte(&ss))
//export Slice_byte_set
func Slice_byte_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.char) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(handle)
s[_idx] = byte(_vl)
//export Slice_byte_append
func Slice_byte_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.char) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_byte(handle)
*s = append(*s, byte(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []float32
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(h CGoHandle) *[]float32 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]float32")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]float32)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(h CGoHandle) []float32 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_float32(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]float32", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []float32 ---
//export Slice_float32_CTor
func Slice_float32_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_float32(&[]float32{}))
//export Slice_float32_len
func Slice_float32_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(handle))
//export Slice_float32_elem
func Slice_float32_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.float {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(handle)
return C.float(s[_idx])
//export Slice_float32_subslice
func Slice_float32_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_float32(&ss))
//export Slice_float32_set
func Slice_float32_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.float) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(handle)
s[_idx] = float32(_vl)
//export Slice_float32_append
func Slice_float32_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.float) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_float32(handle)
*s = append(*s, float32(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []float64
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(h CGoHandle) *[]float64 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]float64")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]float64)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(h CGoHandle) []float64 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_float64(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]float64", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []float64 ---
//export Slice_float64_CTor
func Slice_float64_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_float64(&[]float64{}))
//export Slice_float64_len
func Slice_float64_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(handle))
//export Slice_float64_elem
func Slice_float64_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.double {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(handle)
return C.double(s[_idx])
//export Slice_float64_subslice
func Slice_float64_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_float64(&ss))
//export Slice_float64_set
func Slice_float64_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.double) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(handle)
s[_idx] = float64(_vl)
//export Slice_float64_append
func Slice_float64_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.double) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_float64(handle)
*s = append(*s, float64(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []int
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_int(h CGoHandle) *[]int {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]int")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]int)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_int(h CGoHandle) []int {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_int(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]int", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []int ---
//export Slice_int_CTor
func Slice_int_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int(&[]int{}))
//export Slice_int_len
func Slice_int_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_int(handle))
//export Slice_int_elem
func Slice_int_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.longlong {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int(handle)
return C.longlong(s[_idx])
//export Slice_int_subslice
func Slice_int_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int(&ss))
//export Slice_int_set
func Slice_int_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.longlong) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int(handle)
s[_idx] = int(_vl)
//export Slice_int_append
func Slice_int_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.longlong) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int(handle)
*s = append(*s, int(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []int16
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(h CGoHandle) *[]int16 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]int16")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]int16)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(h CGoHandle) []int16 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_int16(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]int16", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []int16 ---
//export Slice_int16_CTor
func Slice_int16_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int16(&[]int16{}))
//export Slice_int16_len
func Slice_int16_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(handle))
//export Slice_int16_elem
func Slice_int16_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.short {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(handle)
return C.short(s[_idx])
//export Slice_int16_subslice
func Slice_int16_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int16(&ss))
//export Slice_int16_set
func Slice_int16_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.short) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(handle)
s[_idx] = int16(_vl)
//export Slice_int16_append
func Slice_int16_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.short) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int16(handle)
*s = append(*s, int16(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []int32
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(h CGoHandle) *[]int32 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]int32")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]int32)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(h CGoHandle) []int32 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_int32(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]int32", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []int32 ---
//export Slice_int32_CTor
func Slice_int32_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int32(&[]int32{}))
//export Slice_int32_len
func Slice_int32_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(handle))
//export Slice_int32_elem
func Slice_int32_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.long {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(handle)
return C.long(s[_idx])
//export Slice_int32_subslice
func Slice_int32_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int32(&ss))
//export Slice_int32_set
func Slice_int32_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.long) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(handle)
s[_idx] = int32(_vl)
//export Slice_int32_append
func Slice_int32_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.long) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int32(handle)
*s = append(*s, int32(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []int64
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(h CGoHandle) *[]int64 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]int64")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]int64)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(h CGoHandle) []int64 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_int64(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]int64", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []int64 ---
//export Slice_int64_CTor
func Slice_int64_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int64(&[]int64{}))
//export Slice_int64_len
func Slice_int64_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(handle))
//export Slice_int64_elem
func Slice_int64_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.longlong {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(handle)
return C.longlong(s[_idx])
//export Slice_int64_subslice
func Slice_int64_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int64(&ss))
//export Slice_int64_set
func Slice_int64_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.longlong) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(handle)
s[_idx] = int64(_vl)
//export Slice_int64_append
func Slice_int64_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.longlong) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int64(handle)
*s = append(*s, int64(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []int8
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(h CGoHandle) *[]int8 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]int8")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]int8)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(h CGoHandle) []int8 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_int8(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]int8", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []int8 ---
//export Slice_int8_CTor
func Slice_int8_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int8(&[]int8{}))
//export Slice_int8_len
func Slice_int8_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(handle))
//export Slice_int8_elem
func Slice_int8_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.char {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(handle)
return C.char(s[_idx])
//export Slice_int8_subslice
func Slice_int8_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_int8(&ss))
//export Slice_int8_set
func Slice_int8_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.char) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(handle)
s[_idx] = int8(_vl)
//export Slice_int8_append
func Slice_int8_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.char) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_int8(handle)
*s = append(*s, int8(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []rune
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(h CGoHandle) *[]rune {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]rune")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]rune)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(h CGoHandle) []rune {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_rune(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]rune", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []rune ---
//export Slice_rune_CTor
func Slice_rune_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_rune(&[]rune{}))
//export Slice_rune_len
func Slice_rune_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(handle))
//export Slice_rune_elem
func Slice_rune_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.long {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(handle)
return C.long(s[_idx])
//export Slice_rune_subslice
func Slice_rune_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_rune(&ss))
//export Slice_rune_set
func Slice_rune_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.long) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(handle)
s[_idx] = rune(_vl)
//export Slice_rune_append
func Slice_rune_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.long) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_rune(handle)
*s = append(*s, rune(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []string
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_string(h CGoHandle) *[]string {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]string")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]string)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(h CGoHandle) []string {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_string(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_string(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]string", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []string ---
//export Slice_string_CTor
func Slice_string_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_string(&[]string{}))
//export Slice_string_len
func Slice_string_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(handle))
//export Slice_string_elem
func Slice_string_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) *C.char {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(handle)
return C.CString(s[_idx])
//export Slice_string_subslice
func Slice_string_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_string(&ss))
//export Slice_string_set
func Slice_string_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl *C.char) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(handle)
s[_idx] = C.GoString(_vl)
//export Slice_string_append
func Slice_string_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl *C.char) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_string(handle)
*s = append(*s, C.GoString(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []uint
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(h CGoHandle) *[]uint {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]uint")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]uint)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(h CGoHandle) []uint {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_uint(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]uint", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []uint ---
//export Slice_uint_CTor
func Slice_uint_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint(&[]uint{}))
//export Slice_uint_len
func Slice_uint_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(handle))
//export Slice_uint_elem
func Slice_uint_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.ulonglong {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(handle)
return C.ulonglong(s[_idx])
//export Slice_uint_subslice
func Slice_uint_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint(&ss))
//export Slice_uint_set
func Slice_uint_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.ulonglong) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(handle)
s[_idx] = uint(_vl)
//export Slice_uint_append
func Slice_uint_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.ulonglong) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint(handle)
*s = append(*s, uint(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []uint16
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(h CGoHandle) *[]uint16 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]uint16")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]uint16)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(h CGoHandle) []uint16 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_uint16(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]uint16", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []uint16 ---
//export Slice_uint16_CTor
func Slice_uint16_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint16(&[]uint16{}))
//export Slice_uint16_len
func Slice_uint16_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(handle))
//export Slice_uint16_elem
func Slice_uint16_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.ushort {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(handle)
return C.ushort(s[_idx])
//export Slice_uint16_subslice
func Slice_uint16_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint16(&ss))
//export Slice_uint16_set
func Slice_uint16_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.ushort) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(handle)
s[_idx] = uint16(_vl)
//export Slice_uint16_append
func Slice_uint16_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.ushort) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint16(handle)
*s = append(*s, uint16(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []uint32
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(h CGoHandle) *[]uint32 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]uint32")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]uint32)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(h CGoHandle) []uint32 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_uint32(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]uint32", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []uint32 ---
//export Slice_uint32_CTor
func Slice_uint32_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint32(&[]uint32{}))
//export Slice_uint32_len
func Slice_uint32_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(handle))
//export Slice_uint32_elem
func Slice_uint32_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.ulong {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(handle)
return C.ulong(s[_idx])
//export Slice_uint32_subslice
func Slice_uint32_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint32(&ss))
//export Slice_uint32_set
func Slice_uint32_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.ulong) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(handle)
s[_idx] = uint32(_vl)
//export Slice_uint32_append
func Slice_uint32_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.ulong) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint32(handle)
*s = append(*s, uint32(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []uint64
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(h CGoHandle) *[]uint64 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]uint64")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]uint64)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(h CGoHandle) []uint64 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_uint64(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]uint64", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []uint64 ---
//export Slice_uint64_CTor
func Slice_uint64_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint64(&[]uint64{}))
//export Slice_uint64_len
func Slice_uint64_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(handle))
//export Slice_uint64_elem
func Slice_uint64_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.ulonglong {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(handle)
return C.ulonglong(s[_idx])
//export Slice_uint64_subslice
func Slice_uint64_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint64(&ss))
//export Slice_uint64_set
func Slice_uint64_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.ulonglong) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(handle)
s[_idx] = uint64(_vl)
//export Slice_uint64_append
func Slice_uint64_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.ulonglong) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint64(handle)
*s = append(*s, uint64(_vl))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []uint8
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(h CGoHandle) *[]uint8 {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]uint8")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]uint8)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(h CGoHandle) []uint8 {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_uint8(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]uint8", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []uint8 ---
//export Slice_uint8_CTor
func Slice_uint8_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint8(&[]uint8{}))
//export Slice_uint8_len
func Slice_uint8_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(handle))
//export Slice_uint8_elem
func Slice_uint8_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) C.uchar {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(handle)
return C.uchar(s[_idx])
//export Slice_uint8_subslice
func Slice_uint8_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_uint8(&ss))
//export Slice_uint8_set
func Slice_uint8_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl C.uchar) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(handle)
s[_idx] = uint8(_vl)
//export Slice_uint8_append
func Slice_uint8_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl C.uchar) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_uint8(handle)
*s = append(*s, uint8(_vl))
// ---- Package: gorrent ---
// ---- Types ---
// Converters for pointer handles for type: *gorrent.Engine
func ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_Engine(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.Engine {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "*gorrent.Engine")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine)
func handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Engine(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("*gorrent.Engine", p))
// Converters for pointer handles for type: *gorrent.FileInfo
func ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.FileInfo {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "*gorrent.FileInfo")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.FileInfo{})).(*gorrent.FileInfo)
func handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("*gorrent.FileInfo", p))
// Converters for pointer handles for type: *gorrent.FileStatus
func ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_FileStatus(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.FileStatus {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "*gorrent.FileStatus")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.FileStatus{})).(*gorrent.FileStatus)
func handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_FileStatus(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("*gorrent.FileStatus", p))
// Converters for pointer handles for type: *gorrent.Info
func ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_Info(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.Info {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "*gorrent.Info")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Info{})).(*gorrent.Info)
func handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Info(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("*gorrent.Info", p))
// Converters for pointer handles for type: *gorrent.Settings
func ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_Settings(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.Settings {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "*gorrent.Settings")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Settings{})).(*gorrent.Settings)
func handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Settings(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("*gorrent.Settings", p))
// Converters for pointer handles for type: *gorrent.TorrentStatus
func ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_TorrentStatus(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.TorrentStatus {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "*gorrent.TorrentStatus")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.TorrentStatus{})).(*gorrent.TorrentStatus)
func handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_TorrentStatus(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("*gorrent.TorrentStatus", p))
// Converters for implicit pointer handles for type: []*gorrent.FileInfo
func ptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(h CGoHandle) *[]*gorrent.FileInfo {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "[]*gorrent.FileInfo")
if p == nil {
return nil
return p.(*[]*gorrent.FileInfo)
func deptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(h CGoHandle) []*gorrent.FileInfo {
p := ptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(h)
if p == nil {
return nil
return *p
func handleFromPtr_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("[]*gorrent.FileInfo", p))
// --- wrapping slice: []*gorrent.FileInfo ---
//export Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_CTor
func Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(&[]*gorrent.FileInfo{}))
//export Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_len
func Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_len(handle CGoHandle) int {
return len(deptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle))
//export Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_elem
func Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_elem(handle CGoHandle, _idx int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
return handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(s[_idx])
//export Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_subslice
func Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_subslice(handle CGoHandle, _st, _ed int) CGoHandle {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
ss := s[_st:_ed]
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(&ss))
//export Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_set
func Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_set(handle CGoHandle, _idx int, _vl CGoHandle) {
s := deptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
s[_idx] = ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(_vl)
//export Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_append
func Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo_append(handle CGoHandle, _vl CGoHandle) {
s := ptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
*s = append(*s, ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(_vl))
// Converters for non-pointer handles for type: gorrent.Engine
func ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Engine(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.Engine {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "gorrent.Engine")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine)
func handleFromPtr_gorrent_Engine(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("gorrent.Engine", p))
// Converters for non-pointer handles for type: gorrent.FileInfo
func ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.FileInfo {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "gorrent.FileInfo")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.FileInfo{})).(*gorrent.FileInfo)
func handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileInfo(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("gorrent.FileInfo", p))
// Converters for non-pointer handles for type: gorrent.FileStatus
func ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.FileStatus {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "gorrent.FileStatus")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.FileStatus{})).(*gorrent.FileStatus)
func handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileStatus(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("gorrent.FileStatus", p))
// Converters for non-pointer handles for type: gorrent.Info
func ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.Info {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "gorrent.Info")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Info{})).(*gorrent.Info)
func handleFromPtr_gorrent_Info(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("gorrent.Info", p))
// Converters for non-pointer handles for type: gorrent.Settings
func ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.Settings {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "gorrent.Settings")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Settings{})).(*gorrent.Settings)
func handleFromPtr_gorrent_Settings(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("gorrent.Settings", p))
// Converters for non-pointer handles for type: gorrent.TorrentStatus
func ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(h CGoHandle) *gorrent.TorrentStatus {
p := gopyh.VarFromHandle((gopyh.CGoHandle)(h), "gorrent.TorrentStatus")
if p == nil {
return nil
return gopyh.Embed(p, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.TorrentStatus{})).(*gorrent.TorrentStatus)
func handleFromPtr_gorrent_TorrentStatus(p interface{}) CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(gopyh.Register("gorrent.TorrentStatus", p))
// ---- Global Variables: can only use functions to access ---
// ---- Interfaces ---
// ---- Structs ---
// --- wrapping struct: gorrent.Info ---
//export gorrent_Info_CTor
func gorrent_Info_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_gorrent_Info(&gorrent.Info{}))
//export gorrent_Info_Name_Get
func gorrent_Info_Name_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
return C.CString(op.Name)
//export gorrent_Info_Name_Set
func gorrent_Info_Name_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
op.Name = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_Info_Length_Get
func gorrent_Info_Length_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
return C.longlong(op.Length)
//export gorrent_Info_Length_Set
func gorrent_Info_Length_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
op.Length = int64(val)
//export gorrent_Info_Source_Get
func gorrent_Info_Source_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
return C.CString(op.Source)
//export gorrent_Info_Source_Set
func gorrent_Info_Source_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
op.Source = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_Info_Files_Get
func gorrent_Info_Files_Get(handle CGoHandle) CGoHandle {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
return handleFromPtr_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(&op.Files)
//export gorrent_Info_Files_Set
func gorrent_Info_Files_Set(handle CGoHandle, val CGoHandle) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Info(handle)
op.Files = deptrFromHandle_Slice_Ptr_gorrent_FileInfo(val)
//export gorrent_Info_LoadFile
func gorrent_Info_LoadFile(_handle CGoHandle, path *C.char) *C.char {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Info")
if __err != nil {
return C.CString("")
__err = gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Info{})).(*gorrent.Info).LoadFile(C.GoString(path))
if __err != nil {
estr := C.CString(__err.Error())
C.PyErr_SetString(C.PyExc_RuntimeError, estr)
return estr
return C.CString("")
// --- wrapping struct: gorrent.Settings ---
//export gorrent_Settings_CTor
func gorrent_Settings_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_gorrent_Settings(&gorrent.Settings{}))
//export gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Get
func gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.CString(op.DownloadPath)
//export gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Set
func gorrent_Settings_DownloadPath_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.DownloadPath = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Get
func gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.CString(op.HttpBindHost)
//export gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Set
func gorrent_Settings_HttpBindHost_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.HttpBindHost = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Get
func gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.longlong(op.HttpBindPort)
//export gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Set
func gorrent_Settings_HttpBindPort_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.HttpBindPort = int(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Get
func gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.longlong(op.ListenPort)
//export gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Set
func gorrent_Settings_ListenPort_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.ListenPort = int(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Get
func gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.longlong(op.MaxConnections)
//export gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Set
func gorrent_Settings_MaxConnections_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.MaxConnections = int(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Get
func gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.CString(op.TorrentPath)
//export gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Set
func gorrent_Settings_TorrentPath_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.TorrentPath = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Get
func gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return C.CString(op.Proxy)
//export gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Set
func gorrent_Settings_Proxy_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.Proxy = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Get
func gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return boolGoToPy(op.KeepFiles)
//export gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Set
func gorrent_Settings_KeepFiles_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.KeepFiles = boolPyToGo(val)
//export gorrent_Settings_Debug_Get
func gorrent_Settings_Debug_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
return boolGoToPy(op.Debug)
//export gorrent_Settings_Debug_Set
func gorrent_Settings_Debug_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_Settings(handle)
op.Debug = boolPyToGo(val)
// --- wrapping struct: gorrent.TorrentStatus ---
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_CTor
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_gorrent_TorrentStatus(&gorrent.TorrentStatus{}))
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Get
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(handle)
return C.longlong(op.DownloadRate)
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Set
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_DownloadRate_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(handle)
op.DownloadRate = int64(val)
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Get
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(handle)
return C.longlong(op.UploadRate)
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Set
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_UploadRate_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(handle)
op.UploadRate = int64(val)
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Get
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(handle)
return C.longlong(op.Seeds)
//export gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Set
func gorrent_TorrentStatus_Seeds_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_TorrentStatus(handle)
op.Seeds = int64(val)
// --- wrapping struct: gorrent.Engine ---
//export gorrent_Engine_CTor
func gorrent_Engine_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_gorrent_Engine(&gorrent.Engine{}))
//export gorrent_Engine_IsAlive
func gorrent_Engine_IsAlive(_handle CGoHandle) C.char {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
return boolGoToPy(false)
return boolGoToPy(gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).IsAlive())
//export gorrent_Engine_StartTorrent
func gorrent_Engine_StartTorrent(_handle CGoHandle, idx C.longlong) *C.char {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
return C.CString("")
__err = gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).StartTorrent(int64(idx))
if __err != nil {
estr := C.CString(__err.Error())
C.PyErr_SetString(C.PyExc_RuntimeError, estr)
return estr
return C.CString("")
//export gorrent_Engine_Status
func gorrent_Engine_Status(_handle CGoHandle) CGoHandle {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
return handleFromPtr_gorrent_TorrentStatus(nil)
cret := gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).Status()
return handleFromPtr_gorrent_TorrentStatus(&cret)
//export gorrent_Engine_FileStatus
func gorrent_Engine_FileStatus(_handle CGoHandle, i C.longlong) CGoHandle {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
return handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileStatus(nil)
cret, __err := gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).FileStatus(int(i))
if __err != nil {
estr := C.CString(__err.Error())
C.PyErr_SetString(C.PyExc_RuntimeError, estr)
return handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileStatus(nil)
return handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileStatus(&cret)
//export gorrent_Engine_Stop
func gorrent_Engine_Stop(_handle CGoHandle, goRun C.char) {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
if boolPyToGo(goRun) {
go gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).Stop()
} else {
gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).Stop()
//export gorrent_Engine_GetMsg
func gorrent_Engine_GetMsg(_handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
return C.CString("")
return C.CString(gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).GetMsg())
//export gorrent_Engine_Clean
func gorrent_Engine_Clean(_handle CGoHandle, goRun C.char) {
vifc, __err := gopyh.VarFromHandleTry((gopyh.CGoHandle)(_handle), "*gorrent.Engine")
if __err != nil {
if boolPyToGo(goRun) {
go gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).Clean()
} else {
gopyh.Embed(vifc, reflect.TypeOf(gorrent.Engine{})).(*gorrent.Engine).Clean()
// --- wrapping struct: gorrent.FileInfo ---
//export gorrent_FileInfo_CTor
func gorrent_FileInfo_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileInfo(&gorrent.FileInfo{}))
//export gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Get
func gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
return C.longlong(op.Length)
//export gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Set
func gorrent_FileInfo_Length_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
op.Length = int64(val)
//export gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Get
func gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Get(handle CGoHandle) CGoHandle {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
return handleFromPtr_Slice_string(&op.Path)
//export gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Set
func gorrent_FileInfo_Path_Set(handle CGoHandle, val CGoHandle) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
op.Path = deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(val)
//export gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Get
func gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Get(handle CGoHandle) CGoHandle {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
return handleFromPtr_Slice_string(&op.PathUTF8)
//export gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Set
func gorrent_FileInfo_PathUTF8_Set(handle CGoHandle, val CGoHandle) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileInfo(handle)
op.PathUTF8 = deptrFromHandle_Slice_string(val)
// --- wrapping struct: gorrent.FileStatus ---
//export gorrent_FileStatus_CTor
func gorrent_FileStatus_CTor() CGoHandle {
return CGoHandle(handleFromPtr_gorrent_FileStatus(&gorrent.FileStatus{}))
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Get
func gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
return C.CString(op.Name)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Set
func gorrent_FileStatus_Name_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
op.Name = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Get
func gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Get(handle CGoHandle) *C.char {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
return C.CString(op.Url)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Set
func gorrent_FileStatus_Url_Set(handle CGoHandle, val *C.char) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
op.Url = C.GoString(val)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Get
func gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
return C.longlong(op.Progress)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Set
func gorrent_FileStatus_Progress_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
op.Progress = int64(val)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Get
func gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Get(handle CGoHandle) C.longlong {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
return C.longlong(op.Length)
//export gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Set
func gorrent_FileStatus_Length_Set(handle CGoHandle, val C.longlong) {
op := ptrFromHandle_gorrent_FileStatus(handle)
op.Length = int64(val)
// ---- Slices ---
// ---- Maps ---
// ---- Constructors ---
//export gorrent_GetMetaFromFile
func gorrent_GetMetaFromFile(path *C.char) CGoHandle {
cret, __err := gorrent.GetMetaFromFile(C.GoString(path))
if __err != nil {
estr := C.CString(__err.Error())
C.PyErr_SetString(C.PyExc_RuntimeError, estr)
return handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Info(nil)
return handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Info(cret)
//export gorrent_NewSettings
func gorrent_NewSettings() CGoHandle {
return handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Settings(gorrent.NewSettings())
//export gorrent_NewEngine
func gorrent_NewEngine(settings CGoHandle) CGoHandle {
return handleFromPtr_Ptr_gorrent_Engine(gorrent.NewEngine(ptrFromHandle_Ptr_gorrent_Settings(settings)))
// ---- Functions ---
//export gorrent_Version
func gorrent_Version() *C.char {
return C.CString(gorrent.Version())