import ldap import ldif from ldap.cidict import cidict from io import StringIO from uuid import UUID class CustomCidict(cidict): def __getitem__(self, key): """Override of the __getitem__ method to return an empty list if a key does not exist (instead of raising an exception) """ if key.lower() in return[key.lower()] return [] class LdapprObject(object): """\ The LdapprObject is used to handle search results from the Connection class. It's a representation of a single object in the LDAP Directory. """ guid = None def __init__(self, result, conn): """The class is initialized with a tuple: (dn, {attributes}), and the existing connection """ (self.dn, self.attributes) = result self.attrs = CustomCidict(self.attributes) if 'objectguid' in map(lambda x: x.lower(), self.attrs.keys()): self.guid = str(UUID(bytes=self.attrs['objectguid'][0])) self.conn = conn def __str__(self): """Pretty prints all attributes with values.""" col_width = max(len(key) for key in list(self.attrs.keys())) pretty_string = '{attr:{width}} : {value}\n'.format( attr='dn', width=col_width, value=self.dn) for key, value in self.attrs.items(): if len(str(value[0])) > 80: # hack to 'detect' binary attrs value = ['binary'] for single_value in value: pretty_string += '{attr:{width}} : {value}\n'.format( attr=self._case(key), width=col_width, value=single_value) key = '' return pretty_string def _case(self, attr): """Transforms an attribute to correct case (e.g. gIvEnNaMe becomes givenName). If attr is unknown nothing is transformed. :param attr: may be incorrectly cased :return: attr in proper case """ try: index = [x.lower() for x in list(self.attrs.keys())].index(attr.lower()) return list(self.attrs.keys())[index] except: return attr def to_ldif(self): """Makes LDIF of ldappr object.""" out = StringIO() ldif_out = ldif.LDIFWriter(out) ldif_out.unparse(self.dn, self.attributes) return out.getvalue() def set_value(self, attr, value): attr = self._case(attr) self.conn.modify_s(self.dn, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, attr, value)]) self.attrs[attr] = [value] def add_value(self, attr, value): attr = self._case(attr) self.conn.modify_s(self.dn, [(ldap.MOD_ADD, attr, value)]) self.attrs[attr].append(value) def remove_value(self, attr, value): attr = self._case(attr) self.conn.modify_s(self.dn, [(ldap.MOD_DELETE, attr, value)]) if value in self.attrs[attr]: self.attrs[attr].remove(value)