
152 lines
8.9 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from time import tzname
from lybmods.lybformauth import AuthController, member_of, any_of
from lybmods.lybclasses import Doc, Cat
import cherrypy
from lybmods import lybtools
from lybmods import lybhtdata
from lybmods import lybedit
from lybmods import lybctl
class Root:
_cp_config = {
'tools.sessions.on': True,
'tools.sessions.storage_type' : 'pgsql',
'' : 'PGSQLSes',
'tools.sessions.timeout': 120,
'tools.auth.on': True
auth = AuthController()
mdict = lybtools.mdict
from_page = '/'
def __init__(self):
self.edit = lybedit.Edit(self)
self.ctl = lybctl.Ctl(self)
def index(self):
self.from_page = '/'
return self.buildhtml('Архив', lybhtdata.index_html)
def css(self):
def poisk(self, search = None, catid = 0):
if not search or search == '':
search.replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace(';', '').replace(',', '')
html_cont = '<div align="left">\n<table>\n{html}\n</table></div>'
html = ''
cat = Cat(0)
res =
html += '<tr><td><h1>Найдено ' + str(len(res)) + ' документов</h1></td></tr>'
for did in res:
doc = Doc(did)
catid =
html += '<tr><td><a href="/get_doc?catid=' + str(catid) + '&doc=' + str(did) + '">' + + '</a></td>\n<td>(' + self.path(did, doc = True) + ')</td></tr>\n'
return self.buildhtml('Архив[Запрос: ' + search + ']', html_cont.format(html=html))
def loginpage(self, from_page='/'):
self.from_page = from_page.replace('<', '').replace('>', '').replace(';', '').replace(',', '')
username = cherrypy.session.get(lybtools.SESSION_KEY, None)
if username:
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/")
return self.buildhtml('Архив [Получение доступа]', lybhtdata.login_body)
def denied(self):
return self.buildhtml('Архив [Доступ закрыт]', lybhtdata.access_denied_body)
def path(self, oid, doc = False, lcat = False):
if doc:
p = Doc(oid).path
p = Cat(oid).path
html = ''
for i in p:
name = Cat(i).name
if len(name) > 15: name = name[:15] + '...'
if i > 0: q = '&raquo;'
else: q = ''
html += q + '<a href="/category?catid=' + str(i) + '" title="' + Cat(i).name + '"><small><i><b>[' + name + ']</b></i></small></a>'
if p == []: q = ''
else: q = '&raquo;'
if not doc and not lcat: html += q + '<small><i><b>' + Cat(oid).name + '</b></i></small>'
if lcat: html += q + '<a href="/category?catid=' + str(oid) + '"><small><i><b>[' + Cat(oid).name + ']</b></i></small></a>'
return html
def category(self, catid = 0):
catid = int(catid)
category = Cat(catid)
html = '<div align="left">' + self.path(catid) + '</div><div align="center">\n<table>\n'
if category.catcount: html += '<tr><td><h2>Подразделы:</h2></td>\n'
for cat in category.categories:
rec = '<td><b>[<a href="/category?catid=' + str( + '" title="Подразделов: ' + str(cat.catcount) + '/Документов: ' + str(cat.doccount) + '">' + + '</a>]</b></td>\n'
if any_of(member_of('admins'), member_of('editors'))():
html += '<tr><form action="/edit/catedit" method="post">\n{rec}<input type="hidden" name="catid" value="'.format(rec = rec) + str( + '">\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Переименовать"></td>\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Перенести"></td>\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Удалить"></td>\n</form></tr>\n'
html += '<tr>{rec}</tr>'.format(rec = rec)
if category.catcount and category.doccount: html += '<tr><td>***</td><td>***</td><td>***</td><td>***</td></tr>\n'
if category.doccount: html += '<tr><td><h2>Документы:</h2></td>\n'
for doc in category.documents:
did =
rec = '<td><a href="/get_doc?catid=' + str(catid) + '&doc=' + str(did) + '">' + + '</a></td>\n'
if any_of(member_of('admins'), member_of('editors'))():
html += '<tr><form action="/edit/docedit" method="post">\n{rec}<input type="hidden" name="catid" value="'.format(rec = rec) + str(catid) + '">\n<input type="hidden" name="doc" value="' + str(did) + '">\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Переименовать"></td>\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Редактировать"></td>\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Перенести"></td>\n<td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Удалить"></td>\n</form></tr>\n'
html += '<tr>{rec}</tr>'.format(rec = rec)
html += '</table>\n</div>\n'
if any_of(member_of('admins'), member_of('editors'))():
html += '<div align="right">\n<form action="/edit/newdoc" method="post">\n<input type="hidden" name="catid" value="' + str(catid) + '">\n<input type="submit" value="Новый документ">\n</form>\n</div>\n'
html += '<div align="right">\n<form action="/edit/upl" method="post">\n<input type="hidden" name="catid" value="' + str(catid) + '">\n<input type="submit" value="Загрузить документ">\n</form>\n</div>\n'
html += '<div align="right">\n<form action="/edit/newcat" method="post">\nНовый раздел\n<input type="hidden" name="catid" value=' + str(catid) + '>\n<input type="text" name="catname">\n<input type="submit" value="Создать">\n</form>\n</div>\n'
if catid != 0:
parent = Cat(catid).parent
html += '<div align="center"><a href="/category?catid=' + str( + '"><i>&larr; Обратно в раздел "' + + '"</i></a></div>\n'
title = 'Архив[Раздел: ' + + ']'
return self.buildhtml(title, html)
def get_doc(self, catid = 0, doc = None, plain = False):
catid = int(catid)
cat = Cat(catid)
if not doc: return
doc = int(doc)
doco = cat[doc]
txt = doco.text
muser = doco.muser
mtime = doco.mtime.strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S') + ' /' + tzname[0] + '/'
if plain:
return txt
doct = '<div align="left">' + self.path(, doc = True) + '</div><div align="right"><a href="/category?catid=' + str(catid) + '">\n<i>&larr; Обратно в раздел "' + + '"</i>\n</a>\n</div>\n' + txt
if any_of(member_of('admins'), member_of('editors'))():
doct += '<div align="right"><form action="/edit/docedit" method="post">\n<input type="hidden" name="catid" value="' + str(catid) + '">\n<input type="hidden" name="doc" value="' + str(doc) + '">\n<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Переименовать">\n<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Редактировать">\n<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Перенести">\n<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Удалить">\n</form></div>\n'
doct += '<div align="right">\nОтредактировано пользователем: <a href="/ctl/user?name=' + + '"><b>' + muser.dname + '[' + + ']</b></a>.</div>\n<div align="right">Дата редактирования: ' + mtime + '\n</div>\n'
doct += '<br><div align="right"><a href="/category?catid=' + str(catid) + '">\n<i>&larr; Обратно в раздел "' + + '"</i>\n</a>\n</div>\n'
return self.buildhtml('Архив[' + + ']', doct)
def getobj(self, lybsrcobj = None):
obj = lybtools.getbin(cherrypy.session, lybsrcobj)
cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = obj['type']
return obj['body']
def menu_img(self):
cherrypy.response.headers["Content-Type"] = 'image/png'
return lybhtdata.m_i()
def menupanel(self, mdict):
menu = lybtools.menu_gen(mdict)
menu += lybhtdata.form_minisearch
username = cherrypy.session.get(lybtools.SESSION_KEY, None)
if username:
menu += lybhtdata.form_user.format(username=username)
menu += lybhtdata.form_auth.format(from_page=self.from_page)
return menu
def buildhtml(self, title, doc):
return lybhtdata.html.format(title=title, style='/css',
body=lybhtdata.body.format(menu = self.menupanel(self.mdict), document = doc))