#!/bin/env python import subprocess # three possibilities for DBUS in python: # * dbus-python (it's legacy and when i tried it, it didn't really work -- missing SessionBus(), ...) # * pydbus (seems pretty neat) # * txdbus (haven't tried it; apparently it's a native python dbus implementation) # # # official python doc on dbus # https://wiki.python.org/moin/DbusExamples # # pydbus tutorial # https://github.com/LEW21/pydbus/blob/master/doc/tutorial.rst from pydbus import SessionBus, SystemBus # required for the mainloop from gi.repository import GLib (rows, cols) = subprocess.check_output(["stty", "size"]).split() show_introspect = True def send_desktop_notification(title="Hello World", msg="pydbus works!"): """Send a notification to the desktop environment to display""" bus = SessionBus() notifications = bus.get('.Notifications') notifications.Notify('test', 0, 'dialog-information', title, msg, [], {}, 5000) def list_systemd_units(): """Fetch all systemd units and print them""" bus = SystemBus() # systemd is now a proxy for the .systemd1 remote object systemd = bus.get(".systemd1") for unit in systemd.ListUnits(): print("Unit:\n") print(unit) print("-" * int(cols)) def stop_start_systemd_unit(name="ssh.service"): """Stop and restart a systemd unit""" bus = SystemBus() # systemd is now a proxy for the .systemd1 remote object systemd = bus.get(".systemd1") job1 = systemd.StopUnit(name, "fail") job2 = systemd.StartUnit(name, "fail") def watch_for_new_systemd_jobs(): """Wait for new systemd units and when they are created, print them out""" bus = SystemBus() # systemd is now a proxy for the .systemd1 remote object systemd = bus.get(".systemd1") systemd.JobNew.connect(print) GLib.MainLoop().run() # or # # systemd.onJobNew = print # GLib.MainLoop.run() def hibernate(): try: bus = SessionBus() power = bus.get('org.gnome.PowerManager', '/org/gnome/PowerManager') if power.CanHibernate(): answer = input("Do you want to hibernate? [Y/n]:") if answer.lower() == "y": power.Hibernate() else: print("Cannot hibernate") except Exception as ex: print("Could not get PowerManager from DBUS") print(str(ex)) def get_wg_plugin(bus_name="org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wireguard", object_path="/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/VPN/Plugin"): """Retrieve the wireguard VPN plugin from the System Bus. Arguments: bus_name -- the bus name of the object to import object_path -- the object path of hte object (= where to find the interface) """ # since our wireguard plugin implements the VPN plugin and does not export # an interface on its own, we need to use the VPN plugin interfce bus = SystemBus() wg = bus.get(bus_name, object_path) return wg def wg_disconnect(wg_plugin): """Disconnect the WG VPN plugin""" wg_plugin.Disconnect() def wg_connect(wg_plugin): """Send the Connect Command to the Wireguard Plugin""" # these are the settings that are expected by Connect(a{sa{sv}}) for a VPN plugin service_type = GLib.Variant("s", "service") user_name = GLib.Variant("s", "wireguard") persistent = GLib.Variant("b", False) data = GLib.Variant("a{ss}", {"maxi": "cool"}) secrets = GLib.Variant("a{ss}", {"name": "maxi moser"}) timeout = GLib.Variant("u", 1337) # The DBus type: a{sa{sv}} # is a Dictionary with... # Key: Type ("wireless", "wired", "vpn", ...) -- we want VPN # Value: Dictionary with Key: Setting Name, Value: Setting Value settings = {"vpn": {"service-type": service_type, "user-name": user_name, "persistent": persistent, "data": data, "secrets": secrets, "timeout": timeout} } wg_plugin.Connect(settings) show_introspect = False if __name__ == "__main__": # send_desktop_notification("Guten Tag", "pydbus funktioniert, mein Herr!") try: wg = get_wg_plugin() if show_introspect: print(wg.Introspect()) help(wg) wg_connect(wg) except Exception as ex: print(str(ex))