riper fix

This commit is contained in:
DiMartinoXBMC 2015-07-31 17:02:36 +03:00
parent c23b4b6281
commit 02df953ca1
2 changed files with 41 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import gzip
import HTMLParser
import Localization
from functions import log, debug
class Content:
@ -268,4 +269,10 @@ class Content:
size = str(long(sizeBytes)) + 'B'
return size
return size
def log(self, msg):
def debug(self, msg):

View File

@ -18,18 +18,13 @@
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import Content
import Content, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
class RiperAM(Content.Content):
category_dict = {
#'movies':('Movies', '/popular/'),
#'tvshows':('TV Shows', '/top/serial/list/'),
#'cartoons':('Cartoons', '/top/id_genre/14/'),
#'anime':('Anime', '/search/title?count=100&genres=animation&keywords=anime&num_votes=1000,&explore=title_type&ref_=gnr_kw_an'),
'hot': ('Most Recent', '/', {'page': '/portal.php?tp=%d', 'increase': 30, 'second_page': 30}),
#'top':('Top 250 Movies', '/top/'),
baseurl = ""
@ -64,50 +59,52 @@ class RiperAM(Content.Content):
return False
def get_contentList(self, category, subcategory=None, apps_property=None):
contentList = []
url = self.get_url(category, subcategory, apps_property)
response = self.makeRequest(url, headers=self.headers)
if None != response and 0 < len(response):
#print response
if category in ['hot']:
contentList = self.popmode(response)
#print str(contentList)
self.debug('[get_contentList] contentList '+str(contentList))
return contentList
def popmode(self, response):
contentList = []
Soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
result = Soup.findAll('table', 'postbody postbody_portal')
#print str(result)
num = 31
bad_forum = [u'Безопасность', u'Книги и журналы', u'Action & Shooter', u'RPG/MMORPG']
for tr in result:
info = {}
forum = tr.find('div', {'style': 'height:20px;overflow:hidden;'}).find('a').text
if forum and forum in bad_forum:
link = tr.find('div', {'style': 'width:200px;overflow:hidden;'}).find('a').get('href')
num = num - 1
label = tr.find('strong').text
original_title = None
year = 0
title = self.unescape(label)
img = tr.findAll('a')[0].find('img').get('src')
if img:
img = img.replace('.webp', '.jpg')
bad_forum = [u'Безопасность', u'Книги и журналы', u'Action & Shooter', u'RPG/MMORPG', u'Книги', u'Журналы']
regex = u'<table class="postbody postbody_portal"(.+?)</table>'
regex_tr = u'''<img height="200" src="(.+?)".+?></a>.+?<h4 class="first"><a href="(.+?)" title=".+?"><strong>(.+?)</strong></a></h4></div>.+?<div style="height:20px;overflow:hidden;">.+?<a href=".+?">(.+?)</a>'''
for tr in re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL).findall(response):
info['label'] = label
info['link'] = link
info['title'] = title
info['year'] = int(year)
result=re.compile(regex_tr, re.DOTALL).findall(tr)
self.debug(tr+' -> '+str(result))
if result:
(img, link, label, forum)=result[0]
info = {}
if forum and forum in bad_forum:
num = num - 1
original_title = None
year = 0
title = self.unescape(label)
if img:
img = img.replace('.webp', '.jpg')
int(int(self.sourceWeight) * (int(num))),
original_title, title, int(year), img, info,
info['label'] = label
info['link'] = link
info['title'] = title
info['year'] = int(year)
int(int(self.sourceWeight) * (int(num))),
original_title, title, int(year), img, info,
return contentList