
This commit is contained in:
DiMartinoXBMC 2016-01-13 00:09:52 +03:00
parent 6190cef548
commit 2ade2f21ec
6 changed files with 256 additions and 19 deletions

View File

@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ class Core:
dirid = 0
if dirid == -1: return
dirname = clean[dirid]
if self.__settings__.getSetting("torrent") in ['1','2']:
if self.__settings__.getSetting("torrent") in ['1','2','4']:
default = self.__settings__.getSetting("torrent_dir")
keyboard = xbmc.Keyboard(default, self.localize('Save to path') + ':')

View File

@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class SearcherABC:
('<', '&lt;'),
('>', '&gt;'),
('"', '&quot;'),
('"', '&#34;'),
("'", '&#39;'),
("&", '&#38;'),
("'", '&#039;'),

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="plugin.video.torrenter" name="Torrenter" version="2.4.2a" provider-name="vadim.skorba, DiMartino">
<addon id="plugin.video.torrenter" name="Torrenter" version="2.4.3" provider-name="vadim.skorba, DiMartino">
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="2.1.0"/>
<import addon="script.module.libtorrent"/>

View File

@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
English changelog at http://bit.ly/1MfSVUP
[B]Version 2.4.3[/B]
[+] Добавлена поддержка торрент-клиента qBittorent
[B]Version 2.4.2[/B]
[+] Добавлена функция История Просмотров

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
<setting id="torrent_dir" type="text" label="50304"/>
<setting id="torrent_replacement" type="folder" label="30426"/>
<setting type="sep"/>
<setting id="torrent" type="enum" label="50311" values="µTorrent WebUI|Transmission|Vuze (XML over HTTP plugin)|Deluge WebUI"
<setting id="torrent" type="enum" label="50311" values="µTorrent WebUI|Transmission|Vuze (XML over HTTP plugin)|Deluge|qBittorent"
<setting id="torrent_utorrent_host" type="ipaddress" label="50312" visible="eq(-1,0)" default=""/>
<setting id="torrent_utorrent_port" type="number" label="50313" visible="eq(-2,0)" default="8080"/>
@ -57,5 +57,9 @@
<setting id="torrent_deluge_path" type="text" label="50317" visible="eq(-15,3)" default="/"/>
<setting id="torrent_deluge_port" type="number" label="50313" visible="eq(-16,3)" default="8112"/>
<setting id="torrent_deluge_password" type="text" label="50316" visible="eq(-17,3)" default="deluge" option="hidden"/>
<setting id="torrent_qbittorrent_host" type="ipaddress" label="50312" visible="eq(-18,4)" default=""/>
<setting id="torrent_qbittorrent_port" type="number" label="50313" visible="eq(-19,4)" default="8080"/>
<setting id="torrent_qbittorrent_login" type="text" label="50315" visible="eq(-20,4)" default="admin"/>
<setting id="torrent_qbittorrent_password" type="text" label="50316" visible="eq(-21,4)" default="admin" option="hidden"/>

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import json
import itertools
from StringIO import StringIO
import gzip
from functions import log
import xbmc
import xbmcgui
@ -455,9 +456,6 @@ class UTorrent:
for hash, action, ind in menu:
self.setprio_simple(hash, action, ind)
def delete(self, id):
def action(self, uri, upload=None):
cookie, token = self.get_token()
if not cookie:
@ -705,9 +703,6 @@ class Transmission:
return None
return True
def delete(self, id):
def setprio(self, id, ind):
obj = self.action({"method": "torrent-get", "arguments": {"fields": ["id", "fileStats", "files"],
"ids": [int(id)]}})['arguments']['torrents'][0]
@ -844,6 +839,238 @@ class Transmission:
return mapping[code]
class qBittorrent:
def config(self, login, password, host, port, url):
self.login = login
self.password = password
self.url = 'http://'+host
if port:
self.url += ':' + str(port)
self.url += url
self.http = HTTP()
def list(self):
obj = self.action('/query/torrents')
if obj is None:
return False
res = []
if len(obj) > 0:
for r in obj:
add = {
'id': r['hash'],
'status': self.get_status(r['state']),
'name': r['name'],
'size': r['size'],
'progress': round(r['progress'], 4)*100,
'upspeed': r['upspeed'],
'downspeed': r['dlspeed'],
'ratio': round(r['ratio'], 2),
'eta': r['eta'],
'seed': r['num_seeds'],
'leech': r['num_leechs'],
'dir': r['save_path']
#if len(r['files']) > 1: add['dir'] = os.path.join(r['save_path'], r['name'])
return res
def listdirs(self):
obj = self.action('/query/preferences')
if obj is None:
return False
res = [obj['save_path']]
res = [None]
return res, res
def listfiles(self, id):
obj = self.action('/query/propertiesFiles/'+id)
i = -1
if obj is None:
return None
res = []
if len(obj) == 1:
strip_path = None
tlist = self.list()
for t in tlist:
if t['id']==id:
strip_path = t['name']
strip_path = None
for x in obj:
if x['size'] >= 1024 * 1024 * 1024:
size = str(x['size'] / (1024 * 1024 * 1024)) + 'GB'
elif x['size'] >= 1024 * 1024:
size = str(x['size'] / (1024 * 1024)) + 'MB'
elif x['size'] >= 1024:
size = str(x['size'] / 1024) + 'KB'
size = str(x['size']) + 'B'
if strip_path:
path = x['name'].lstrip(strip_path).lstrip('\\')
path = x['name']
if x['priority'] == 0:
path = path.replace('.unwanted\\','')
if x.get('progress'):
percent = int(x['progress'] * 100)
percent = 0
i += 1
res.append([path.replace('\\','/'), percent, i, size])
return res
def get_prio(self, id):
res = []
obj = self.action('/query/propertiesFiles/'+id)
if obj is None:
return None
for f in obj:
return res
def add(self, torrent, dirname):
upload={'name': 'torrent_file', 'filename': 'and_nothing_else_matters.torrent',
'content-type': 'application/x-bittorrent', 'body': torrent}
res = self.action('/command/upload', upload=upload)
if res:
return True
def add_url(self, torrent, dirname):
upload={'name': 'urls', 'content-type': 'application/x-bittorrent', 'body': torrent}
res = self.action('/command/download', upload=upload)
if res:
return True
def setprio(self, id, ind):
obj = self.action('/query/propertiesFiles/'+id)
if not obj or ind == None:
return None
i = -1
for x in obj:
i += 1
print str(x)
if x['priority'] == 1: self.setprio_simple(id, '0', i)
res = self.setprio_simple(id, '7', ind)
return True if res else None
def setprio_simple(self, id, prio, ind):
log(str((id, prio, ind)))
if prio == '3': prio = '7'
params = {'hash':id, 'priority':prio, 'id': ind}
obj = self.action_post('/command/setFilePrio', params)
if not obj or ind == None:
return None
return True if obj else None
def setprio_simple_multi(self, menu):
for hash, action, ind in menu:
self.setprio_simple(hash, action, ind)
def action(self, uri, upload=None):
cookie = self.get_auth()
if not cookie:
return None
req = HTTPRequest(self.url + uri, headers={'Cookie': cookie})
if upload:
req.upload = upload
response = self.http.fetch(req)
if response.error:
return None
if response.code == 200 and upload:
return True
obj = json.loads(response.body)
return None
return obj
def action_post(self, uri, params=None):
cookie = self.get_auth()
if not cookie:
return None
response = self.http.fetch(self.url + uri, headers={'Cookie': cookie}, method='POST', params=params, gzip=True)
if response.error:
return None
if response.code == 200:
return True
return response
def action_simple(self, action, id):
actions = {'start': '/command/resume',
'stop': '/command/pause',
'remove': '/command/delete',
'removedata': '/command/deletePerm'}
obj = self.action_post(actions[action], {'hash':id})
return True if obj else None
def get_auth(self):
params = {"username": self.login, "password": self.password}
response = self.http.fetch(self.url + '/login', method='POST', params=params, gzip=True)
if response.error:
return None
r = re.compile('SID=([^;]+);').search(response.headers.get('set-cookie', ''))
if r:
cookie = r.group(1).strip()
return 'SID=' + cookie
def get_status(self, code):
mapping = {
'error': 'stopped',
'pausedUP': 'seed_pending',
'checkingUP': 'checking',
'checkingDL': 'checking',
'pausedDL': 'stopped',
'queuedUP': 'seeding',
'queuedDL': 'stopped',
'downloading': 'downloading',
'stalledDL': 'downloading',
'uploading': 'seeding',
'stalledUP': 'seeding',
return mapping[code]
class Deluge:
def config(self, login, password, host, port, url):
self.login = login
@ -970,9 +1197,6 @@ class Deluge:
return None
return True
def delete(self, id):
def setprio(self, id, ind):
i = -1
prios = self.get_prio(id)
@ -1170,9 +1394,6 @@ class Vuze:
obj = self.interface.getDownloadManager().addDownload(torrent)
return True if obj else None
def delete(self, id):
def setprio(self, id, ind):
self.setprioobj = self.downloads[int(id)].getDiskManagerFileInfo()
# -1 low, 0 normal, 1 high
@ -1259,6 +1480,9 @@ class Download():
elif self.client == 'deluge':
self.client = Deluge()
elif self.client == 'qbittorrent':
self.client = qBittorrent()
self.client.config(host=config['host'], port=config['port'], login=config['login'], password=config['password'],
# print(self.client.list())
@ -1304,7 +1528,15 @@ class Download():
'login': '',
'password': self.setting.getSetting("torrent_deluge_password")
elif client == '4':
self.client = 'qbittorrent'
config = {
'host': self.setting.getSetting("torrent_qbittorrent_host"),
'port': self.setting.getSetting("torrent_qbittorrent_port"),
'url': '',
'login': self.setting.getSetting("torrent_qbittorrent_login"),
'password': self.setting.getSetting("torrent_qbittorrent_password")
return config
def add(self, torrent, dirname):
@ -1322,9 +1554,6 @@ class Download():
def listfiles(self, id):
return self.client.listfiles(id)
def delete(self, id):
return self.client.delete(id)
def setprio(self, id, ind):
return self.client.setprio(id, ind)