This commit is contained in:
DiMartinoXBMC 2017-01-05 17:03:02 +03:00
parent aa4bd34d49
commit 9622dc9f67
2 changed files with 251 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ class Content:
('>', '>'),
('"', '"'),
("'", '''),
("'", '''),
(' ', ' ',),
('"', '«', ),
('"', '»', ),
@ -227,6 +228,7 @@ class Content:
('e', 'é',),
('e', 'è',),
('&', '&',),
('&', '&',),
('u', 'ù',),
('u', 'ú',),
('o', 'ô',),

View File

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Torrenter plugin for XBMC
Copyright (C) 2012 Vadim Skorba
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
import re, sys
import Content
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
# date movie
# page 2
# seed movie
# page/cat/?/sort
class RuTorOrg(Content.Content):
category_dict = {
'movies': ('Movies', '/browse/0/1/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/1/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'rus_movies': ('Russian Movies', '/browse/0/5/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/5/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'tvshows': ('TV Shows', '/browse/0/4/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/4/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'science': ('Научно - популярные фильмы', '/browse/0/12/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/12/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'cartoons': ('Cartoons', '/browse/0/7/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/7/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'anime': ('Anime', '/browse/0/10/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/10/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'sport': ('Спорт и Здоровье', '/browse/0/13/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/13/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'tele': ('Телевизор', '/browse/0/6/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/6/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
'humor': ('Юмор', '/browse/0/15/0',
{'page': '/browse/%d/15/0', 'increase': 1, 'second_page': 1,
'sort': [{'name': 'by Seeders', 'url_after': '/2'},
{'name': 'by Date', 'url_after': '/0'}]}),
#'hot': ('Most Recent',),
baseurl = ""
Weight of source with this searcher provided.
Will be multiplied on default weight.
Default weight is seeds number
sourceWeight = 1
def isTracker(self):
return True
def isSearcher(self):
return False
def isScrappable(self):
return False
def isInfoLink(self):
return True
def isPages(self):
return True
def isSort(self):
return True
def isSearchOption(self):
return False
def get_contentList(self, category, subcategory=None, apps_property=None):
self.debug = self.log
contentList = []
url = 'http://%s' % self.get_url(category, subcategory, apps_property)
self.headers = [('User-Agent',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.124 YaBrowser/14.10.2062.12061 Safari/537.36'),
('Referer', 'http://%s' % self.baseurl), ('Accept-encoding', 'gzip'),
('Cookie', str(sys.modules["__main__"].__settings__.getSetting("rutor-auth")))]
response = self.makeRequest(url, headers=self.headers)
if None != response and 0 < len(response):
cookie = re.compile("document.cookie='(.+?)';").findall(response)
if cookie and str(cookie[0]) != str(sys.modules["__main__"].__settings__.getSetting("rutor-auth")):
cookie = cookie[0]
self.log('ok found new cookie: ' + str(cookie))
sys.modules["__main__"].__settings__.setSetting("rutor-auth", cookie)
headers = [('User-Agent',
'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.124 YaBrowser/14.10.2062.12061 Safari/537.36'),
('Referer', 'http://%s' % self.baseurl), ('Accept-encoding', 'gzip'),
('Cookie', str(sys.modules["__main__"].__settings__.getSetting("rutor-auth")))]
response = self.makeRequest(url, headers=headers)
if category:
contentList = self.mode(response.decode('utf-8'))
return contentList
def mode(self, response):
contentList = []
num = 101
regex = '''<tr class="[tg].+?</tr>'''
regex_tr = '<td>(.+?)</td><td ><a.+?href="(.+?download/\d+)">.+?<a href=".+?">.+?<a href="(.+?)">(.+?)</a></td>.+?<td align="right">(\d*?\..+?&nbsp;.+?)</td>.+?<img .+?alt="S".+?>&nbsp;(\d+)</span>.+?alt="L".+?>&nbsp;(\d+)'
for tr in re.compile(regex, re.DOTALL).findall(response):
result=re.compile(regex_tr, re.DOTALL).findall(tr)
if result:
self.debug(tr + ' -> ' + str(result[0]))
(date, link, infolink, title, size, seeds, leechers)=result[0]
# main
info = {}
num = num - 1
original_title = None
year = 0
img = ''
# info
title = self.unescape(self.stripHtml(title.strip()))
info['label'] = info['title'] = title
if link[0] == '/': link = 'http://%s%s' % (self.baseurl, link)
info['link'] = link
#if infolink[0] == '/': infolink = 'http://%s%s' % (self.baseurl, infolink)
#info['infolink'] = infolink
size = size.replace('&nbsp;', ' ')
date = date.replace('&nbsp;', ' ')
info['plot'] = info['title'] + '\r\n[I](%s) [S/L: %s/%s] [/I]\r\n%s: %s' % (
size, seeds, leechers, self.localize('Date'), date)
#regex_title = '(.+?) / (.+?) \((\d\d\d\d)\)'
#regex_result = re.compile(regex_title, re.DOTALL).findall(title)
#if regex_result:
# title, original_title, year = regex_result[0]
# info['title'] = title
int(int(self.sourceWeight) * (int(num))),
original_title, title, int(year), img, info,
return contentList
def get_info(self, url):
self.debug = self.log
movieInfo = {}
color = '[COLOR blue]%s:[/COLOR] %s\r\n'
response = self.makeRequest(url, headers=self.headers)
if None != response and 0 < len(response):
Soup = BeautifulSoup(response)
result = Soup.find('div', 'torrentMediaInfo')
if not result:
return None
li = result.findAll('li')
info, movieInfo = {'Cast': ''}, {'desc': '', 'poster': '', 'title': '', 'views': '0', 'rating': '50',
'kinopoisk': ''}
img = result.find('a', {'class': 'movieCover'}).find('img').get('src')
movieInfo['poster'] = img if img.startswith('http:') else 'http:' + img
movie = re.compile('View all <strong>(.+?)</strong> episodes</a>').match(str(result))
if movie:
info['Movie'] =
for i in li:
name = i.find('strong').text
if name:
info[name.rstrip(':')] = i.text.replace(name, '', 1)
plot = result.find('div', {'id': 'summary'})
if plot:
cut = plot.find('strong').text
info['plot'] = plot.text.replace(cut, '', 1).replace('report summary', '')
# print str(result)
cast = re.compile('<a href="/movies/actor/.+?">(.+?)</a>').findall(str(result))
if cast:
for actor in cast:
info['Cast'] += actor + ", "
if 'Genres' in info:
info['Genres'] = info['Genres'].replace(', ', ',').replace(',', ', ')
for key in info.keys():
if not 'Movie' in info and info[key] == 'addto bookmarks':
movieInfo['title'] = self.unescape(key)
info['TV Show'] = self.unescape(key)
if not 'plot' in info and 'Summary' in key:
info['plot'] = info[key]
for i in ['Movie', 'TV Show', 'Release date', 'Original run', 'Episode', 'Air date', 'Genres', 'Language',
'Director', 'Writers', 'Cast', 'Original run', 'IMDb rating', 'AniDB rating']:
if info.get(i) and info.get(i) not in ['']:
movieInfo['desc'] += color % (i, info.get(i))
if i == 'Movie':
movieInfo['title'] = info.get(i)
for i in ['plot', 'IMDb link', 'RottenTomatoes']:
if info.get(i) and info.get(i) not in ['']:
if i == 'plot':
movieInfo['desc'] += '\r\n[COLOR blue]Plot:[/COLOR]\r\n' + self.unescape(info.get(i))
if i == 'RottenTomatoes':
movieInfo['rating'] = str(info.get(i).split('%')[0])
if i == 'IMDb link':
movieInfo['kinopoisk'] = '' % info.get(i)
return movieInfo