# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Torrenter v2 plugin for XBMC/Kodi Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Vadim Skorba v1 - DiMartino v2 http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=214366 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import urllib2 import re import socket import datetime import time import sys import os import json import urllib import hashlib import traceback import xbmcplugin import xbmcgui import xbmc import xbmcaddon import xbmcvfs import Localization from resources.scrapers.scrapers import Scrapers try: from hashlib import md5 except ImportError: from md5 import md5 try: from sqlite3 import dbapi2 as sqlite except: from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='plugin.video.torrenter') __language__ = __settings__.getLocalizedString ROOT = __settings__.getAddonInfo('path') # .decode('utf-8').encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) userStorageDirectory = __settings__.getSetting("storage") USERAGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" torrentFilesDirectory = 'torrents' __addonpath__ = __settings__.getAddonInfo('path') icon = __addonpath__ + '/icon.png' debug = __settings__.getSetting("debug") __version__ = __settings__.getAddonInfo('version') __plugin__ = __settings__.getAddonInfo('name') + " v." + __version__ def clearStorage(userStorageDirectory): try: userStorageDirectory = userStorageDirectory.decode('utf-8') except: pass if xbmcvfs.exists(userStorageDirectory + os.sep): import shutil temp = userStorageDirectory.rstrip('Torrenter').rstrip('/\\') torrents_temp, i = None, 0 while not torrents_temp or xbmcvfs.exists(torrents_temp): torrents_temp = os.path.join(temp, 'torrents' + str(i)) + os.sep i += 1 shutil.move(os.path.join(userStorageDirectory, 'torrents'), torrents_temp) shutil.rmtree(userStorageDirectory, ignore_errors=True) xbmcvfs.mkdir(userStorageDirectory) shutil.move(torrents_temp, os.path.join(userStorageDirectory, 'torrents')) DownloadDB().clear() showMessage(Localization.localize('Storage'), Localization.localize('Storage was cleared'), forced=True) def sortcomma(dict, json): for x in dict: y = dict[x].split(',') dict[x] = '' for i in y: if i not in json: dict[x] = dict[x] + ',' + i if len(dict[x]) > 0: dict[x] = dict[x][1:len(dict[x])] return dict def md5(string): hasher = hashlib.md5() try: hasher.update(string) except: hasher.update(string.encode('utf-8', 'ignore')) return hasher.hexdigest() def Debug(msg, force=False): if (1 == 1 or debug == 'true' or force): try: print "[Torrenter v2] " + msg except UnicodeEncodeError: print "[Torrenter v2] " + msg.encode("utf-8", "ignore") def showMessage(heading, message, times=10000, forced=False): xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Notification("%s", "%s", %s, "%s")' % ( heading.replace('"', "'"), message.replace('"', "'"), times, icon)) def magnet_alert(): showMessage('Ace Stream', Localization.localize('Does not support magnet links!')) def dates_diff(fdate, ldate): try: if ldate == 'today': x = datetime.datetime.now() else: x = datetime.datetime.strptime(ldate, '%d.%m.%Y') y = datetime.datetime.strptime(fdate, '%d.%m.%Y') z = x - y except TypeError: if ldate == 'today': x = datetime.datetime.now() else: x = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(ldate, '%d.%m.%Y')[0:6])) y = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(fdate, '%d.%m.%Y')[0:6])) z = x - y return str(z.days) def today_str(): try: x = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d.%m.%Y') except TypeError: x = datetime.datetime(*(time.strptime(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), '%d.%m.%Y')[0:6])) x = datetime.datetime.strftime(x, '%d.%m.%Y') return str(x) def get_params(): param = [] paramstring = sys.argv[2] if len(paramstring) >= 2: params = sys.argv[2] cleanedparams = params.replace('?', '') if (params[len(params) - 1] == '/'): params = params[0:len(params) - 2] pairsofparams = cleanedparams.split('&') param = {} for i in range(len(pairsofparams)): splitparams = {} splitparams = pairsofparams[i].split('=') if (len(splitparams)) == 2: param[splitparams[0]] = splitparams[1] return param def get_apps(paramstring=None): if not paramstring: paramstring = sys.argv[2] if len(paramstring) >= 2: try: apps = json.loads(urllib.unquote_plus(paramstring)) except: cleanapps = str(paramstring).replace('?', '', 1) apps = json.loads(urllib.unquote_plus(cleanapps)) return apps def int_xx(intxx): if intxx and intxx != 'None': return '%02d' % (int(intxx)) else: return '00' def StripName(name, list, replace=' '): lname = name.lower().split(' ') name = '' for n in lname: if n not in list: name += ' ' + n return name.strip() def tempdir(): dirname = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') for subdir in ('xbmcup', 'plugin.video.torrenter'): dirname = os.path.join(dirname, subdir) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname) return dirname def makeapp(s): return urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(s)) def get_url(cookie, url): headers = {'User-Agent': 'XBMC', 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Cookie': cookie} try: conn = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, urllib.urlencode({}), headers)) array = conn.read() # Debug('[get_url]: arr"'+str(array)+'"') if array == '': # Debug('[get_url][2]: arr=""') array = True return array except urllib2.HTTPError as e: # Debug('[get_url]: HTTPError, e.code='+str(e.code)) if e.code == 401: Debug('[get_url]: Denied! Wrong login or api is broken!') return elif e.code in [503]: Debug('[get_url]: Denied, HTTP Error, e.code=' + str(e.code)) return else: showMessage('HTTP Error', str(e.code)) Debug('[get_url]: HTTP Error, e.code=' + str(e.code)) xbmc.sleep(2000) return except: return False def post_url_json(cookie, url, post): headers = {'User-Agent': 'XBMC', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Cookie': cookie} conn = urllib2.urlopen(urllib2.Request(url, post, headers)) array = conn.read() conn.close() return array def creat_db(dbfilename): db = sqlite.connect(dbfilename) cur = db.cursor() cur.execute('pragma auto_vacuum=1') cur.execute( 'create table sources(addtime integer, filename varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY, showId integer, seasonId integer, episodeId integer, id integer, stype varchar(32))') cur.execute('create table cache(addtime integer, url varchar(32))') cur.execute('create table scan(addtime integer, filename varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY)') cur.execute('create table watched(addtime integer, rating integer, id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY)') db.commit() cur.close() db.close() def invert_bool(var): if bool(var): var = False else: var = True return var def getSettingAsBool(setting): return __settings__.getSetting(setting).lower() == "true" def calculate(full): consts = [(100, 20), (300, 15), (500, 10), (2000, 7), (4000, 5)] max_const = 150 repl_const = 0 for size, const in consts: if (size * 1024 * 1024) > full: repl_const = int(float(const) / 100 * (full / (1024 * 1024))) # MB of first break if repl_const == 0: repl_const = max_const return repl_const def getDirList(path, newl=None): l = [] try: if not newl: dirs, newl = xbmcvfs.listdir(path) except: try: if not newl: dirs, newl = xbmcvfs.listdir(path.decode('utf-8').encode('cp1251')) except: showMessage(__language__(30206), __language__(30280), forced=True) return l for fl in newl: match = re.match('.avi|.mp4|.mkV|.flv|.mov|.vob|.wmv|.ogm|.asx|.mpg|mpeg|.avc|.vp3|.fli|.flc|.m4v', fl[int(len(fl)) - 4:len(fl)], re.I) if match: l.append(fl) return l def cutFileNames(l): from difflib import Differ d = Differ() text = sortext(l) newl = [] for li in l: newl.append(cutStr(li[0:len(li) - 1 - len(li.split('.')[-1])])) l = newl text1 = cutStr(text[0][0:len(text[0]) - 1 - len(text[0].split('.')[-1])]) text2 = cutStr(text[1][0:len(text[1]) - 1 - len(text[1].split('.')[-1])]) sep_file = " " result = list(d.compare(text1.split(sep_file), text2.split(sep_file))) Debug('[cutFileNames] ' + unicode(result)) start = '' end = '' for res in result: if str(res).startswith('-') or str(res).startswith('+') or str(res).startswith('.?'): break start = start + str(res).strip() + sep_file result.reverse() for res in result: if str(res).startswith('-') or str(res).startswith('+') or str(res).startswith('?'): break end = sep_file + str(res).strip() + end newl = l l = [] Debug('[cutFileNames] [start] ' + start) Debug('[cutFileNames] [end] ' + end) for fl in newl: if cutStr(fl[0:len(start)]) == cutStr(start): fl = fl[len(start):] if cutStr(fl[len(fl) - len(end):]) == cutStr(end): fl = fl[0:len(fl) - len(end)] try: isinstance(int(fl.split(sep_file)[0]), int) fl = fl.split(sep_file)[0] except: pass l.append(fl) Debug('[cutFileNames] [sorted l] ' + unicode(sorted(l, key=lambda x: x)), True) return l def cutStr(s): return s.replace('.', ' ').replace('_', ' ').replace('[', ' ').replace(']', ' ').lower().strip() def sortext(filelist): result = {} for name in filelist: ext = name.split('.')[-1] try: result[ext] = result[ext] + 1 except: result[ext] = 1 lol = result.iteritems() lol = sorted(lol, key=lambda x: x[1]) Debug('[sortext]: lol:' + str(lol)) popext = lol[-1][0] result, i = [], 0 for name in filelist: if name.split('.')[-1] == popext: result.append(name) i = i + 1 result = sweetpair(result) Debug('[sortext]: result:' + str(result)) return result def cutFolder(contentList, tdir=None): dirList, contentListNew = [], [] if len(contentList) > 1: common_folder = contentList[0][0] if '\\' in common_folder: common_folder = common_folder.split('\\')[0] elif '/' in common_folder: common_folder = common_folder.split('/')[0] common = True for fileTitle, contentId in contentList: if common_folder not in fileTitle: print 'no common' common = False break # print common_folder for fileTitle, contentId in contentList: dir = None if common: fileTitle = fileTitle[len(common_folder) + 1:] # print fileTitle if '\\' in fileTitle: dir = fileTitle.split('\\')[0] elif '/' in fileTitle: dir = fileTitle.split('/')[0] elif not tdir: contentListNew.append((fileTitle, contentId)) if tdir and dir == tdir: contentListNew.append((fileTitle[len(dir) + 1:], contentId)) if not tdir and dir and dir not in dirList: dirList.append(dir) return dirList, contentListNew else: return dirList, contentList def sweetpair(l): from difflib import SequenceMatcher s = SequenceMatcher() ratio = [] for i in range(0, len(l)): ratio.append(0) for i in range(0, len(l)): for p in range(0, len(l)): s.set_seqs(l[i], l[p]) ratio[i] = ratio[i] + s.quick_ratio() id1, id2 = 0, 0 for i in range(0, len(l)): if ratio[id1] <= ratio[i] and i != id2 or id2 == id1 and ratio[id1] == ratio[i]: id2 = id1 id1 = i # Debug('1 - %d %d' % (id1, id2)) elif (ratio[id2] <= ratio[i] or id1 == id2) and i != id1: id2 = i # Debug('2 - %d %d' % (id1, id2)) Debug('[sweetpair]: id1 ' + l[id1] + ':' + str(ratio[id1])) Debug('[sweetpair]: id2 ' + l[id2] + ':' + str(ratio[id2])) return [l[id1], l[id2]] def FileNamesPrepare(filename): my_season = None my_episode = None try: if int(filename): my_episode = int(filename) Debug('[FileNamesPrepare] ' + str([my_season, my_episode, filename])) return [my_season, my_episode, filename] except: pass urls = ['s(\d+)e(\d+)', '(\d+)[x|-](\d+)', 'E(\d+)', 'Ep(\d+)', '\((\d+)\)'] for file in urls: match = re.compile(file, re.DOTALL | re.I | re.IGNORECASE).findall(filename) if match: try: my_episode = int(match[1]) my_season = int(match[0]) except: try: my_episode = int(match[0]) except: try: my_episode = int(match[0][1]) my_season = int(match[0][0]) except: try: my_episode = int(match[0][0]) except: break if my_season and my_season > 100: my_season = None if my_episode and my_episode > 365: my_episode = None Debug('[FileNamesPrepare] ' + str([my_season, my_episode, filename])) return [my_season, my_episode, filename] def filename2match(filename, no_date=False): results = {'label': filename} urls = ['(.+|.?)s(\d+)e(\d+)', '(.+|.?)s(\d+)\.e(\d+)', '(.+|.?) [\[|\(](\d+)[x|-](\d+)[\]|\)]', '(.+|.?) (\d+)[x|-](\d+)'] # same in service for file in urls: match = re.compile(file, re.I | re.IGNORECASE).findall(filename) # print str(results) if match: results['showtitle'], results['season'], results['episode'] = match[0] results['showtitle'] = results['showtitle'].replace('.', ' ').replace('_', ' ').strip().replace( 'The Daily Show', 'The Daily Show With Jon Stewart') results['season'], results['episode'] = int(results['season']), int(results['episode']) # Debug('[filename2match] '+str(results)) return results if no_date: return urls = ['(.+)(\d{4})\.(\d{2,4})\.(\d{2,4})', '(.+)(\d{4}) (\d{2}) (\d{2})'] # same in service for file in urls: match = re.compile(file, re.I | re.IGNORECASE).findall(filename) if match: results['showtitle'] = match[0][0].replace('.', ' ').strip().replace('The Daily Show', 'The Daily Show With Jon Stewart') results['date'] = '%s.%s.%s' % (match[0][3], match[0][2], match[0][1]) Debug('[filename2match] ' + str(results)) return results def TextBB(string, action=None, color=None): if action == 'b': string = '[B]' + string + '[/B]' return string def jstr(s): if not s: s = 'null' elif not unicode(s).isnumeric(): s = '"%s"' % (s) return str(s) def view_style(func): styles = {} num_skin, style = 0, 'info' view_style = int(__settings__.getSetting("skin_optimization")) if view_style in [3, 2]: styles['searchOption'] = styles['History'] = styles['List'] = 'info' styles['drawContent'] = styles['drawtrackerList'] = styles['drawcontentList'] = 'info' styles['sectionMenu'] = styles['Seasons'] = 'list' styles['uTorrentBrowser'] = styles['torrentPlayer'] = styles['openTorrent'] = 'wide' styles['showFilesList'] = styles['DownloadStatus'] = 'wide' elif view_style in [1, 4]: styles['searchOption'] = 'info' styles['drawContent'] = styles['torrentPlayer'] = styles['openTorrent'] = styles['drawtrackerList'] = 'info' styles['uTorrentBrowser'] = styles['History'] = styles['DownloadStatus'] = 'wide' styles['showFilesList'] = styles['sectionMenu'] = 'wide' styles['List'] = styles['drawcontentList'] = 'info3' if view_style == 1: styles['uTorrentBrowser'] = styles['torrentPlayer'] = 'wide' styles['openTorrent'] = styles['History'] = styles['DownloadStatus'] = 'wide' styles['sectionMenu'] = 'icons' if view_style in [1, 3, 4]: num_skin = 0 elif view_style == 2: num_skin = 1 style = styles.get(func) # Debug('[view_style]: lock '+str(style)) lockView(style, num_skin) def lockView(viewId='info', num_skin=0): xbmcplugin.setContent(int(sys.argv[1]), 'movies') skinOptimizations = ( {'list': 50, 'info': 50, 'wide': 51, 'icons': 500, 'info3': 515, }, # Confluence {'list': 50, 'info': 51, 'wide': 52, 'icons': 53, } # Transperency! ) try: xbmc.executebuiltin("Container.SetViewMode(%s)" % str(skinOptimizations[num_skin][viewId])) except: return ''' PosterWrapView2_Fanart MediaListView3 MediaListView2 MediaListView4 WideIconView MusicVideoInfoListView AddonInfoListView1 AddonInfoThumbView1 LiveTVView1 ''' def torrent_dir(): from resources.utorrent.net import Download socket.setdefaulttimeout(3) list = Download().list() ret = 0 if list and len(list) > 0: dirs = ["Keyboard"] for dl in list: if dl['dir'] not in dirs: dirs.append(dl['dir']) basename = os.path.dirname(dl['dir']) if basename not in dirs: dirs.append(basename) else: dirs.remove(basename) dirs.insert(1, basename) dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() ret = dialog.select(Localization.localize('Manual Torrent-client Path Edit'), dirs) else: ret = 0 if ret == 0: KB = xbmc.Keyboard() KB.setHeading(Localization.localize('Manual Torrent-client Path Edit')) KB.setDefault(__settings__.getSetting("torrent_dir")) KB.doModal() if (KB.isConfirmed()): __settings__.setSetting("torrent_dir", KB.getText()) elif ret > 0: __settings__.setSetting("torrent_dir", dirs[ret]) def saveCheckPoint(): __settings__.setSetting("checkpoint", str(sys.argv[2])) def gotoCheckPoint(): xbmc.executebuiltin( 'XBMC.ActivateWindow(Videos,plugin://plugin.video.myshows/%s)' % (__settings__.getSetting("checkpoint"))) def smbtopath(path): x = path.split('@') if len(x) > 1: path = x[1] else: path = path.replace('smb://', '') Debug('[smbtopath]:' + '\\\\' + path.replace('/', '\\')) return '\\\\' + path.replace('/', '\\') def PrepareFilename(filename): badsymb = [':', '"', '\\', '/', '\'', '!', ['&', 'and'], '*', '?', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '] for b in badsymb: if not isinstance(b, list): filename = filename.replace(b, ' ') else: filename = filename.replace(b[0], b[1]) return filename.rstrip('. ') def PrepareSearch(filename): titles = [filename] rstr = '. -' badsymb = [':', '"', r'\\', '/', r'\'', '!', '&', '*', '_', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' '] for b in badsymb: filename = filename.replace(b, ' ') filename = re.sub("\([^)]*\)([^(]*)", "\\1", filename) filename = re.sub("\[[^\]]*\]([^\[]*)", "\\1", filename) filename = filename.strip().rstrip(rstr) if titles[0] != filename and filename != '': titles.insert(0, filename) title_array = [(u'(.+?)(Cезон|cезон|Сезон|сезон|Season|season|СЕЗОН|SEASON)', titles[0], 0), (u'(.+?)[sS](\d{1,2})', titles[0].replace('.', ' '), 0), ] for regex, title, i in title_array: recomp = re.compile(regex) match = recomp.findall(title) if match: titles.insert(0, match[0][i].rstrip(rstr)) return titles def kinorate(title, year, titleAlt=None, kinopoiskId=None): if kinopoiskId: match = {'title': title.replace('"', ''), 'year': str(year), 'kinopoiskId': str(kinopoiskId)} else: match = {'title': title.replace('"', ''), 'year': str(year)} if titleAlt: match['titleAlt'] = titleAlt.replace('"', '') try: xbmc.executebuiltin( 'xbmc.RunScript(' + xbmcaddon.Addon("script.myshows").getAddonInfo("path") + os.sep + 'sync_exec.py,' + json.dumps(match).replace(',', '|:|') + ')') except: return False class RateShow(): def __init__(self, showId, watched_jdata=None): self.dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() self.showId = showId self.list = {} if watched_jdata: self.watched_jdata = watched_jdata else: watched_data = Data(cookie_auth, __baseurl__ + '/profile/shows/' + str(showId) + '/', __baseurl__ + '/profile/shows/' + str(showId) + '/') try: self.watched_jdata = json.loads(watched_data.get()) except: Debug('[RateShow] no watched_jdata1') return if not self.watched_jdata: Debug('[RateShow] no watched_jdata2') return def seasonrates(self): jload = Data(cookie_auth, __baseurl__ + '/profile/shows/').get() jshowdata = json.loads(jload) if str(self.showId) in jshowdata: self.list, seasonNumber = self.listSE(jshowdata[str(self.showId)]['totalEpisodes']) ratedict = {} for i in self.list: for j in self.list[i]: if self.watched_jdata.has_key(j): if self.watched_jdata[j]['rating']: if ratedict.has_key(i): ratedict[i].append(self.watched_jdata[j]['rating']) else: ratedict[i] = [self.watched_jdata[j]['rating']] # Debug('[ratedict]:'+str(ratedict)) for i in ratedict: ratedict[i] = (round(float(sum(ratedict[i])) / len(ratedict[i]), 2), len(ratedict[i])) Debug('[ratedict]:' + str(ratedict)) else: ratedict = {} return ratedict def count(self): ratings, seasonratings = [], [] showId = str(self.showId) jload = Data(cookie_auth, __baseurl__ + '/profile/shows/').get() jshowdata = json.loads(jload) self.list, seasonNumber = self.listSE(jshowdata[showId]['totalEpisodes']) old_rating = jshowdata[showId]['rating'] for id in self.watched_jdata: if self.watched_jdata[id]['rating']: ratings.append(self.watched_jdata[id]['rating']) if id in self.list[str(seasonNumber)]: seasonratings.append(self.watched_jdata[id]['rating']) # Debug('ratings:'+str(ratings)+'; seasonratings:'+str(seasonratings)) if len(ratings) > 0: rating = round(float(sum(ratings)) / len(ratings), 2) else: rating = 0 if len(seasonratings) > 0: seasonrating = round(float(sum(seasonratings)) / len(seasonratings), 2) else: seasonrating = 0 return rating, seasonNumber, seasonrating, old_rating def listSE(self, maxep): listSE, seasonNumber = {}, 0 data = Data(cookie_auth, __baseurl__ + '/shows/' + str(self.showId)) jdata = json.loads(data.get()) for id in jdata['episodes']: if maxep >= jdata['episodes'][id]['sequenceNumber']: if listSE.has_key(str(jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'])): listSE[str(jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'])].append(id) else: listSE[str(jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'])] = [id] if jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'] > seasonNumber: seasonNumber = jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'] # Debug('[listSE] '+str(listSE)+str(seasonNumber)) return listSE, seasonNumber def isRemoteTorr(): localhost = ['', '', 'localhost'] if __settings__.getSetting("torrent") == '0': if __settings__.getSetting("torrent_utorrent_host") not in localhost: Debug('[isRemoteTorr]: uTorrent is Remote!') return True elif __settings__.getSetting("torrent") == '1': if __settings__.getSetting("torrent_transmission_host") not in localhost: Debug('[isRemoteTorr]: Transmission is Remote!') return True def changeDBTitle(showId): from utilities import xbmcJsonRequest shows = xbmcJsonRequest( {'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.GetTVShows', 'params': {'properties': ['title']}, 'id': 0}) if not shows: Debug('[changeDBTitle]: XBMC JSON Result was empty.') return if 'tvshows' in shows: shows = shows['tvshows'] Debug("[changeDBTitle]: XBMC JSON Result: '%s'" % str(shows)) else: Debug("[changeDBTitle]: Key 'tvshows' not found") return if len(shows) > 0: newtitle = id2title(showId, None, True)[0].decode('utf-8', 'ignore') dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() dialog_items, dialog_ids = [__language__(30205)], [-1] shows = sorted(shows, key=lambda x: x['tvshowid'], reverse=True) for show in shows: dialog_ids.append(show['tvshowid']) dialog_items.append(show['title']) ret = dialog.select(newtitle, dialog_items) if ret > 0: ok = dialog.yesno(__language__(30322), __language__(30534), __language__(30535) % (dialog_items[ret], newtitle)) if ok: result = xbmcJsonRequest({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'VideoLibrary.SetTVShowDetails', 'params': {'tvshowid': int(dialog_ids[ret]), 'title': unicode(newtitle)}, 'id': 1}) if result in [newtitle, 'OK']: showMessage(__language__(30208), __language__(30536) % (newtitle), forced=True) else: Debug("[changeDBTitle]: XBMC JSON Result: '%s'" % str(result)) return class TimeOut(): def __init__(self): self.scan = CacheDB('web_timeout') self.gone_online = CacheDB('go_online') self.get = self.scan.get() self.online = 30 self.offline = 1 def go_offline(self, manual=False): gone_online = self.gone_online.get() if gone_online: gone_online = int(gone_online) else: gone_online = 0 if not manual: if gone_online and gone_online + self.online >= int(round(time.time())): Debug('[TimeOut]: too soon to go back offline! %d s' % ( (gone_online + self.online * 4) - int(round(time.time())))) return if self.timeout() == self.online: Debug('[TimeOut]: Gone offline! %d s' % ((gone_online + self.online * 4) - int(round(time.time())))) showMessage(__language__(30520), __language__(30545) % (self.offline)) if self.get: self.scan.delete() self.scan.add() def go_online(self): if self.get: self.scan.delete() Debug('[TimeOut]: Gone online!') showMessage(__language__(30521), __language__(30545) % (self.online)) if self.gone_online.get(): self.gone_online.delete() self.gone_online.add() def timeout(self): if self.get and int(time.time()) - self.get < refresh_period * 3600: to = self.offline else: to = self.online # Debug('[TimeOut]: '+str(to)) return to class ListDB: def __init__(self, version=1.0): self.dbname = 'list' + '.db3' dirname = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') self.dbfilename = os.path.join(dirname, 'xbmcup', __settings__.getAddonInfo('id').replace('plugin://', '').replace('/', ''), self.dbname) self.version = version if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbfilename): self.creat_db() def creat_db(self): self._connect() self.cur.execute('pragma auto_vacuum=1') self.cur.execute('create table db_ver(version real)') # self.cur.execute('create table list(addtime integer PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(32), originaltitle varchar(32)' # ', year integer, category varchar(32), subcategory varchar(32))') self.cur.execute('create table list(addtime integer PRIMARY KEY, info varchar(32))') self.cur.execute('insert into db_ver(version) values(?)', (self.version,)) self.db.commit() self._close() def get(self, addtime): self._connect() self.cur.execute('select info from list where addtime="' + addtime + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() return x[0] if x else None def get_all(self): self._connect() # self.cur.execute('select addtime,title,originaltitle,year,category,subcategory from list') self.cur.execute('select addtime,info from list') x = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() return x if x else None def add(self, url): self._connect() self.cur.execute('insert into list(addtime,info)' ' values(?,?)', (int(time.time()), url)) self.db.commit() self._close() def delete(self, addtime): self._connect() self.cur.execute('delete from list where addtime="' + addtime + '"') self.db.commit() self._close() def _connect(self): self.db = sqlite.connect(self.dbfilename) self.cur = self.db.cursor() def _close(self): self.cur.close() self.db.close() class HistoryDB: def __init__(self, version=1.1): self.name = 'history.db3' self.version = version def get_all(self): self._connect() self.cur.execute('select addtime,string,fav from history order by addtime DESC') x = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() return x if x else None def get(self, url): self._connect() self.cur.execute('select string from history where string="' + url + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() return x[0] if x else None def get_providers(self, addtime): self._connect() self.cur.execute('select providers from history where addtime="' + addtime + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() # print 'get_providers: '+str(x[0].split(',') if x and x[0]!='' else None) return x[0].split(',') if x and x[0] != '' else None def set_providers(self, addtime, providers): self._connect() if isinstance(providers, dict): temp = [] for i in providers.keys(): if providers.get(i): temp.append(i) providers = temp str_p = ','.join(providers) self.cur.execute('UPDATE history SET providers = "' + str_p + '" where addtime=' + addtime) self.db.commit() self._close() def change_providers(self, addtime, searcher): self._connect() providers = self.get_providers(addtime) keys = Searchers().dic().keys() if providers and len(providers) > 0: if searcher in providers: providers.remove(searcher) else: providers.append(searcher) for i in providers: if i not in keys: providers.remove(i) self.set_providers(addtime, providers) self.db.commit() self._close() def add(self, url): self._connect() self.cur.execute('select fav from history where string="' + url + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() if x: x = int(x[0]) fav = True if x else False if not fav: self.cur.execute('delete from history where string="' + decode(url) + '"') self.cur.execute('insert into history(addtime,string,fav,providers)' ' values(?,?,?,?)', (int(time.time()), decode(url), 0, "")) self.db.commit() self._close() def update(self, addtime, fav): self._connect() self.cur.execute('UPDATE history SET fav = ' + str(fav) + ' where addtime=' + addtime) self.db.commit() self._close() def fav(self, addtime): self.update(addtime, fav=1) def unfav(self, addtime): self.update(addtime, fav=0) def delete(self, addtime): self._connect() self.cur.execute('delete from history where addtime="' + addtime + '"') self.db.commit() self._close() def clear(self): self._connect() self.cur.execute('delete from history where fav=0') self.db.commit() self._close() def _connect(self): dirname = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') for subdir in ('xbmcup', 'plugin.video.torrenter'): dirname = os.path.join(dirname, subdir) if not xbmcvfs.exists(dirname): xbmcvfs.mkdir(dirname) self.filename = os.path.join(dirname, self.name) first = False if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.filename): first = True self.db = sqlite.connect(self.filename, check_same_thread=False) if not first: self.cur = self.db.cursor() try: self.cur.execute('select version from db_ver') row = self.cur.fetchone() if not row or float(row[0]) != self.version: self.cur.execute('drop table history') self.cur.execute('drop table if exists db_ver') first = True self.db.commit() self.cur.close() except: self.cur.execute('drop table history') first = True self.db.commit() self.cur.close() if first: cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute('pragma auto_vacuum=1') cur.execute('create table db_ver(version real)') cur.execute( 'create table history(addtime integer PRIMARY KEY, string varchar(32), providers varchar(32), fav integer)') cur.execute('insert into db_ver(version) values(?)', (self.version,)) self.db.commit() cur.close() self.cur = self.db.cursor() def _close(self): self.cur.close() self.db.close() class Searchers(): def __init__(self): pass def getBoolSetting(self, setting): return __settings__.getSetting(setting).lower() == "true" def setBoolSetting(self, setting, bool=True): __settings__.setSetting(setting, "true" if bool else "false") def list(self, only=None): searchersDict = {} if only!='external': searchers_dir = os.path.join(ROOT, 'resources', 'searchers') searchers_dirList=xbmcvfs.listdir(searchers_dir)[1] for searcherFile in searchers_dirList: if re.match('^(\w+)\.py$', searcherFile): name=searcherFile.replace('.py', '') searchersDict[name]={'name':name, 'path':searchers_dir, 'searcher':os.path.join(searchers_dir,name+'.py'), 'type':'local'} if only!='local': addons_dir = os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath('special://home'),'addons') addons_dirsList = xbmcvfs.listdir(addons_dir)[0] for searcherDir in addons_dirsList: if re.match('^torrenter\.searcher\.(\w+)$', searcherDir): name=searcherDir.replace('torrenter.searcher.', '') path=os.path.join(addons_dir, searcherDir) searchersDict[name]={'name':name, 'path':path, 'searcher':os.path.join(path,name+'.py'), 'type':'external'} return searchersDict def dic(self, providers=[]): dic = {} for searcher in self.list(): if not providers: dic[searcher] = self.old(searcher) else: dic[searcher] = searcher in providers return dic def old(self, searcher): if not self.getBoolSetting('old_' + searcher): self.setBoolSetting('old_' + searcher) self.setBoolSetting(searcher) return self.getBoolSetting(searcher) def get_active(self): get_active = [] for searcher in self.list().keys(): if self.old(searcher): get_active.append(searcher + '.py') print 'Active Searchers: ' + str(get_active) return get_active def searchWithSearcher(self, keyword, searcher): filesList = [] slist = Searchers().list() if slist[searcher]['path'] not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, slist[searcher]['path']) print 'Added %s in sys.path' % (slist[searcher]['path']) try: searcherObject = getattr(__import__(searcher), searcher)() filesList = searcherObject.search(keyword) except Exception, e: print 'Unable to use searcher: ' + searcher + ' at ' + __plugin__ + ' searchWithSearcher(). Exception: ' + str( e) print(traceback.format_exc()) return filesList def downloadWithSearcher(self, url, searcher): slist = Searchers().list() if slist[searcher]['path'] not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, slist[searcher]['path']) print 'Added %s in sys.path' % (slist[searcher]['path']) try: searcherObject = getattr(__import__(searcher), searcher)() url = searcherObject.getTorrentFile(url) except Exception, e: print 'Unable to use searcher: ' + searcher + ' at ' + __plugin__ + ' downloadWithSearcher(). Exception: ' + str( e) return url def search(url, searchersList, isApi=None): from threading import Thread try: from Queue import Queue except ImportError: from queue import Queue num_threads = 3 queue = Queue() result = {} iterator, filesList, left_searchers = 0, [], [] timeout_multi=int(sys.modules["__main__"].__settings__.getSetting("timeout")) wait_time=10+(10*timeout_multi) left_searchers.extend(searchersList) if not isApi: progressBar = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progressBar.create(Localization.localize('Please Wait'), Localization.localize('Materials are loading now.')) def search_one(i, q): while True: if not isApi and progressBar.iscanceled(): progressBar.update(0) progressBar.close() return iterator=100*int(len(searchersList)-len(left_searchers))/len(searchersList) if not isApi: progressBar.update(int(iterator), join_list(left_searchers, replace='.py')) searcherFile = q.get() searcher=searcherFile.replace('.py','') print "Thread %s: Searching at %s" % (i, searcher) result[searcherFile]=Searchers().searchWithSearcher(url, searcher) left_searchers.remove(searcherFile) q.task_done() for i in range(num_threads): worker = Thread(target=search_one, args=(i, queue)) worker.setDaemon(True) worker.start() for searcherFile in searchersList: queue.put(searcherFile, timeout=wait_time) print "Main Thread Waiting" queue.join() print "Done" if not isApi: progressBar.update(0) progressBar.close() for k in result.keys(): filesList.extend(result[k]) return filesList def join_list(l, char=', ', replace=''): string='' for i in l: string+=i.replace(replace,'')+char return string.rstrip(' ,') class Contenters(): def __init__(self): pass def first_time(self, scrapperDB_ver, language='ru'): searcher = 'metadata' redl = False scrapperDB_ver = scrapperDB_ver[language] if scrapperDB_ver != __settings__.getSetting('scrapperDB_ver' + language) and self.getBoolSetting(searcher): __settings__.setSetting('scrapperDB_ver' + language, scrapperDB_ver) ok = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Content Lists'), Localization.localize('Your preloaded databases are outdated!'), Localization.localize('Do you want to download new ones right now?')) if ok: dirname = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') dirname = os.path.join(dirname, 'xbmcup', 'plugin.video.torrenter') scrapers = {'tvdb': 'TheTVDB.com', 'tmdb': 'TheMovieDB.org', 'kinopoisk': 'KinoPoisk.ru'} for i in scrapers.keys(): xbmcvfs.delete(os.path.join(dirname, i + '.' + language + '.db')) showMessage(Localization.localize('Reset All Cache DBs'), Localization.localize('Deleted!')) redl = True else: xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Content Lists'), Localization.localize( 'You can always restart this by deleting DBs via Context Menu'), ) if not self.getBoolSetting('oldc_' + searcher + language): self.setBoolSetting('oldc_' + searcher + language, True) __settings__.setSetting('scrapperDB_ver' + language, scrapperDB_ver) ok = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Content Lists'), Localization.localize('Do you want to search and cache full metadata + arts?'), Localization.localize( 'This vastly decreases load speed, but you will be asked to download premade bases!')) if ok: self.setBoolSetting(searcher, True) redl = True else: self.setBoolSetting(searcher, False) if redl: self.Scraper = Scrapers() scrapers = {'tvdb': 'TheTVDB.com', 'tmdb': 'TheMovieDB.org', 'kinopoisk': 'KinoPoisk.ru'} for scraper in scrapers.keys(): if scraper != 'kinopoisk' or language == 'ru': self.Scraper.scraper(scraper, {'label': 'Мстители', 'search': [u'Мстители', u'The Avengers'], 'year': 2012}, language) def getBoolSetting(self, setting): return __settings__.getSetting(setting).lower() == "true" def setBoolSetting(self, setting, bool=True): __settings__.setSetting(setting, "true" if bool else "false") def list(self): searchersList = [] dirList = os.listdir(ROOT + os.sep + 'resources' + os.sep + 'contenters') for searcherFile in dirList: if re.match('^(\w+)\.py$', searcherFile): searchersList.append(searcherFile.replace('.py', '')) return searchersList def dic(self): dic = {} for searcher in self.list(): dic[searcher] = self.old(searcher) return dic def get_activedic(self): dic = {} # for searcher in self.list(): # if self.old(searcher): dic[searcher]=(searcher,) for searcher in self.list(): dic[searcher] = (searcher,) return dic def old(self, searcher): if not self.getBoolSetting('oldc_' + searcher): self.setBoolSetting('oldc_' + searcher) self.setBoolSetting(searcher) return self.getBoolSetting(searcher) def get_active(self): get_active = [] for searcher in self.list(): if self.old(searcher): get_active.append(searcher) return get_active class WatchedDB: def __init__(self): dirname = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') for subdir in ('xbmcup', __settings__.getAddonInfo('id').replace('plugin://', '').replace('/', '')): dirname = os.path.join(dirname, subdir) if not xbmcvfs.exists(dirname): xbmcvfs.mkdir(dirname) self.dbfilename = os.path.join(dirname, 'data.db3') if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.dbfilename): creat_db(self.dbfilename) self.dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() def _get(self, id): self._connect() Debug('[WatchedDB][_get]: Checking ' + id) id = id.replace("'", "<&>").decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.where = " where id='%s'" % (id) try: self.cur.execute('select rating from watched' + self.where) except: self.cur.execute('create table watched(addtime integer, rating integer, id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY)') self.cur.execute('select rating from watched' + self.where) res = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() return res[0] if res else None def _get_all(self): self._connect() self.cur.execute('select id, rating from watched order by addtime desc') res = [[unicode(x[0]).replace("<&>", "'").encode('utf-8', 'ignore'), x[1]] for x in self.cur.fetchall()] self._close() return res def check(self, id, rating=0): ok1, ok3 = None, None db_rating = self._get(id) title = titlesync(id) TimeOut().go_offline() if getSettingAsBool("silentoffline"): if db_rating == None and rating >= 0: showMessage(__language__(30520), __language__(30522) % (str(rating))) ok1 = True elif db_rating >= 0 and rating != db_rating and rating > 0: showMessage(__language__(30520), __language__(30523) % (str(rating))) ok3 = True elif db_rating != None and rating == db_rating: showMessage(__language__(30520), __language__(30524) % (str(rating))) else: if db_rating == None and rating >= 0: if title: title = title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') ok1 = self.dialog.yesno(__language__(30520), __language__(30525) % (str(rating)), title) else: ok1 = True elif db_rating and rating != db_rating: if title: title = title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore') ok3 = self.dialog.yesno(__language__(30520), __language__(30526) % (str(db_rating), str(rating)), title) else: ok3 = True elif db_rating == 0 and rating != db_rating: ok3 = True elif db_rating != None and rating == db_rating: showMessage(__language__(30520), __language__(30527) % (str(rating))) Debug('[WatchedDB][check]: rating: %s DB: %s, ok1: %s, ok3: %s' % ( str(rating), str(db_rating), str(ok1), str(ok3))) if ok1: self._add(id, rating) return True if ok3: self._delete(id) self._add(id, rating) return True def onaccess(self): # Debug('[WatchedDB][onaccess]: Start') TimeOut().go_online() self._connect() try: self.cur.execute('select count(id) from watched') except: self.cur.execute('create table watched(addtime integer, rating integer, id varchar(32) PRIMARY KEY)') self.cur.execute('select count(id) from watched') x = self.cur.fetchone() res = int(x[0]) self._close() i = 0 if res > 0: # Debug('[WatchedDB][onaccess]: Found %s' % (str(res))) silentofflinesend = getSettingAsBool('silentofflinesend') if not silentofflinesend: ok2 = self.dialog.yesno(__language__(30521), __language__(30528) % (str(res)), __language__(30529)) else: ok2 = True if ok2: for id, rating in self._get_all(): from addon import SyncXBMC j = SyncXBMC(id, int(rating)).doaction() if j: i = i + int(j) self._delete(id) showMessage(__language__(30521), __language__(30530) % (i)) __settings__.setSetting("duo_last_id", '') else: ok2 = self.dialog.yesno(__language__(30521), __language__(30531) % (str(res))) if ok2: for id, rating in self._get_all(): self._delete(id) return res def _add(self, id, rating=0): __settings__.setSetting("duo_last_id", '') self._connect() id = id.replace("'", "<&>").decode('utf-8', 'ignore') Debug('[WatchedDB][_add]: Adding %s with rate %d' % (id, rating)) self.cur.execute('insert into watched(addtime, rating, id) values(?,?,?)', (int(time.time()), int(rating), id)) self.db.commit() self._close() def _delete(self, id): self._connect() id = id.replace("'", "<&>").decode('utf-8', 'ignore') self.cur.execute("delete from watched where id=('" + id + "')") self.db.commit() self._close() def count(self): return len(self._get_all()) def _connect(self): self.db = sqlite.connect(self.dbfilename) self.cur = self.db.cursor() def _close(self): self.cur.close() self.db.close() def countSeasons(jdata): seasons, epdict = [], {} for id in jdata['episodes']: seasonNumber = jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'] if seasonNumber not in seasons: seasons.append(seasonNumber) if jdata['episodes'][id]['episodeNumber']: if str(jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber']) not in epdict: epdict[str(jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'])] = str(jdata['episodes'][id]['id']) else: epdict[str(jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'])] = epdict[str( jdata['episodes'][id]['seasonNumber'])] + ',' + str(jdata['episodes'][id]['id']) seasons.sort() return seasons, epdict def fetchData(url, referer=None): request = urllib2.Request(url) if referer != None: request.add_header('Referer', referer) request.add_header('User-Agent', USERAGENT) if __settings__.getSetting("auth"): authString = '; ' + __settings__.getSetting("auth") else: authString = '' request.add_header('Cookie', authString) try: connection = urllib2.urlopen(request) result = connection.read() connection.close() return (result) except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError) as e: print " fetchData(" + url + ") exception: " + str(e) return def file_decode(filename): if not __settings__.getSetting('delete_russian') == 'true': try: filename = filename.decode('utf-8') # ,'ignore') except: pass return filename def file_encode(filename): if not __settings__.getSetting('delete_russian') == 'true': if sys.getfilesystemencoding() == 'mbcs' and isAsciiString(filename): filename = filename.decode('cp1251').encode('utf-8') return filename def isAsciiString(mediaName): for index, char in enumerate(mediaName): if ord(char) >= 128: return False return True def getParameters(parameterString): commands = {} splitCommands = parameterString[parameterString.find('?') + 1:].split('&') for command in splitCommands: if (len(command) > 0): splitCommand = command.split('=') if (len(splitCommand) > 1): name = splitCommand[0] value = splitCommand[1] commands[name] = value return commands def isSubtitle(filename, filename2): filename_if = filename[:len(filename) - len(filename.split('.')[-1]) - 1] filename_if = filename_if.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1] filename_if2 = filename2.split('/')[-1].split('\\')[-1][:len(filename_if)] # Debug('Compare ' + filename_if.lower() + ' and ' + filename_if2.lower() + ' and ' + filename2.lower().split('.')[-1]) ext = ['ass', 'mpsub', 'rum', 'sbt', 'sbv', 'srt', 'ssa', 'sub', 'sup', 'w32'] if filename2.lower().split('.')[-1] in ext and \ filename_if.lower() == filename_if2.lower(): return True return False def delete_russian(ok=False, action='delete'): i = 0 if not ok: ok = xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('< %s >' % Localization.localize('International Check - First Run'), 'Delete Russian stuff?', Localization.localize('Delete Russian stuff?')) if ok: fileList = { 'contenters': ['CXZ.py', 'FastTorrent.py', 'KinoPoisk.py', 'RiperAM.py'], 'searchers': ['NNMClubRu.py', 'OpenSharing.py', 'RiperAM.py', 'RuTorOrg.py', 'RuTrackerOrg.py', 'TFileME.py'] } for path in fileList.keys(): for filename in fileList[path]: if action == 'delete': filepath = os.path.join(ROOT, 'resources', path, filename) if xbmcvfs.exists(filepath): newfilepath = os.path.join(ROOT, 'resources', path, 'unused', filename) xbmcvfs.copy(filepath, newfilepath) xbmcvfs.delete(filepath) elif action == 'return': filepath = os.path.join(ROOT, 'resources', path, 'unused', filename) if xbmcvfs.exists(filepath): newfilepath = os.path.join(ROOT, 'resources', path, filename) xbmcvfs.copy(filepath, newfilepath) xbmcvfs.delete(filepath) i = i + 1 if action == 'return': return i return True else: return False class DownloadDB: def __init__(self, version=1.41): self.name = 'download.db3' self.version = version def get_all(self): self._connect() self._execute( 'select addtime, title, path, type, jsoninfo, status, torrent, ind, lastupdate, storage from downloads order by addtime DESC') x = self.cur.fetchall() self._close() return x if x else None def get(self, title): self._connect() self._execute( 'select addtime, title, path, type, jsoninfo, status, torrent, ind, lastupdate, storage from downloads where title="' + decode( title) + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() return x if x else None def get_byaddtime(self, addtime): self._connect() self._execute( 'select addtime, title, path, type, jsoninfo, status, torrent, ind, lastupdate, storage from downloads where addtime="' + str( addtime) + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() return x if x else None def _execute(self, sql): try: self.cur.execute(sql) except Exception, e: if str(e)=='no such table: downloads': cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute('pragma auto_vacuum=1') cur.execute( 'create table downloads(addtime integer PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(32), path varchar(32), type varchar(32), jsoninfo varchar(32), status varchar(32), torrent varchar(32), ind integer, lastupdate integer, storage varchar(32))') self.db.commit() cur.close() self.cur = self.db.cursor() else: self._close() Debug('[DownloadDB]: DELETE ' + str(self.filename)) xbmcvfs.delete(self.filename) self._connect() self.cur.execute(sql) def get_status(self, title): self._connect() self._execute('select status from downloads where title="' + decode(title) + '"') x = self.cur.fetchone() self._close() return x[0] if x else None def add(self, title, path, type, info, status, torrent, ind, storage): if not self.get(title): self._connect() self.cur.execute( 'insert into downloads(addtime, title, path, type, jsoninfo, status, torrent, ind, lastupdate, storage)' ' values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)', ( int(time.time()), decode(title), decode(path), type, json.dumps(info), status, decode(torrent), ind, int(time.time()), decode(storage))) self.db.commit() self._close() return True else: return False def update(self, title, info={}): try: title = title.decode('utf-8') except: pass self._connect() self._execute( 'UPDATE downloads SET jsoninfo = "' + urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(info)) + '", lastupdate=' + str( int(time.time())) + ' where title="' + title + '"') self.db.commit() self._close() def update_status(self, addtime, status): self._connect() self._execute('UPDATE downloads SET status = "' + status + '" where addtime="' + str(addtime) + '"') self.db.commit() self._close() def delete(self, addtime): self._connect() self._execute('delete from downloads where addtime="' + str(addtime) + '"') self.db.commit() self._close() def clear(self): self._connect() self._execute('delete from downloads') self.db.commit() self._close() def _connect(self): dirname = xbmc.translatePath('special://temp') for subdir in ('xbmcup', 'plugin.video.torrenter'): dirname = os.path.join(dirname, subdir) if not xbmcvfs.exists(dirname): xbmcvfs.mkdir(dirname) self.filename = os.path.join(dirname, self.name) first = False if not xbmcvfs.exists(self.filename): first = True self.db = sqlite.connect(self.filename, check_same_thread=False) if not first: self.cur = self.db.cursor() try: self.cur.execute('select version from db_ver') row = self.cur.fetchone() if not row or float(row[0]) != self.version: self.cur.execute('drop table downloads') self.cur.execute('drop table if exists db_ver') first = True self.db.commit() self.cur.close() except: self.cur.execute('drop table downloads') first = True self.db.commit() self.cur.close() if first: cur = self.db.cursor() cur.execute('pragma auto_vacuum=1') cur.execute('create table db_ver(version real)') cur.execute( 'create table downloads(addtime integer PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(32), path varchar(32), type varchar(32), jsoninfo varchar(32), status varchar(32), torrent varchar(32), ind integer, lastupdate integer, storage varchar(32))') cur.execute('insert into db_ver(version) values(?)', (self.version,)) self.db.commit() cur.close() self.cur = self.db.cursor() def _close(self): self.cur.close() self.db.close() def decode(string, ret=None): try: string = string.decode('utf-8') return string except: if ret: return ret else: return string def unquote(string, ret=None): try: return urllib.unquote_plus(string) except: if ret: return ret else: return string def itemScrap(item, kwarg): # Debug('[itemTVDB]:meta '+str(kwarg)) if 'title' in kwarg and kwarg['title']: item.setLabel(kwarg['title']) if 'label' in kwarg and kwarg['label']: item.setLabel2(kwarg['label']) if 'icon' in kwarg and kwarg['icon']: item.setIconImage(kwarg['icon']) if 'thumbnail' in kwarg and kwarg['thumbnail']: item.setThumbnailImage(kwarg['thumbnail']) if 'properties' in kwarg and kwarg['properties']: for key, value in kwarg['properties'].iteritems(): item.setProperty(key, str(value)) if 'info' in kwarg and kwarg['properties']: item.setInfo(type='Video', infoLabels=kwarg['info']) return item def get_ids_video(contentList): ids_video = [] allowed_video_ext = ['avi', 'mp4', 'mkv', 'flv', 'mov', 'vob', 'wmv', 'ogm', 'asx', 'mpg', 'mpeg', 'avc', 'vp3', 'fli', 'flc', 'm4v', 'iso'] allowed_music_ext = ['mp3', 'flac', 'wma', 'ogg', 'm4a', 'aac', 'm4p', 'rm', 'ra'] for extlist in [allowed_video_ext, allowed_music_ext]: for title, identifier in contentList: try: ext = title.split('.')[-1] if ext.lower() in extlist: ids_video.append(str(identifier)) except: pass if len(ids_video) > 1: break # print Debug('[get_ids_video]:'+str(ids_video)) return ids_video def first_run_230(delete_russian): if not __settings__.getSetting('first_run_230')=='True': __settings__.setSetting('first_run_230','True') if not delete_russian: yes=xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Torrenter Update 2.3.0'), Localization.localize('Would you like to install %s from "MyShows.me Kodi Repo" in Programs (Scripts) section?') % 'RuTrackerOrg', Localization.localize('Open installation window?')) if yes: xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all,true)') xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.ActivateWindow(Addonbrowser,addons://search/%s)' % ('Torrenter Searcher')) def first_run_231(): if not __settings__.getSetting('first_run_231')=='True': __settings__.setSetting('first_run_231','True') ok = xbmcgui.Dialog().ok('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Torrenter Update 2.3.1'), Localization.localize('We added Android ARM full support to Torrenter v2!'), Localization.localize('I deleted pre-installed ones, install them in Search Control Window!')) yes=xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Torrenter Update 2.3.1'), Localization.localize('You have no installed or active searchers! More info in Search Control Window!'), Localization.localize('Would you like to install %s from "MyShows.me Kodi Repo" in Programs (Scripts) section?') % '',) if yes: xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all,true)') xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.ActivateWindow(Addonbrowser,addons://search/%s)' % ('Torrenter Searcher')) def noActiveSerachers(): yes=xbmcgui.Dialog().yesno('< %s >' % Localization.localize('Torrenter v2'), Localization.localize('You have no installed or active searchers! More info in Search Control Window!'), Localization.localize('Would you like to install %s from "MyShows.me Kodi Repo" in Programs (Scripts) section?') % '',) if yes: xbmc.executebuiltin('Dialog.Close(all,true)') xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.ActivateWindow(Addonbrowser,addons://search/%s)' % ('Torrenter Searcher'))