# File: debug.py # Library: DOPAL - DO Python Azureus Library # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details ( see the COPYING file ). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ''' Contains functions and objects useful for debugging DOPAL. ''' class DebugObject(object): pass class LinkDebugObject(DebugObject): pass class ErrorLinkDebug(LinkDebugObject): def __init__(self, cgi_path, error): self.cgi_path = cgi_path self.error = error class OutgoingExchangeDebug(LinkDebugObject): def __init__(self, cgi_path, data_to_send): self.cgi_path = cgi_path self.data_to_send = data_to_send class ConnectionExchangeDebug(LinkDebugObject): def __init__(self, cgi_path, data_sent, data_received): self.cgi_path = cgi_path self.data_sent = data_sent self.data_received = data_received class ConnectionDebugObject(DebugObject): pass class MethodRequestDebug(ConnectionDebugObject): def __init__(self, object_id, request_method): self.object_id = object_id self.request_method = request_method class MethodResponseDebug(ConnectionDebugObject): def __init__(self, object_id, request_method, response): self.object_id = object_id self.request_method = request_method self.response = response def print_everything(debug_object): if not isinstance(debug_object, LinkDebugObject): return print print '---------------' print if isinstance(debug_object, OutgoingExchangeDebug): print 'Sending to "%s"' % debug_object.cgi_path print print debug_object.data_to_send elif isinstance(debug_object, ConnectionExchangeDebug): print 'Recieved from "%s"' % debug_object.cgi_path print print debug_object.data_received elif isinstance(debug_object, ErrorLinkDebug): error = debug_object.error print 'Error from "%s"' % debug_object.cgi_path print print '%s: %s' % (error.__class__.__name__, error) print print '---------------' print def print_everything_with_stack(debug_object): if isinstance(debug_object, OutgoingExchangeDebug): import traceback print print '---------------' print print 'Stack trace of request:' traceback.print_stack() print print '---------------' print print_everything(debug_object) def print_method(debug_object): from dopal.utils import make_short_object_id as _sid if isinstance(debug_object, MethodRequestDebug): print print '---------------' print ' Object:', debug_object.object_id, if debug_object.object_id is not None: print "[sid=%s]" % _sid(debug_object.object_id), print print ' Method:', debug_object.request_method print elif isinstance(debug_object, MethodResponseDebug): import dopal.core if isinstance(debug_object.response, dopal.core.ErrorResponse): print ' Response Type: ERROR' print ' Response Data:', debug_object.response.response_data elif isinstance(debug_object.response, dopal.core.AtomicResponse): print ' Response Type: VALUE' print ' Response Data:', debug_object.response.response_data elif isinstance(debug_object.response, dopal.core.NullResponse): print ' Response Type: NULL / EMPTY' print ' Response Data: None' elif isinstance(debug_object.response, dopal.core.StructuredResponse): print ' Response Type: STRUCTURE' print ' Response Data:', obj_id = debug_object.response.get_object_id() if obj_id is not None: print 'Object [id=%s, sid=%s]' % (obj_id, _sid(obj_id)) else: print 'Non-object value' print '---------------' print def print_method_with_stack(debug_object): if isinstance(debug_object, MethodResponseDebug): import traceback print print '---------------' print print 'Stack trace of request:' traceback.print_stack() print print '---------------' print print_method(debug_object) class DebugGrabber(object): debug_object = None def get_in(self): if self.debug_object is None: raise Exception, "not captured any data yet" return self.debug_object.data_sent def get_out(self): if self.debug_object is None: raise Exception, "not captured any data yet" return self.debug_object.data_received def __call__(self, debug_object): if isinstance(debug_object, ConnectionExchangeDebug): self.debug_object = debug_object