# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Torrenter v2 plugin for XBMC/Kodi Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Vadim Skorba v1 - DiMartino v2 http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=214366 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ''' import os import urllib import json import sys from contextlib import contextmanager, closing, nested import traceback from argparse import Namespace import xbmc import xbmcgui import Downloader import xbmcgui import xbmcvfs import Localization from platform_pulsar import get_platform from resources.btclient.btclient import * from functions import showMessage, DownloadDB, get_ids_video, log, debug from Player import OverlayText ROOT = sys.modules["__main__"].__root__ RESOURCES_PATH = os.path.join(ROOT, 'resources') TORRENT2HTTP_TIMEOUT = 20 TORRENT2HTTP_POLL = 1000 PLAYING_EVENT_INTERVAL = 60 MIN_COMPLETED_PIECES = 0.5 WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_VIDEO = 12005 XBFONT_LEFT = 0x00000000 XBFONT_RIGHT = 0x00000001 XBFONT_CENTER_X = 0x00000002 XBFONT_CENTER_Y = 0x00000004 XBFONT_TRUNCATED = 0x00000008 XBFONT_JUSTIFY = 0x00000010 STATE_STRS = [ 'Queued', 'Checking', 'Downloading metadata', 'Downloading', 'Finished', 'Seeding', 'Allocating', 'Allocating file & Checking resume' ] VIEWPORT_WIDTH = 1920.0 VIEWPORT_HEIGHT = 1088.0 OVERLAY_WIDTH = int(VIEWPORT_WIDTH * 0.7) # 70% size OVERLAY_HEIGHT = 150 ENCRYPTION_SETTINGS = { "Forced": 0, "Enabled": 1, "Disabled": 2, } class BTClientPlayer(xbmc.Player): __plugin__ = sys.modules["__main__"].__plugin__ __settings__ = sys.modules["__main__"].__settings__ ROOT = sys.modules["__main__"].__root__ # .decode('utf-8').encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) USERAGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:5.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/5.0" torrentFilesDirectory = 'torrents' debug = __settings__.getSetting('debug') == 'true' subs_dl = __settings__.getSetting('subs_dl') == 'true' seeding = __settings__.getSetting('keep_seeding') == 'true' and __settings__.getSetting('keep_files') == '1' seeding_status = False seeding_run = False ids_video = None episodeId = None basename = '' def __init__(self, userStorageDirectory, torrentUrl, params={}): self.userStorageDirectory = userStorageDirectory self.torrentUrl = torrentUrl xbmc.Player.__init__(self) log("[BTClientPlayer] Initalized") self.params = params self.get = self.params.get self.contentId = int(self.get("url")) self.platform = get_platform() self.init() self.torrent = Downloader.Torrent(self.userStorageDirectory, self.torrentUrl, self.torrentFilesDirectory).player self.lt=self.torrent.lt try: if self.get("url2"): self.ids_video = urllib.unquote_plus(self.get("url2")).split(',') else: self.ids_video = self.get_ids() except: pass args=Namespace(bt_download_limit=self.download_limit,#KB bt_upload_limit=self.upload_limit, choose_subtitles=False, clear_older=0, debug_log='',#os.path.join(self.userStorageDirectory, 'log.txt'), delete_on_finish=False, directory=self.userStorageDirectory, listen_port_max=6891,# listen_port_min=6881, no_resume=False, player='kodi', port=5001, print_pieces=False, quiet=False, stdin=False, stream=True, subtitles=None, trace=False, content_id=self.contentId, url=self.torrentUrl) args=main(args) #config self.free_port = args.port log('BTClientPlayer: args '+str(args)) self.btclient=self.stream(args, BTClient) #self.init() #self.setup_torrent() #if self.buffer(): # while True: # if self.setup_play(): # debug('************************************* GOING LOOP') # #self.torrent.continueSession(self.contentId) # self.loop() # else: # break # debug('************************************* GO NEXT?') # if self.next_dl and self.next_dling and isinstance(self.next_contentId, int) and self.iterator == 100: # self.contentId = self.next_contentId # continue # debug('************************************* NO! break') # break #self.torrent.stopSession() #self.torrent.threadComplete = True #self.torrent.checkThread() #if '1' != self.__settings__.getSetting("keep_files") and 'Saved Files' not in self.userStorageDirectory: # xbmc.sleep(1000) # clearStorage(self.userStorageDirectory) #else: # if self.seeding_status: # showMessage(self.localize('Information'), # self.localize('Torrent is seeding. To stop it use Download Status.'), forced=True) # else: # if self.seeding: self.db_delete() # showMessage(self.localize('Information'), # self.localize('Torrent downloading is stopped.'), forced=True) def on_exit(self): self.c.close() sys.exit(0) def stream(self, args, client_class): self.c = client_class(args.directory, args=args, lt=self.lt) try: while True: try: s = socket.socket() res = s.connect_ex(('', self.free_port)) if res: break finally: s.close() self.free_port += 1 self.server = StreamServer(('', self.free_port), BTFileHandler, allow_range=True, status_fn=self.c.get_normalized_status) log('Started http server on port %d' % self.free_port) self.server.run() log('Starting btclient - libtorrent version %s' % self.lt.version) self.c.start_url(args.url) self.setup_torrent() if self.buffer(): f = self.c._file self.server.set_file(f) self.setup_play() with closing( OverlayText(w=OVERLAY_WIDTH, h=OVERLAY_HEIGHT, alignment=XBFONT_CENTER_X | XBFONT_CENTER_Y)) as overlay: with nested(self.attach(overlay.show, self.on_playback_paused), self.attach(overlay.hide, self.on_playback_resumed, self.on_playback_stopped)): while True: if xbmc.abortRequested or not self.isPlaying(): break status = self.c.status overlay.text = "\n".join(self._get_status_lines(status)) xbmc.sleep(1000) log('Play ended') if self.server: self.server.stop() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() finally: self.on_exit() def init(self): self.next_dl = True if self.__settings__.getSetting('next_dl') == 'true' and self.ids_video else False log('[BTClientPlayer]: init next_dl - ' + str(self.next_dl)) self.next_contentId = False self.display_name = '' self.downloadedSize = 0 self.dialog = xbmcgui.Dialog() self.on_playback_started = [] self.on_playback_resumed = [] self.on_playback_paused = [] self.on_playback_stopped = [] self.fullSize = 0 if self.__settings__.getSetting("upload_limit") == "": self.upload_limit = 0.0 else: self.upload_limit = float(self.__settings__.getSetting("upload_limit")) / 8 * 1024 if self.__settings__.getSetting("download_limit") == "": self.download_limit = 0.0 else: self.download_limit = float(self.__settings__.getSetting("download_limit")) / 8 * 1024 def setup_torrent(self): if self.__settings__.getSetting('encryption') == 'true': self.c.encrypt() #if self.subs_dl: # subs = self.torrent.getSubsIds(os.path.basename(self.torrent.getFilePath(self.contentId))) # if len(subs) > 0: # for ind, title in subs: # self.torrent.continueSession(ind) def buffer(self): #iterator = 0 progressBar = xbmcgui.DialogProgress() progressBar.create(self.localize('Please Wait') + str(' [%s]' % str(self.lt.version)), self.localize('Seeds searching.')) while not self.c.is_file_ready: #iterator < 100:#or not self.torrent.is_playble() status = self.c.get_normalized_status() iterator = int(status['progress'] * 10000) if iterator > 99: iterator = 99 if status['state'] in ['queued','checking','checking fastresume'] or (status['progress'] == 0 and status['num_pieces'] > 0): progressBar.update(iterator, self.localize('Checking preloaded files...'), ' ', ' ') elif status['state'] == 'downloading': dialogText = self.localize('Preloaded: ') + str(status['downloaded'] / 1024 / 1024) + ' MB / ' + str( status['total_size'] / 1024 / 1024) + ' MB' peersText = ' [%s: %s; %s: %s]' % ( self.localize('Seeds'), str(status['seeds_connected']), self.localize('Peers'), str(status['peers_connected']),) speedsText = '%s: %s Mbit/s; %s: %s Mbit/s' % ( self.localize('Downloading'), str(status['download_rate'] * 8 / 1000000), self.localize('Uploading'), str(status['upload_rate'] * 8 / 1000000)) #if self.debug: # peersText=peersText + ' ' + self.torrent.get_debug_info('dht_state') # dialogText=dialogText.replace(self.localize('Preloaded: '),'') + ' ' + self.torrent.get_debug_info('trackers_sum') progressBar.update(iterator, self.localize('Seeds searching.') + peersText, dialogText, speedsText) else: progressBar.update(iterator, self.localize('UNKNOWN STATUS'), ' ', ' ') if progressBar.iscanceled(): self.c.close() break xbmc.sleep(1000) progressBar.update(0) progressBar.close() return True def setup_subs(self, label, path): iterator = 0 subs = self.torrent.getSubsIds(label) debug('[setup_subs] subs: '+str(subs)) if len(subs) > 0: showMessage(self.localize('Information'), self.localize('Downloading and copy subtitles. Please wait.'), forced=True) for ind, title in subs: self.torrent.continueSession(ind) while iterator < 100: xbmc.sleep(1000) self.torrent.debug() status = self.torrent.torrentHandle.status() iterator = int(status.progress * 100) # xbmc.sleep(2000) for ind, title in subs: folder = title.split(os.sep)[0] temp = os.path.basename(title) addition = os.path.dirname(title).lstrip(folder + os.sep).replace(os.sep, '.').replace(' ', '_').strip() ext = temp.split('.')[-1] temp = temp[:len(temp) - len(ext) - 1] + '.' + addition + '.' + ext newFileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(path), temp) debug('[setup_subs]: '+str((os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)),title),newFileName))) if not xbmcvfs.exists(newFileName): xbmcvfs.copy(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(path)), title), newFileName) def setup_play(self): #self.next_dling = False #self.iterator = 0 path = os.path.join(self.userStorageDirectory, self.c._file.path) label = os.path.basename(self.c._file.path) self.basename = label #self.seeding_run = False listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label) #if self.subs_dl: # self.setup_subs(label, path) try: seasonId = self.get("seasonId") self.episodeId = self.get("episodeId") if not self.episodeId else int(self.episodeId) + 1 title = urllib.unquote_plus(self.get("title")) if self.get("title") else None if self.get("label") and self.episodeId == self.get("episodeId"): label = urllib.unquote_plus(self.get("label")) elif seasonId and self.episodeId and title: label = '%s S%02dE%02d.%s (%s)' % ( title, int(seasonId), int(self.episodeId), self.basename.split('.')[-1], self.basename) if seasonId and self.episodeId and label and title: listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem(label) listitem.setInfo(type='video', infoLabels={'title': label, 'episode': int(self.episodeId), 'season': int(seasonId), 'tvshowtitle': title}) except: log('[BTClientPlayer] Operation INFO failed!') thumbnail = self.get("thumbnail") if thumbnail: listitem.setThumbnailImage(urllib.unquote_plus(thumbnail)) self.display_name = label base = '' + str(self.free_port) + '/' url = urlparse.urljoin(base, urllib.quote(self.c._file.path)) # мегакостыль! rpc = ({'jsonrpc': '2.0', 'method': 'Files.GetDirectory', 'params': { 'media': 'video', 'directory': path}, 'id': 0}) data = json.dumps(rpc) request = xbmc.executeJSONRPC(data) response = json.loads(request) while not response: xbmc.sleep(100) if response: playlist = xbmc.PlayList(xbmc.PLAYLIST_VIDEO) playlist.clear() playlist.add(url, listitem) xbmc.Player().play(playlist) print "\nServing file on %s" % url return True def onPlayBackStarted(self): for f in self.on_playback_started: f() log('[onPlayBackStarted]: '+(str(("video", "play", self.display_name)))) def onPlayBackResumed(self): for f in self.on_playback_resumed: f() self.onPlayBackStarted() def onPlayBackPaused(self): for f in self.on_playback_paused: f() log('[onPlayBackPaused]: '+(str(("video", "pause", self.display_name)))) def onPlayBackStopped(self): for f in self.on_playback_stopped: f() log('[onPlayBackStopped]: '+(str(("video", "stop", self.display_name)))) @contextmanager def attach(self, callback, *events): for event in events: event.append(callback) yield for event in events: event.remove(callback) def loop(self): debug_counter=0 with closing( OverlayText(w=OVERLAY_WIDTH, h=OVERLAY_HEIGHT, alignment=XBFONT_CENTER_X | XBFONT_CENTER_Y)) as overlay: with nested(self.attach(overlay.show, self.on_playback_paused), self.attach(overlay.hide, self.on_playback_resumed, self.on_playback_stopped)): while not xbmc.abortRequested and self.isPlaying() and not self.torrent.threadComplete: self.torrent.checkThread() if self.iterator == 100 and debug_counter < 100: debug_counter += 1 else: self.torrent.debug() debug_counter=0 status = self.torrent.torrentHandle.status() overlay.text = "\n".join(self._get_status_lines(status)) # downloadedSize = torrent.torrentHandle.file_progress()[contentId] self.iterator = int(status.progress * 100) xbmc.sleep(1000) if self.iterator == 100 and self.next_dl: next_contentId_index = self.ids_video.index(str(self.contentId)) + 1 if len(self.ids_video) > next_contentId_index: self.next_contentId = int(self.ids_video[next_contentId_index]) else: self.next_contentId = False debug('[loop] next_contentId: '+str(self.next_contentId)) if not self.seeding_run and self.iterator == 100 and self.seeding: self.seeding_run = True self.seed(self.contentId) self.seeding_status = True # xbmc.sleep(7000) if self.iterator == 100 and self.next_dl and not self.next_dling and isinstance(self.next_contentId, int) and self.next_contentId != False: showMessage(self.localize('Torrent Downloading'), self.localize('Starting download next episode!'), forced=True) self.torrent.stopSession() # xbmc.sleep(1000) path = self.torrent.getFilePath(self.next_contentId) self.basename = self.display_name = os.path.basename(path) self.torrent.continueSession(self.next_contentId) self.next_dling = True def _get_status_lines(self, s): return [ self.display_name.decode('utf-8'), "%.2f%% %s" % (s.progress * 100, self.localize(STATE_STRS[s.state]).decode('utf-8')), "D:%.2f%s U:%.2f%s S:%d P:%d" % (s.download_rate / 1024, self.localize('kb/s').decode('utf-8'), s.upload_rate / 1024, self.localize('kb/s').decode('utf-8'), s.num_seeds, s.num_peers) ] def db_delete(self): if self.basename: db = DownloadDB() get = db.get(self.basename) if get: db.delete(get[0]) def seed(self, contentId): self.db_delete() exec_str = 'XBMC.RunPlugin(%s)' % \ ('%s?action=%s&url=%s&storage=%s&ind=%s') % \ (sys.argv[0], 'downloadLibtorrent', urllib.quote_plus(self.torrentUrl), urllib.quote_plus(self.userStorageDirectory), str(contentId)) xbmc.executebuiltin(exec_str) def get_ids(self): contentList = [] for filedict in self.torrent.getContentList(): contentList.append((filedict.get('title'), str(filedict.get('ind')))) contentList = sorted(contentList, key=lambda x: x[0]) return get_ids_video(contentList) def localize(self, string): try: return Localization.localize(string) except: return string