* dtls/__init__.py: Removed wrapper import
* dtls/openssl.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/patch.py: Removed PROTOCOL_SSLv3 import and fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/sslconnection.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/certs/*_ec.pem: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/echo_seq.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/simple_client.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/unit.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/unit_wrapper.py: Corrected wrapper import and fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/util.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/wrapper.py: Corrected function naming to wrap_client() and wrap_server(); Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/x509.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/openssl.py: SSL_write() can handle ctypes.Array data
* dtls/sslconnection.py: Added missing import ERR_BOTH_KEY_CERT_FILES
* dtls/test/simple_client.py: Added basic test client to use with dtls/test/echo_seq.py