* dtls/__init__.py: Removed wrapper import
* dtls/openssl.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/patch.py: Removed PROTOCOL_SSLv3 import and fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/sslconnection.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/certs/*_ec.pem: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/echo_seq.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/simple_client.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/unit.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/unit_wrapper.py: Corrected wrapper import and fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/util.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/wrapper.py: Corrected function naming to wrap_client() and wrap_server(); Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/x509.py: Fixed line endings to LF
* dtls/test/makecerts_ec.bat: creates ca-cert_ec.pem, keycert_ec.pem and server-cert_ec.pem
* dtls/test/openssl_ca.cnf and openssl_server.cnf: Added HOME to be able to use the conf file under windows
The version number is incremented to 1.0.0.
Thanks to doneir for reporting that a number of unit test were failing.
This was because two test certificates had expired. This commit replaces
these with updated certificates, along with the tool used for programmatic
certificate generation. The new certificates are set to remain valid for
approximately ten years.