# SSL connection: state and behavior associated with the connection between # the OpenSSL library and an individual peer. Written by Ray Brown. """SSL Connection This module encapsulates the state and behavior associated with the connection between the OpenSSL library and an individual peer when using the DTLS protocol. It defines the application side of the interface of a client with a DTLS server, and of a server with a DTLS client. Classes: SSLConnection -- DTLS peer association Integer constants: PROTOCOL_DTLSv1 The cert group must coincide in meaning and value with the one of the standard library's ssl module, since its values can be passed to this module. CERT_NONE CERT_OPTIONAL CERT_REQUIRED """ import errno import socket import hmac from logging import getLogger from os import urandom from weakref import proxy from err import openssl_error, InvalidSocketError from err import raise_ssl_error from err import SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ, SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL from err import ERR_COOKIE_MISMATCH, ERR_NO_CERTS from err import ERR_NO_CIPHER, ERR_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, ERR_PORT_UNREACHABLE from x509 import _X509, decode_cert from tlock import tlock_init from openssl import * from util import _Rsrc, _BIO _logger = getLogger(__name__) PROTOCOL_DTLSv1 = 256 CERT_NONE = 0 CERT_OPTIONAL = 1 CERT_REQUIRED = 2 # # One-time global OpenSSL library initialization # SSL_library_init() SSL_load_error_strings() tlock_init() DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER = SSLeay() DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION = SSLeay_version(SSLEAY_VERSION) DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_INFO = ( DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >> 28 & 0xFF, # major DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >> 20 & 0xFF, # minor DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >> 12 & 0xFF, # fix DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >> 4 & 0xFF, # patch DTLS_OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER & 0xF) # status class _CTX(_Rsrc): """SSL_CTX wrapper""" def __init__(self, value): super(_CTX, self).__init__(value) def __del__(self): _logger.debug("Freeing SSL CTX: %d", self._value._as_parameter) SSL_CTX_free(self._value) self._value = None class _SSL(_Rsrc): """SSL structure wrapper""" def __init__(self, value): super(_SSL, self).__init__(value) def __del__(self): _logger.debug("Freeing SSL: %d", self._value._as_parameter) SSL_free(self._value) self._value = None class _CallbackProxy(object): """Callback gateway to an SSLConnection object This class forms a weak connection between a callback method and an SSLConnection object. It can be passed as a callback callable without creating a strong reference through bound methods of the SSLConnection. """ def __init__(self, cbm): self.ssl_connection = proxy(cbm.im_self) self.ssl_func = cbm.im_func def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.ssl_func(self.ssl_connection, *args, **kwargs) class SSLConnection(object): """DTLS peer association This class associates two DTLS peer instances, wrapping OpenSSL library state including SSL (struct ssl_st), SSL_CTX, and BIO instances. """ _rnd_key = urandom(16) def _init_server(self, peer_address): if self._sock.type != socket.SOCK_DGRAM: raise InvalidSocketError("sock must be of type SOCK_DGRAM") if peer_address: raise InvalidSocketError("server-side socket must be unconnected") from demux import UDPDemux self._udp_demux = UDPDemux(self._sock) self._rsock = self._udp_demux.get_connection(None) self._wbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._sock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) self._rbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._rsock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) self._ctx = _CTX(SSL_CTX_new(DTLSv1_server_method())) SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(self._ctx.value, SSL_SESS_CACHE_OFF) if self._cert_reqs == CERT_NONE: verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE elif self._cert_reqs == CERT_OPTIONAL: verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE else: verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER | SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE | \ SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT self._listening = False self._listening_peer_address = None self._pending_peer_address = None self._config_ssl_ctx(verify_mode) self._cb_keepalive = SSL_CTX_set_cookie_cb( self._ctx.value, _CallbackProxy(self._generate_cookie_cb), _CallbackProxy(self._verify_cookie_cb)) self._ssl = _SSL(SSL_new(self._ctx.value)) SSL_set_accept_state(self._ssl.value) def _init_client(self, peer_address): if self._sock.type != socket.SOCK_DGRAM: raise InvalidSocketError("sock must be of type SOCK_DGRAM") self._wbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._sock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) self._rbio = self._wbio self._ctx = _CTX(SSL_CTX_new(DTLSv1_client_method())) if self._cert_reqs == CERT_NONE: verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_NONE else: verify_mode = SSL_VERIFY_PEER self._config_ssl_ctx(verify_mode) self._ssl = _SSL(SSL_new(self._ctx.value)) SSL_set_connect_state(self._ssl.value) if peer_address: return lambda: self.connect(peer_address) def _config_ssl_ctx(self, verify_mode): SSL_CTX_set_verify(self._ctx.value, verify_mode) SSL_CTX_set_read_ahead(self._ctx.value, 1) if self._certfile: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_chain_file(self._ctx.value, self._certfile) if self._keyfile: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(self._ctx.value, self._keyfile, SSL_FILE_TYPE_PEM) if self._ca_certs: SSL_CTX_load_verify_locations(self._ctx.value, self._ca_certs, None) if self._ciphers: try: SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(self._ctx.value, self._ciphers) except openssl_error() as err: raise_ssl_error(ERR_NO_CIPHER, err) def _copy_server(self): source = self._sock self._sock = source._sock self._udp_demux = source._udp_demux self._rsock = self._udp_demux.get_connection( source._pending_peer_address) self._wbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._sock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) self._rbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._rsock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) BIO_dgram_set_peer(self._wbio.value, source._pending_peer_address) self._ctx = source._ctx self._ssl = source._ssl new_source_wbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(source._sock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) new_source_rbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(source._rsock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) source._ssl = _SSL(SSL_new(self._ctx.value)) SSL_set_accept_state(source._ssl.value) source._rbio = new_source_rbio source._wbio = new_source_wbio SSL_set_bio(source._ssl.value, new_source_rbio.value, new_source_wbio.value) new_source_rbio.disown() new_source_wbio.disown() def _reconnect_unwrapped(self): source = self._sock self._sock = source._wsock self._udp_demux = source._demux self._rsock = source._rsock self._ctx = source._ctx self._wbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._sock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) self._rbio = _BIO(BIO_new_dgram(self._rsock.fileno(), BIO_NOCLOSE)) BIO_dgram_set_peer(self._wbio.value, source._peer_address) self._ssl = _SSL(SSL_new(self._ctx.value)) SSL_set_accept_state(self._ssl.value) if self._do_handshake_on_connect: return lambda: self.do_handshake() def _check_nbio(self): BIO_set_nbio(self._wbio.value, self._sock.gettimeout() is not None) if self._wbio is not self._rbio: BIO_set_nbio(self._rbio.value, self._rsock.gettimeout() is not None) def _get_cookie(self, ssl): assert self._listening assert self._ssl.value._as_parameter == ssl._as_parameter if self._listening_peer_address: peer_address = self._listening_peer_address else: peer_address = BIO_dgram_get_peer(self._rbio.value) cookie_hmac = hmac.new(self._rnd_key, str(peer_address)) return cookie_hmac.digest() def _generate_cookie_cb(self, ssl): return self._get_cookie(ssl) def _verify_cookie_cb(self, ssl, cookie): if self._get_cookie(ssl) != cookie: raise Exception("DTLS cookie mismatch") def __init__(self, sock, keyfile=None, certfile=None, server_side=False, cert_reqs=CERT_NONE, ssl_version=PROTOCOL_DTLSv1, ca_certs=None, do_handshake_on_connect=True, suppress_ragged_eofs=True, ciphers=None): """Constructor Arguments: these arguments match the ones of the SSLSocket class in the standard library's ssl module """ if keyfile and not certfile or certfile and not keyfile: raise_ssl_error(ERR_BOTH_KEY_CERT_FILES) if server_side and not keyfile: raise_ssl_error(ERR_BOTH_KEY_CERT_FILES_SVR) if cert_reqs != CERT_NONE and not ca_certs: raise_ssl_error(ERR_NO_CERTS) if not ciphers: ciphers = "DEFAULT" self._sock = sock self._keyfile = keyfile self._certfile = certfile self._cert_reqs = cert_reqs self._ca_certs = ca_certs self._do_handshake_on_connect = do_handshake_on_connect self._suppress_ragged_eofs = suppress_ragged_eofs self._ciphers = ciphers self._handshake_done = False if isinstance(sock, SSLConnection): post_init = self._copy_server() elif isinstance(sock, _UnwrappedSocket): post_init = self._reconnect_unwrapped() else: try: peer_address = sock.getpeername() except socket.error: peer_address = None if server_side: post_init = self._init_server(peer_address) else: post_init = self._init_client(peer_address) SSL_set_bio(self._ssl.value, self._rbio.value, self._wbio.value) self._rbio.disown() self._wbio.disown() if post_init: post_init() def get_socket(self, inbound): """Retrieve a socket used by this connection When inbound is True, then the socket from which this connection reads data is retrieved. Otherwise the socket to which this connection writes data is retrieved. Read and write sockets differ depending on whether this is a server- or a client-side connection, and on whether a routing demux is in use. """ if inbound and hasattr(self, "_rsock"): return self._rsock return self._sock def listen(self): """Server-side cookie exchange This method reads datagrams from the socket and initiates cookie exchange, upon whose successful conclusion one can then proceed to the accept method. Alternatively, accept can be called directly, in which case it will call this method. In order to prevent denial-of- service attacks, only a small, constant set of computing resources are used during the listen phase. On some platforms, listen must be called so that packets will be forwarded to accepted connections. Doing so is therefore recommened in all cases for portable code. Return value: a peer address if a datagram from a new peer was encountered, None if a datagram for a known peer was forwarded """ self._pending_peer_address = None try: peer_address = self._udp_demux.service() except socket.timeout: peer_address = None except socket.error as sock_err: if sock_err.errno != errno.EWOULDBLOCK: _logger.exception("Unexpected socket error in listen") raise peer_address = None if not peer_address: _logger.debug("Listen returning without peer") return # The demux advises that a datagram from a new peer may have arrived if type(peer_address) is tuple: # For this type of demux, the write BIO must be pointed at the peer BIO_dgram_set_peer(self._wbio.value, peer_address) self._udp_demux.forward() self._listening_peer_address = peer_address self._check_nbio() self._listening = True try: _logger.debug("Invoking DTLSv1_listen for ssl: %d", self._ssl.value._as_parameter) dtls_peer_address = DTLSv1_listen(self._ssl.value) except openssl_error() as err: if err.ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ: # This method must be called again to forward the next datagram _logger.debug("DTLSv1_listen must be resumed") return elif err.errqueue and err.errqueue[0][0] == ERR_COOKIE_MISMATCH: _logger.debug("Mismatching cookie received; aborting handshake") return _logger.exception("Unexpected error in DTLSv1_listen") raise finally: self._listening = False self._listening_peer_address = None if type(peer_address) is tuple: _logger.debug("New local peer: %s", dtls_peer_address) self._pending_peer_address = peer_address else: self._pending_peer_address = dtls_peer_address _logger.debug("New peer: %s", self._pending_peer_address) return self._pending_peer_address def accept(self): """Server-side UDP connection establishment This method returns a server-side SSLConnection object, connected to that peer most recently returned from the listen method and not yet connected. If there is no such peer, then the listen method is invoked. Return value: SSLConnection connected to a new peer, None if packet forwarding only to an existing peer occurred. """ if not self._pending_peer_address: if not self.listen(): _logger.debug("Accept returning without connection") return new_conn = SSLConnection(self, self._keyfile, self._certfile, True, self._cert_reqs, PROTOCOL_DTLSv1, self._ca_certs, self._do_handshake_on_connect, self._suppress_ragged_eofs, self._ciphers) new_peer = self._pending_peer_address self._pending_peer_address = None if self._do_handshake_on_connect: # Note that since that connection's socket was just created in its # constructor, the following operation must be blocking; hence # handshake-on-connect can only be used with a routing demux if # listen is serviced by a separate application thread, or else we # will hang in this call new_conn.do_handshake() _logger.debug("Accept returning new connection for new peer") return new_conn, new_peer def connect(self, peer_address): """Client-side UDP connection establishment This method connects this object's underlying socket. It subsequently performs a handshake if do_handshake_on_connect was set during initialization. Arguments: peer_address - address tuple of server peer """ self._sock.connect(peer_address) peer_address = self._sock.getpeername() # substituted host addrinfo BIO_dgram_set_connected(self._wbio.value, peer_address) assert self._wbio is self._rbio if self._do_handshake_on_connect: self.do_handshake() def do_handshake(self): """Perform a handshake with the peer This method forces an explicit handshake to be performed with either the client or server peer. """ _logger.debug("Initiating handshake...") self._check_nbio() try: SSL_do_handshake(self._ssl.value) except openssl_error() as err: if err.ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ and \ self.get_socket(True).gettimeout(): raise_ssl_error(ERR_HANDSHAKE_TIMEOUT, err) elif err.ssl_error == SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL and err.result == -1: raise_ssl_error(ERR_PORT_UNREACHABLE, err) raise self._handshake_done = True _logger.debug("...completed handshake") def read(self, len=1024): """Read data from connection Read up to len bytes and return them. Arguments: len -- maximum number of bytes to read Return value: string containing read bytes """ self._check_nbio() return SSL_read(self._ssl.value, len) def write(self, data): """Write data to connection Write data as string of bytes. Arguments: data -- buffer containing data to be written Return value: number of bytes actually transmitted """ self._check_nbio() return SSL_write(self._ssl.value, data) def shutdown(self): """Shut down the DTLS connection This method attemps to complete a bidirectional shutdown between peers. For non-blocking sockets, it should be called repeatedly until it no longer raises continuation request exceptions. """ if hasattr(self, "_listening"): # Listening server-side sockets cannot be shut down return self._check_nbio() try: SSL_shutdown(self._ssl.value) except openssl_error() as err: if err.result == 0: # close-notify alert was just sent; wait for same from peer # Note: while it might seem wise to suppress further read-aheads # with SSL_set_read_ahead here, doing so causes a shutdown # failure (ret: -1, SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL) on the DTLS shutdown # initiator side. And test_starttls does pass. SSL_shutdown(self._ssl.value) else: raise if hasattr(self, "_udp_demux"): # Return wrapped connected server socket (non-listening) return _UnwrappedSocket(self._sock, self._rsock, self._udp_demux, self._ctx, BIO_dgram_get_peer(self._wbio.value)) # Return unwrapped client-side socket return self._sock def getpeercert(self, binary_form=False): """Retrieve the peer's certificate When binary form is requested, the peer's DER-encoded certficate is returned if it was transmitted during the handshake. When binary form is not requested, and the peer's certificate has been validated, then a certificate dictionary is returned. If the certificate was not validated, an empty dictionary is returned. In all cases, None is returned if no certificate was received from the peer. """ try: peer_cert = _X509(SSL_get_peer_certificate(self._ssl.value)) except openssl_error(): return if binary_form: return i2d_X509(peer_cert.value) if self._cert_reqs == CERT_NONE: return {} return decode_cert(peer_cert) peer_certificate = getpeercert # compatibility with _ssl call interface def cipher(self): """Retrieve information about the current cipher Return a triple consisting of cipher name, SSL protocol version defining its use, and the number of secret bits. Return None if handshaking has not been completed. """ if not self._handshake_done: return current_cipher = SSL_get_current_cipher(self._ssl.value) cipher_name = SSL_CIPHER_get_name(current_cipher) cipher_version = SSL_CIPHER_get_version(current_cipher) cipher_bits = SSL_CIPHER_get_bits(current_cipher) return cipher_name, cipher_version, cipher_bits def pending(self): """Retrieve number of buffered bytes Return the number of bytes that have been read from the socket and buffered by this connection. Return 0 if no bytes have been buffered. """ return SSL_pending(self._ssl.value) def get_timeout(self): """Retrieve the retransmission timedelta Since datagrams are subject to packet loss, DTLS will perform packet retransmission if a response is not received after a certain time interval during the handshaking phase. When using non-blocking sockets, the application must call back after that time interval to allow for the retransmission to occur. This method returns the timedelta after which to perform the call to handle_timeout, or None if no such callback is needed given the current handshake state. """ return DTLSv1_get_timeout(self._ssl.value) def handle_timeout(self): """Perform datagram retransmission, if required This method should be called after the timedelta retrieved from get_timeout has expired, and no datagrams were received in the meantime. If datagrams were received, a new timeout needs to be requested. Return value: True -- retransmissions were performed successfully False -- a timeout was not in effect or had not yet expired Exceptions: Raised when retransmissions fail or too many timeouts occur. """ return DTLSv1_handle_timeout(self._ssl.value) class _UnwrappedSocket(socket.socket): """Unwrapped server-side socket Depending on UDP demux implementation, there may not be single socket that can be used for both reading and writing to the client socket with which it is associated. An object of this type is therefore returned from the SSLSocket's unwrap method to allow for unencrypted communication over the established channels, including the demux. """ def __init__(self, wsock, rsock, demux, ctx, peer_address): socket.socket.__init__(self, _sock=rsock._sock) for attr in "send", "sendto", "sendall": try: delattr(self, attr) except AttributeError: pass self._wsock = wsock self._rsock = rsock # continue to reference to hold in demux map self._demux = demux self._ctx = ctx self._peer_address = peer_address def send(self, data, flags=0): __doc__ = self._wsock.send.__doc__ return self._wsock.sendto(data, flags, self._peer_address) def sendto(self, data, flags_or_addr, addr=None): __doc__ = self._wsock.sendto.__doc__ return self._wsock.sendto(data, flags_or_addr, addr) def sendall(self, data, flags=0): __doc__ = self._wsock.sendall.__doc__ amount = len(data) count = 0 while (count < amount): v = self.send(data[count:], flags) count += v return amount def getpeername(self): __doc__ = self._wsock.getpeername.__doc__ return self._peer_address def connect(self, addr): __doc__ = self._wsock.connect.__doc__ raise ValueError("Cannot connect already connected unwrapped socket") connect_ex = connect