# Routing demux: forwards datagrams from the root socket to connected # sockets bound to ephemeral ports. Written by Ray Brown. """Routing UDP Demux This module implements an explicitly routing UDP demux. New connections create datagram sockets bound to ephemeral ports on the loopback interface and connected to a forwarding socket. The demux services incoming datagrams by receiving them from the root socket and sending them to the socket belonging to the connection that is associated with the sending peer. A routing UDP demux can be used on any platform. Classes: UDPDemux -- an explicitly routing UDP demux Exceptions: InvalidSocketError -- exception raised for improper socket objects KeyError -- raised for unknown peer addresses """ import socket from logging import getLogger from weakref import WeakValueDictionary from ..err import InvalidSocketError _logger = getLogger(__name__) UDP_MAX_DGRAM_LENGTH = 65527 class UDPDemux(object): """Explicitly routing UDP demux This class implements a demux that forwards packets from the root socket to sockets belonging to connections. It does this whenever its service method is invoked. Methods: remove_connection -- remove an existing connection service -- distribute datagrams from the root socket to connections forward -- forward a stored datagram to a connection """ _forwarding_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) _forwarding_socket.bind(('', 0)) def __init__(self, datagram_socket): """Constructor Arguments: datagram_socket -- the root socket; this must be a bound, unconnected datagram socket """ if datagram_socket.type != socket.SOCK_DGRAM: raise InvalidSocketError("datagram_socket is not of " + "type SOCK_DGRAM") try: datagram_socket.getsockname() except: raise InvalidSocketError("datagram_socket is unbound") try: datagram_socket.getpeername() except: pass else: raise InvalidSocketError("datagram_socket is connected") self.datagram_socket = datagram_socket self.payload = "" self.payload_peer_address = None self.connections = WeakValueDictionary() def get_connection(self, address): """Create or retrieve a muxed connection Arguments: address -- a peer endpoint in IPv4/v6 address format; None refers to the connection for unknown peers Return: a bound, connected datagram socket instance """ if self.connections.has_key(address): return self.connections[address] # We need a new datagram socket on a dynamically assigned ephemeral port conn = socket.socket(self._forwarding_socket.family, self._forwarding_socket.type, self._forwarding_socket.proto) conn.bind((self._forwarding_socket.getsockname()[0], 0)) conn.connect(self._forwarding_socket.getsockname()) if not address: conn.setblocking(0) self.connections[address] = conn _logger.debug("Created new connection for address: %s", address) return conn def remove_connection(self, address): """Remove a muxed connection Arguments: address -- an address that was previously returned by the service method and whose connection has not yet been removed Return: the socket object whose connection has been removed """ return self.connections.pop(address) def service(self): """Service the root socket Read from the root socket and forward one datagram to a connection. The call will return without forwarding data if any of the following occurs: * An error is encountered while reading from the root socket * Reading from the root socket times out * The root socket is non-blocking and has no data available * An empty payload is received * A non-empty payload is received from an unknown peer (a peer for which get_connection has not yet been called); in this case, the payload is held by this instance and will be forwarded when the forward method is called Return: if the datagram received was from a new peer, then the peer's address; otherwise None """ self.payload, self.payload_peer_address = \ self.datagram_socket.recvfrom(UDP_MAX_DGRAM_LENGTH) _logger.debug("Received datagram from peer: %s", self.payload_peer_address) if not self.payload: self.payload_peer_address = None return if self.connections.has_key(self.payload_peer_address): self.forward() else: return self.payload_peer_address def forward(self): """Forward a stored datagram When the service method returns the address of a new peer, it holds the datagram from that peer in this instance. In this case, this method will perform the forwarding step. The target connection is the one associated with address None if get_connection has not been called since the service method returned the new peer's address, and the connection associated with the new peer's address if it has. """ assert self.payload assert self.payload_peer_address if self.connections.has_key(self.payload_peer_address): conn = self.connections[self.payload_peer_address] default = False else: conn = self.connections[None] # propagate exception if not created default = True _logger.debug("Forwarding datagram from peer: %s, default: %s", self.payload_peer_address, default) self._forwarding_socket.sendto(self.payload, conn.getsockname()) self.payload = "" self.payload_peer_address = None