A patch implementation is provided, which augments and alters the Python standard library's ssl module to support passing of datagram sockets, in which case this package's DTLS protocol support will be activated. The ssl module's interface is intended to operate identically regardless of whether the DTLS protocol or another protocol is chosen. The following features of the ssl module are explicitly supported with datagram sockets: * socket wrapping, unwrapping, and re-wrapping * threaded UDP servers * asynchronous UDP servers (asyncore integration) * socket servers (SocketServer integration) The following modules have been added: * dtls.patch: standard library module patching code and substitution functions and methods * unit.py: this is a port of the standard library's testing module test_ssl.py for datagram sockets; all tests pass at this time; a couple of inapplicable tests have been dropped; a few other tests have been added Also note that the err module's exception raising mechanism has been augmented so as to raise exceptions of type ssl.SSLError (as opposed to dtls.err.SSLError) when instructed to do so through activation of the patching mechanism. This allows code written against the standard library module's interface to remain unchanged. In some cases, types derived from ssl.SSLError are raised.