#!/usr/bin/env python # vim: set expandtab shiftwidth=4: """ Python Interface for Asterisk Manager This module provides a Python API for interfacing with the asterisk manager. import asterisk.manager import sys def handle_shutdown(event, manager): print "Recieved shutdown event" manager.close() # we could analize the event and reconnect here def handle_event(event, manager): print "Recieved event: %s" % event.name manager = asterisk.manager.Manager() try: # connect to the manager try: manager.connect('host') manager.login('user', 'secret') # register some callbacks manager.register_event('Shutdown', handle_shutdown) # shutdown manager.register_event('*', handle_event) # catch all # get a status report response = manager.status() manager.logoff() except asterisk.manager.ManagerSocketException as e: print "Error connecting to the manager: %s" % e.strerror sys.exit(1) except asterisk.manager.ManagerAuthException as e: print "Error logging in to the manager: %s" % e.strerror sys.exit(1) except asterisk.manager.ManagerException as e: print "Error: %s" % e.strerror sys.exit(1) finally: # remember to clean up manager.close() Remember all header, response, and event names are case sensitive. Not all manager actions are implmented as of yet, feel free to add them and submit patches. """ import sys import os import socket import threading from six.moves import queue import re from types import * from time import sleep EOL = '\r\n' class ManagerMsg(object): """A manager interface message""" def __init__(self, response): # the raw response, straight from the horse's mouth: self.response = response self.data = '' self.headers = {} # parse the response self.parse(response) # This is an unknown message, may happen if a command (notably # 'dialplan show something') contains a \n\r\n sequence in the # middle of output. We hope this happens only *once* during a # misbehaved command *and* the command ends with --END COMMAND-- # in that case we return an Event. Otherwise we asume it is # from a misbehaving command not returning a proper header (e.g. # IAXnetstats in Asterisk 1.4.X) # A better solution is probably to retain some knowledge of # commands sent and their expected return syntax. In that case # we could wait for --END COMMAND-- for 'command'. # B0rken in asterisk. This should be parseable without context. if 'Event' not in self.headers and 'Response' not in self.headers: # there are commands that return the ActionID but not # 'Response', e.g., IAXpeers in Asterisk 1.4.X if self.has_header('ActionID'): self.headers['Response'] = 'Generated Header' elif '--END COMMAND--' in self.data: self.headers['Event'] = 'NoClue' else: self.headers['Response'] = 'Generated Header' def parse(self, response): """Parse a manager message""" data = [] for n, line in enumerate(response): # all valid header lines end in \r\n if not line.endswith('\r\n'): data.extend(response[n:]) break try: k, v = (x.strip() for x in line.split(':', 1)) self.headers[k] = v except ValueError: # invalid header, start of multi-line data response data.extend(response[n:]) break self.data = ''.join(data) def has_header(self, hname): """Check for a header""" return hname in self.headers def get_header(self, hname, defval=None): """Return the specfied header""" return self.headers.get(hname, defval) def __getitem__(self, hname): """Return the specfied header""" return self.headers[hname] def __repr__(self): if 'Response' in self.headers: return self.headers['Response'] else: return self.headers['Event'] class Event(object): """Manager interface Events, __init__ expects and 'Event' message""" def __init__(self, message): # store all of the event data self.message = message self.data = message.data self.headers = message.headers # if this is not an event message we have a problem if not message.has_header('Event'): raise ManagerException( 'Trying to create event from non event message') # get the event name self.name = message.get_header('Event') def has_header(self, hname): """Check for a header""" return hname in self.headers def get_header(self, hname, defval=None): """Return the specfied header""" return self.headers.get(hname, defval) def __getitem__(self, hname): """Return the specfied header""" return self.headers[hname] def __repr__(self): return self.headers['Event'] def get_action_id(self): return self.headers.get('ActionID', 0000) class Manager(object): def __init__(self): self._sock = None # our socket self.title = None # set by received greeting self._connected = threading.Event() self._running = threading.Event() # our hostname self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # our queues self._message_queue = queue.Queue() self._response_queue = queue.Queue() self._event_queue = queue.Queue() # callbacks for events self._event_callbacks = {} self._reswaiting = [] # who is waiting for a response # sequence stuff self._seqlock = threading.Lock() self._seq = 0 # some threads self.message_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.message_loop) self.event_dispatch_thread = threading.Thread( target=self.event_dispatch) self.message_thread.setDaemon(True) self.event_dispatch_thread.setDaemon(True) def __del__(self): self.close() def connected(self): """ Check if we are connected or not. """ return self._connected.isSet() def next_seq(self): """Return the next number in the sequence, this is used for ActionID""" self._seqlock.acquire() try: return self._seq finally: self._seq += 1 self._seqlock.release() def send_action(self, cdict={}, **kwargs): """ Send a command to the manager If a list is passed to the cdict argument, each item in the list will be sent to asterisk under the same header in the following manner: cdict = {"Action": "Originate", "Variable": ["var1=value", "var2=value"]} send_action(cdict) ... Action: Originate Variable: var1=value Variable: var2=value """ if not self._connected.isSet(): raise ManagerException("Not connected") # fill in our args cdict.update(kwargs) # set the action id if 'ActionID' not in cdict: cdict['ActionID'] = '%s-%08x' % (self.hostname, self.next_seq()) clist = [] # generate the command for key, value in cdict.items(): if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: item = tuple([key, item]) clist.append('%s: %s' % item) else: item = tuple([key, value]) clist.append('%s: %s' % item) clist.append(EOL) command = EOL.join(clist) # lock the socket and send our command try: self._sock.write(command) self._sock.flush() except socket.error as e: raise ManagerSocketException(e.errno, e.strerror) self._reswaiting.insert(0, 1) response = self._response_queue.get() self._reswaiting.pop(0) if not response: raise ManagerSocketException(0, 'Connection Terminated') return response def _receive_data(self): """ Read the response from a command. """ multiline = False status = False wait_for_marker = False eolcount = 0 # loop while we are sill running and connected while self._running.isSet() and self._connected.isSet(): try: lines = [] for line in self._sock: # check to see if this is the greeting line if not self.title and '/' in line and not ':' in line: # store the title of the manager we are connecting to: self.title = line.split('/')[0].strip() # store the version of the manager we are connecting to: self.version = line.split('/')[1].strip() # fake message header lines.append('Response: Generated Header\r\n') lines.append(line) break # If the line is EOL marker we have a complete message. # Some commands are broken and contain a \n\r\n # sequence, in the case wait_for_marker is set, we # have such a command where the data ends with the # marker --END COMMAND--, so we ignore embedded # newlines until we see that marker if line == EOL and not wait_for_marker: multiline = False if lines or not self._connected.isSet(): break # ignore empty lines at start continue # If the user executed the status command, it's a special # case, so we need to look for a marker. if 'status will follow' in line: status = True wait_for_marker = True lines.append(line) # line not ending in \r\n or without ':' isn't a # valid header and starts multiline response if not line.endswith('\r\n') or ':' not in line: multiline = True # Response: Follows indicates we should wait for end # marker --END COMMAND-- if not (multiline or status) and line.startswith('Response') and \ line.split(':', 1)[1].strip() == 'Follows': wait_for_marker = True # same when seeing end of multiline response if multiline and line.startswith('--END COMMAND--'): wait_for_marker = False multiline = False # same when seeing end of status response if status and 'StatusComplete' in line: wait_for_marker = False status = False if not self._connected.isSet(): break else: # EOF during reading self._sock.close() self._connected.clear() # if we have a message append it to our queue if lines and self._connected.isSet(): self._message_queue.put(lines) else: self._message_queue.put(None) except socket.error: self._sock.close() self._connected.clear() self._message_queue.put(None) def register_event(self, event, function): """ Register a callback for the specfied event. If a callback function returns True, no more callbacks for that event will be executed. """ # get the current value, or an empty list # then add our new callback current_callbacks = self._event_callbacks.get(event, []) current_callbacks.append(function) self._event_callbacks[event] = current_callbacks def unregister_event(self, event, function): """ Unregister a callback for the specified event. """ current_callbacks = self._event_callbacks.get(event, []) current_callbacks.remove(function) self._event_callbacks[event] = current_callbacks def message_loop(self): """ The method for the event thread. This actually recieves all types of messages and places them in the proper queues. """ # start a thread to recieve data t = threading.Thread(target=self._receive_data) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() try: # loop getting messages from the queue while self._running.isSet(): # get/wait for messages data = self._message_queue.get() # if we got None as our message we are done if not data: # notify the other queues self._event_queue.put(None) for waiter in self._reswaiting: self._response_queue.put(None) break # parse the data message = ManagerMsg(data) # check if this is an event message if message.has_header('Event'): self._event_queue.put(Event(message)) # check if this is a response elif message.has_header('Response'): self._response_queue.put(message) else: print('No clue what we got\n%s' % message.data) finally: # wait for our data receiving thread to exit t.join() def event_dispatch(self): """This thread is responsible for dispatching events""" # loop dispatching events while self._running.isSet(): # get/wait for an event ev = self._event_queue.get() # if we got None as an event, we are finished if not ev: break # dispatch our events # first build a list of the functions to execute callbacks = (self._event_callbacks.get(ev.name, []) + self._event_callbacks.get('*', [])) # now execute the functions for callback in callbacks: if callback(ev, self): break def connect(self, host, port=5038): """Connect to the manager interface""" if self._connected.isSet(): raise ManagerException('Already connected to manager') # make sure host is a string assert type(host) is str port = int(port) # make sure port is an int # create our socket and connect try: _sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) _sock.connect((host, port)) self._sock = _sock.makefile() _sock.close() except socket.error as e: raise ManagerSocketException(e.errno, e.strerror) # we are connected and running self._connected.set() self._running.set() # start the event thread self.message_thread.start() # start the event dispatching thread self.event_dispatch_thread.start() # get our initial connection response return self._response_queue.get() def close(self): """Shutdown the connection to the manager""" # if we are still running, logout if self._running.isSet() and self._connected.isSet(): self.logoff() if self._running.isSet(): # put None in the message_queue to kill our threads self._message_queue.put(None) # wait for the event thread to exit self.message_thread.join() # make sure we do not join our self (when close is called from event handlers) if threading.currentThread() != self.event_dispatch_thread: # wait for the dispatch thread to exit self.event_dispatch_thread.join() self._running.clear() # Manager actions def login(self, username, secret): """Login to the manager, throws ManagerAuthException when login falis""" cdict = {'Action': 'Login'} cdict['Username'] = username cdict['Secret'] = secret response = self.send_action(cdict) if response.get_header('Response') == 'Error': raise ManagerAuthException(response.get_header('Message')) return response def ping(self): """Send a ping action to the manager""" cdict = {'Action': 'Ping'} response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def logoff(self): """Logoff from the manager""" cdict = {'Action': 'Logoff'} response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def hangup(self, channel): """Hangup the specified channel""" cdict = {'Action': 'Hangup'} cdict['Channel'] = channel response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def status(self, channel=''): """Get a status message from asterisk""" cdict = {'Action': 'Status'} cdict['Channel'] = channel response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def redirect(self, channel, exten, priority='1', extra_channel='', context=''): """Redirect a channel""" cdict = {'Action': 'Redirect'} cdict['Channel'] = channel cdict['Exten'] = exten cdict['Priority'] = priority if context: cdict['Context'] = context if extra_channel: cdict['ExtraChannel'] = extra_channel response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def originate(self, channel, exten, context='', priority='', timeout='', caller_id='', async=False, account='', variables={}): """Originate a call""" cdict = {'Action': 'Originate'} cdict['Channel'] = channel cdict['Exten'] = exten if context: cdict['Context'] = context if priority: cdict['Priority'] = priority if timeout: cdict['Timeout'] = timeout if caller_id: cdict['CallerID'] = caller_id if async: cdict['Async'] = 'yes' if account: cdict['Account'] = account # join dict of vairables together in a string in the form of 'key=val|key=val' # with the latest CVS HEAD this is no longer necessary # if variables: cdict['Variable'] = '|'.join(['='.join((str(key), str(value))) for key, value in variables.items()]) if variables: cdict['Variable'] = ['='.join( (str(key), str(value))) for key, value in variables.items()] response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def mailbox_status(self, mailbox): """Get the status of the specfied mailbox""" cdict = {'Action': 'MailboxStatus'} cdict['Mailbox'] = mailbox response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def command(self, command): """Execute a command""" cdict = {'Action': 'Command'} cdict['Command'] = command response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def extension_state(self, exten, context): """Get the state of an extension""" cdict = {'Action': 'ExtensionState'} cdict['Exten'] = exten cdict['Context'] = context response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def playdtmf(self, channel, digit): """Plays a dtmf digit on the specified channel""" cdict = {'Action': 'PlayDTMF'} cdict['Channel'] = channel cdict['Digit'] = digit response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def absolute_timeout(self, channel, timeout): """Set an absolute timeout on a channel""" cdict = {'Action': 'AbsoluteTimeout'} cdict['Channel'] = channel cdict['Timeout'] = timeout response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def mailbox_count(self, mailbox): cdict = {'Action': 'MailboxCount'} cdict['Mailbox'] = mailbox response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def sippeers(self): cdict = {'Action': 'Sippeers'} response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def sipshowpeer(self, peer): cdict = {'Action': 'SIPshowpeer'} cdict['Peer'] = peer response = self.send_action(cdict) return response def reload(self, module): """ Reloads config for a given module """ cdict = {'Action': 'Reload'} cdict['Module'] = module response = self.send_action(cdict) return response class ManagerException(Exception): pass class ManagerSocketException(ManagerException): pass class ManagerAuthException(ManagerException): pass