Cache ban data, show ban duration to user

This commit is contained in:
Steve Allison 2013-02-21 17:20:46 +00:00
parent 0585baddb3
commit 79a17a725d

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@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
// Remote client IP address
private $ipaddr;
// Previous ban data
private $prevBan;
// Debug log
private $logfile = 'defense.log';
@ -198,13 +200,33 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
* Return array with record matched, or bool(false) if no match
private function getPreviousBanData($ip) {
// Use cached data if available.
if ($this->prevBan) { return $this->prevBan; }
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ipaddr = '%s' AND type = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $this->db_table, $ip, 1);
$result = $this->rc->db->query($query);
if (!$result) { $this->dbError($query); return false; }
$this->debug($query . " [" . $result->rowCount() . "]");
return ($result->rowCount() > 0 ? $result->fetch() : false);
if ($result->rowCount() > 0) {
// Set data to cache variable
$this->prevBan = $result->fetch();
return $this->prevBan;
* Convert seconds to human readable duration
* @param int
* duration in seconds
* @return string
* human readable duration, ie: 3d7h13m25s
private function secs2hr($secs) {
$s = $secs%60; $m = floor(($secs%3600)/60); $h = floor(($secs%86400)/3600); $d = floor(($secs%604800)/86400); $w = floor(($secs%31449600)/604800); $y = floor($secs/31449600);
return (($y > 0) ? $y . "y" : "") . (($w > 0) ? $w . "w" : "") . (($d > 0) ? $d . "d" : "") . (($h > 0) ? $h . "h" : "") . (($m > 0) ? $m . "m" : "") . (($s > 0) ? $s . "s" : "");
* Constructor, initialization
@ -217,6 +239,9 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
// load configuration
// Set localization (only for login pages)
$this->add_texts('localization/', $this->rc->task == 'login');
// set config variables, set defaults
$this->db_table = $this->rc->config->get('defense_db_table', 'defense');
@ -275,15 +300,14 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
private function isBanned($ip) {
$rTime = (time() - $this->fail_reset); // How far to look back for failed logins
$query = sprintf("SELECT count(*) AS n FROM %s WHERE ipaddr = '%s' AND epoch >= %d", $this->db_table, $this->ipaddr, $rTime);
$result = $this->rc->db->query($query);
if (!$result) { $this->dbError($query); return false; }
$this->debug($query . " [" . $result->rowCount() . "]");
$row = $result->fetch();
if (!$row) { $this->debug("Warning, SQL result empty: $query"); return false; } // No rows? Strange, abort.
$this->debug("Found " . $row['n'] . " failed attempts in last " . $this->fail_reset . "s");
return (($row['n'] >= $this->fail_max) ? true : false);
$row = $this->getPreviousBanData($ip);
if ($row) {
$data = unserialize($row['data']);
$duration = $data['duration'];
$timeleft = (($duration + $row['epoch']) - time());
if ($timeleft > 0) { return $timeleft; }
return false;
@ -297,7 +321,7 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
public function hookLoginFailed($args) {
// Log failed login attempt
$data = array('user' => $args['user']);
$query = sprintf("INSERT INTO %s (epoch, type, ipaddr, data) VALUES (%d, %d, '%s', '%s')", $this->db_table, time(), 0, $this->ipaddr, serialize($data));
@ -306,22 +330,25 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
$this->debug($query . " [" . $result->rowCount() . "]");
// Check if banned now that above record has been updated
if ($this->isBanned($this->ipaddr)) {
$rTime = (time() - $this->fail_reset); // How far to look back for failed logins
$query = sprintf("SELECT count(*) AS n FROM %s WHERE ipaddr = '%s' AND epoch >= %d", $this->db_table, $this->ipaddr, $rTime);
$result = $this->rc->db->query($query);
if (!$result) { $this->dbError($query); return false; }
$this->debug($query . " [" . $result->rowCount() . "]");
$row = $result->fetch();
if (!$row) { $this->debug("Warning, SQL result empty: $query"); return false; } // No rows? Strange, abort.
$this->debug("Found " . $row['n'] . " failed attempts in last " . $this->fail_reset . "s");
if (($row['n'] >= $this->fail_max)) {
$this->debug("IP banned.");
// This IP is now banned
$repeat = 0;
// Check if its been banned before
$query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s WHERE ipaddr = '%s' AND type = %d ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1", $this->db_table, $this->ipaddr, 1);
$result = $this->rc->db->query($query);
if (!$result) { $this->dbError($query); return; }
$this->debug($query . " [" . $result->rowCount() . "]");
$row = $this->getPreviousBanData($this->ipaddr);
if ($row) {
// IP has been banned before, check if its a recent repeat offender
$data = unserialize($row['data']);
$this->debug("IP previous ban data: " . $row['data']);
// Classed as a repeate offender if IP is banned again after the previous ban duration
$this->debug("Previous ban data: " . $row['data']);
// Classed as a repeat offender if IP is banned again after the previous ban duration
// multiplied by <repeat_multiplier>
$bTime = (($data['duration'] * $this->repeat_multiplier) + $row['epoch']); // Multiply previous bantime by multiplier
if (time() <= ($bTime > $this->repeat_reset ? $bTime : $this->repeat_reset)) {
@ -369,9 +396,10 @@ class defense extends rcube_plugin {
if ($this->isBanned($this->ipaddr)) {
$isBanned = $this->isBanned($this->ipaddr);
if ($isBanned) {
if ($this->ban_httpstatus) { $this->sendForbiddenHeader(); }
$this->rc->output->show_message("ip banned", 'error');
$this->rc->output->show_message(sprintf($this->gettext('ipbanned'), $this->secs2hr($isBanned)), 'error');
$this->rc->output->set_env('task', 'login');