рабочая версия плагина

This commit is contained in:
Роман Бородин 2022-03-20 00:13:34 +03:00
parent 5a640c4ae4
commit ca2a815140
8 changed files with 272 additions and 239 deletions

View File

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<addon id="script.module.pyrrent2http" name="pyrrent2http" version="1.1.1" provider-name="inpos">
<addon id="script.module.gorrent2http" name="gorrent2http" version="1.0.0" provider-name="inpos">
<import addon="xbmc.python" version="3.0.0"/>
<import addon="script.module.libtorrent" version="1.2.0"/>
<import addon="script.module.chardet" />
<extension point="xbmc.python.module" library="lib"/>
@ -17,5 +16,5 @@
<description lang="ru">Обеспечивает последовательную (sequential) загрузку торрентов для потокового онлайн просмотра через HTTP. Основан на библиотеке LibTorrent.</description>
<description lang="en">Provides sequential torrent downloading for online streaming video and other media over HTTP.</description>

View File

@ -5,30 +5,45 @@ import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
import chardet
import sys
import time
import xbmc
import xbmcvfs
from . import log as logging
from . import SessionStatus, FileStatus, PeerInfo
from . import pyrrent2http
from . import FileStatus, SessionStatus
from .error import Error
from .structs import Encryption
from .util import can_bind, find_free_port, localize_path, uri2path, detect_media_type
from .util import can_bind, find_free_port, localize_path, uri2path, detect_media_type, get_platform
platform = get_platform()
dirname = os.path.join(xbmcvfs.translatePath('special://temp'), 'xbmcup', 'script.module.gorrent2http')
dest_path = os.path.join(dirname, platform['system'])
sys.path.insert(0, dest_path)
from gorrent import gorrent as gt
logging.info(f'Imported gorrent v{gt.Version()}')
except Exception:
import traceback
logging.error(f'Error importing gorrent. Exception: {traceback.format_exc()}')
class Engine:
This is python binding class to pyrrent2http client.
This is python binding class to gorrent2http client.
def _log(self, message):
if self.logger:
xbmc.log("[pyrrent2http] %s" % message)
xbmc.log("[gorrent2http] %s" % message)
def __init__(self, uri=None, platform=None, download_path=".",
bind_host='', bind_port=5001, connections_limit=200, download_kbps=-1, upload_kbps=-1,
@ -45,7 +60,6 @@ class Engine:
start() method.
:param uri: Torrent URI (magnet://, file:// or http://)
:param binaries_path: Path to torrent2http binaries
:param platform: Object with two methods implemented: arch() and system()
:param download_path: Torrent download path
:param bind_host: Bind host of torrent2http
@ -134,16 +148,12 @@ class Engine:
self.started = False
self.proxy = proxy
self.message_logger = None
self.run_message_logger = True
def _validate_save_path(path):
Ensures download path can be accessed locally.
:param path: Download path
:return: Translated path
import xbmc
path = xbmc.translatePath(path)
path = xbmcvfs.translatePath(path)
if "://" in path:
if sys.platform.startswith('win') and path.lower().startswith("smb://"):
path = path.replace("smb:", "").replace("/", "\\")
@ -153,67 +163,16 @@ class Engine:
raise Error("Download path doesn't exist (%s)" % path, Error.INVALID_DOWNLOAD_PATH)
return localize_path(path)
def start(self, start_index=None):
Starts pyrrent2http client with specified settings. If it can be started in startup_timeout seconds, exception
will be raised.
:param start_index: File index to start download instantly, if not specified, downloading will be paused, until
any file requested
def start(self, start_index):
download_path = self._validate_save_path(self.download_path)
if not can_bind(self.bind_host, self.bind_port):
port = find_free_port(self.bind_host)
if port is False:
raise Error("Can't find port to bind pyrrent2http", Error.BIND_ERROR)
raise Error("Can't find port to bind gorrent2http", Error.BIND_ERROR)
self._log("Can't bind to %s:%s, so we found another port: %d" % (self.bind_host, self.bind_port, port))
self.bind_port = port
kwargs = {
'torrentConnectBoost': self.torrent_connect_boost,
'trackers': ",".join(self.trackers),
'proxy': self.proxy,
'resumeFile': self.resume_file,
'minReconnectTime': self.min_reconnect_time,
'enableUPNP': self.enable_upnp,
'showAllStats': self.log_stats,
'debugAlerts': self.debug_alerts,
'keepComplete': self.keep_complete,
'dhtRouters': ",".join(self.dht_routers),
'userAgent': self.user_agent,
'enableLSD': self.enable_lsd,
'uri': self.uri,
'randomPort': self.use_random_port,
'noSparseFile': self.no_sparse,
'maxUploadRate': self.upload_kbps,
'downloadPath': download_path,
'showOverallProgress': self.log_overall_progress,
'enableDHT': self.enable_dht,
'showFilesProgress': self.log_files_progress,
'requestTimeout': self.request_timeout,
'bindAddress': "%s:%s" % (self.bind_host, self.bind_port),
'maxDownloadRate': self.download_kbps,
'connectionSpeed': self.connection_speed,
'keepIncomplete': self.keep_incomplete,
'enableTCP': self.enable_tcp,
'listenPort': self.listen_port,
'keepFiles': self.keep_files,
'stateFile': self.state_file,
'peerConnectTimeout': self.peer_connect_timeout,
'maxFailCount': self.max_failcount,
'showPiecesProgress': self.log_pieces_progress,
'idleTimeout': self.max_idle_timeout,
# 'fileIndex': start_index,
'connectionsLimit': self.connections_limit,
'enableScrape': self.enable_scrape,
'enableUTP': self.enable_utp,
'encryption': self.encryption,
'enableNATPMP': self.enable_natpmp
self._log("Invoking pyrrent2http")
self._log("Invoking gorrent2http")
class Logging(object):
def __init__(self, _log):
@ -227,15 +186,34 @@ class Engine:
self._log('ERROR: %s' % (message,))
pyrrent2http.logging = Logging(self._log)
gt.logging = Logging(self._log)
self.pyrrent2http = pyrrent2http.Pyrrent2http(**kwargs)
self.pyrrent2http_loop = threading.Thread(target=self.pyrrent2http.loop)
settings = gt.NewSettings()
settings.DownloadPath = download_path
settings.HttpBindHost = self.bind_host
settings.HttpBindPort = self.bind_port
settings.ListenPort = self.listen_port
settings.TorrentPath = uri2path(self.uri)
settings.MaxConnections = self.connections_limit
settings.Debug = self.debug_alerts
settings.KeepFiles = self.keep_files
settings.Proxy = len(self.proxy) > 0 and f'socks5://{self.proxy["host"]}:{self.proxy["port"]}' or ''
self.engine = gt.NewEngine(settings)
def msg_logger():
while self.run_message_logger:
msg = self.engine.GetMsg()
if msg not in ('__NO_MSG__', '__CLOSED__'):
xbmc.log(f'-= GORRENT =-: {msg}')
self.message_logger = threading.Thread(target=msg_logger)
self._log('starting torrent')
self._log('waiting alive status set')
start = time.time()
self.started = True
@ -243,7 +221,7 @@ class Engine:
while (time.time() - start) < self.startup_timeout:
if not self.is_alive():
raise Error("Can't start pyrrent2http, see log for details", Error.PROCESS_ERROR)
raise Error("Can't start gorrent2http, see log for details", Error.PROCESS_ERROR)
# self.status(1)
initialized = True
@ -253,79 +231,77 @@ class Engine:
if not initialized:
self.started = False
raise Error("Can't start pyrrent2http, time is out", Error.TIMEOUT)
self._log("pyrrent2http successfully started.")
def activate_file(self, index):
raise Error("Can't start gorrent2http, time is out", Error.TIMEOUT)
self._log("gorrent2http successfully started.")
def pause(self):
self.pyrrent2http.pause = True
def resume(self):
self.pyrrent2http.pause = False
def check_torrent_error(self, status=None):
It is recommended to call this method periodically to check if any libtorrent errors occurred.
Usually libtorrent sets error if it can't download or parse torrent file by specified URI.
Note that pyrrent2http remains started after such error, so you need to shutdown it manually.
:param status: Pass return of status() method if you don't want status() called twice
if not status:
status = self.status()
if status.error:
raise Error("Torrent error: %s" % status.error, Error.TORRENT_ERROR, reason=status.error)
def status(self, timeout=10):
Returns libtorrent session status. See SessionStatus named tuple.
:rtype : SessionStatus
:param timeout: pyrrent2http client request timeout
status = self.pyrrent2http.Status()
status = SessionStatus(**status)
return status
def list(self, media_types=None, timeout=10):
Returns list of files in the torrent (see FileStatus named tuple).
Note that it will return None if torrent file is not loaded yet by pyrrent2http client, so you may need to call
this method periodically until results are returned.
:param media_types: List of media types (see MediaType constants)
:param timeout: pyrrent2http client request timeout
:rtype : list of FileStatus
:return: List of files of specified media types or None if torrent is not loaded yet
files = self.pyrrent2http.Ls()['files']
if files:
res = [FileStatus(index=index, **f) for index, f in enumerate(files)]
if media_types is not None:
res = [fs for fs in res if fs.media_type in media_types]
return res
stat = self.engine.Status()
stat_kw = {
'download_rate': stat.DownloadRate,
'upload_rate': stat.UploadRate,
'num_seeds': stat.Seeds,
'name': '',
'state': 0,
'state_str': '',
'error': '',
'progress': 0,
'total_download': 0,
'total_upload': 0,
'num_peers': 0,
'total_seeds': 0,
'total_peers': 0
return SessionStatus(**stat_kw)
def list_from_info(self, media_types=None):
info = pyrrent2http.lt.torrent_info(uri2path(self.uri))
info = gt.GetMetaFromFile(uri2path(self.uri))
import traceback
xbmc.log(f'info load exception: {traceback.format_exc()}')
return []
files = []
for i in range(info.num_files()):
f = info.file_at(i)
Url = 'http://' + "%s:%s" % (self.bind_host, self.bind_port) + '/files/' + urllib.parse.quote(f.path)
if len(info.Files) > 0:
for i in range(len(info.Files)):
f = info.Files[i]
uri = 'http://' + "%s:%s" % (self.bind_host, self.bind_port) + '/files/' + urllib.parse.quote(
'name': localize_path('/'.join(f.Path)),
'size': f.Length,
'offset': i,
'media_type': media_types is not None and detect_media_type(f.Path[-1]) or '',
'download': 0,
'progress': 0.0,
'save_path': '',
'url': uri
'name': localize_path(f.path),
'size': f.size,
'offset': f.offset,
'media_type': media_types is not None and detect_media_type(f.path) or '',
'name': localize_path(info.Name),
'size': info.Length,
'offset': 0,
'media_type': media_types is not None and detect_media_type(info.Name) or '',
'download': 0,
'progress': 0.0,
'save_path': '',
'url': Url
'url': 'http://' + "%s:%s" % (self.bind_host, self.bind_port) + '/files/' + urllib.parse.quote(
res = []
if len(files) > 0:
res = [FileStatus(index=index, **f) for index, f in enumerate(files)]
if media_types is not None:
@ -333,57 +309,34 @@ class Engine:
return res
def file_status(self, file_index, timeout=10):
Returns file in the torrent with specified index (see FileStatus named tuple)
Note that it will return None if torrent file is not loaded yet by pyrrent2http client, so you may need to call
this method periodically until results are returned.
:param file_index: Requested file's index
:param timeout: pyrrent2http client request timeout
:return: File with specified index
:rtype: FileStatus
filestatus = self.pyrrent2http.Ls(file_index)
return FileStatus(**filestatus)
efs = self.engine.FileStatus(file_index)
fstat = {
'name': localize_path('/'.join(efs.Name)),
'progress': efs.Progress,
'url': efs.Url,
'save_path': '',
'size': efs.Length,
'offset': 0,
'download': 0,
'media_type': ''
return FileStatus(index=file_index, **fstat)
raise Error("Requested file index (%d) is invalid" % (file_index,), Error.INVALID_FILE_INDEX,
def peers(self, timeout=10):
Returns list of peers connected (see PeerInfo named tuple).
:param timeout: pyrrent2http client request timeout
:return: List of peers
:rtype: list of PeerInfo
peers = self.pyrrent2http.Peers()['peers']
if peers:
return [PeerInfo(**p) for p in peers]
def is_alive(self):
return self.pyrrent2http_loop.is_alive()
def wait_on_close(self, wait_timeout=10):
By default, close() method sends shutdown command to pyrrent2http, stops logging and returns immediately, not
waiting while pyrrent2http exits. It can be handy to wait pyrrent2http to view log messages during shutdown.
So call this method with reasonable timeout before calling close().
:param wait_timeout: Time in seconds to wait until pyrrent2http client shut down
self.wait_on_close_timeout = wait_timeout
return self.engine.IsAlive()
def close(self):
Shuts down pyrrent2http and stops logging. If wait_on_close() was called earlier, it will wait until
pyrrent2http successfully exits.
if self.is_alive():
self._log("Shutting down pyrrent2http...")
self._log("Shutting down gorrent2http...")
finished = False
self.wait_on_close_timeout = 10
if self.wait_on_close_timeout is not None:
start = time.time()
while (time.time() - start) < self.wait_on_close_timeout:
@ -392,11 +345,12 @@ class Engine:
finished = True
if not finished:
self._log("PANIC: Timeout occurred while shutting down pyrrent2http thread")
self._log("PANIC: Timeout occurred while shutting down gorrent2http thread")
self._log("pyrrent2http successfully shut down.")
self._log("gorrent2http successfully shut down.")
self.wait_on_close_timeout = None
self._log("pyrrent2http successfully shut down.")
self._log("gorrent2http successfully shut down.")
if self.message_logger is not None and self.message_logger.is_alive():
self.run_message_logger = False
self.message_logger = None
self.started = False
self.logpipe = None
self.process = None

View File

@ -1,30 +1,38 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
import chardet
from python_libtorrent import get_libtorrent # @UnresolvedImport
lt = get_libtorrent()
print(('Imported libtorrent v%s from python_libtorrent' % (lt.version,)))
except Exception as e:
print(('Error importing python_libtorrent.Exception: %s' % (str(e),)))
import libtorrent as lt # @UnresolvedImport
except Exception as e:
strerror = e.args
from random import SystemRandom
import time
import urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error
import http.server
import io
import os
import socketserver
import threading
import io
import urllib.error
import urllib.parse
import urllib.request
from random import SystemRandom
from . import log as logging
import chardet
import sys
import time
import xbmc
import xbmcvfs
from . import util
from .util import localize_path, Struct, detect_media_type, uri2path, encode_msg
platform = util.get_platform()
dirname = os.path.join(xbmcvfs.translatePath('special://temp'), 'xbmcup', 'script.module.gorrent2http')
dest_path = os.path.join(dirname, platform['system'])
sys.path.insert(0, dest_path)
from gorrent import gorrent as gt
logging.info(f'Imported gorrent v{gt.Version()}')
except Exception:
import traceback
logging.error(f'Error importing gorrent. Exception: {traceback.format_exc()}')
if os.getenv('ANDROID_ROOT'):
from ctypes import *
@ -72,9 +80,9 @@ if not hasattr(os, 'getppid'):
def getppid():
:return: The pid of the parent of this process.
pe.dwSize = ctypes.sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32)
mypid = GetCurrentProcessId()
@ -162,7 +170,8 @@ class TorrentFile(object):
self.tfs = tfs
self.fileEntry = fileEntry
self.name = self.fileEntry.path
self.unicode_name = isinstance(self.name, str) and self.name or self.name.decode(chardet.detect(self.name)['encoding'])
self.unicode_name = isinstance(self.name, str) and self.name or self.name.decode(
self.media_type = detect_media_type(self.unicode_name)
self.save_path = savePath
self.index = index
@ -183,7 +192,7 @@ class TorrentFile(object):
return None
if self.filePtr is None:
while not os.path.exists(self.save_path):
logging.info('Waiting for file: %s' % (self.save_path,))
xbmc.log('INFO: Waiting for file: %s' % (self.save_path,))
if os.getenv('ANDROID_ROOT'):
@ -194,7 +203,7 @@ class TorrentFile(object):
def log(self, message):
fnum = self.tfs.openedFiles.index(self)
logging.info("[Thread No.%d] %s\n" % (fnum, message))
xbmc.log("INFO: [Thread No.%d] %s\n" % (fnum, message))
def Pieces(self):
startPiece, _ = self.pieceFromOffset(1)
@ -545,10 +554,10 @@ def HttpHandlerFactory():
return HttpHandler
class Pyrrent2http(object):
class Gorrent2http(object):
pause = False
def __init__(self, uri='', bindAddress='localhost:5001', downloadPath='.',
def __init__(self, uri='', bind_address='localhost:5001', download_path='.',
idleTimeout=-1, keepComplete=False,
keepIncomplete=False, keepFiles=False, showAllStats=False,
showOverallProgress=False, showFilesProgress=False,
@ -568,8 +577,8 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
self.config = Struct()
self.config.uri = uri
self.config.bindAddress = bindAddress
self.config.downloadPath = downloadPath
self.config.bindAddress = bind_address
self.config.downloadPath = download_path
self.config.idleTimeout = idleTimeout
self.config.keepComplete = keepComplete
self.config.keepIncomplete = keepIncomplete
@ -618,7 +627,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
absPath = uri2path(uri)
logging.info('Opening local torrent file: %s' % (encode_msg(absPath),))
torrent_info = lt.torrent_info(lt.bdecode(open(absPath, 'rb').read()))
torrent_info = gt.torrent_info(gt.bdecode(open(absPath, 'rb').read()))
except Exception as e:
strerror = e.args
logging.error('Build torrent params error is (%s)' % (strerror,))
@ -639,7 +648,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
if self.config.noSparseFile or self.magnet:
logging.info('Disabling sparse file support...')
torrentParams["storage_mode"] = lt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_allocate
torrentParams["storage_mode"] = gt.storage_mode_t.storage_mode_allocate
return torrentParams
def addTorrent(self):
@ -704,14 +713,14 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
def startSession(self):
logging.info('Starting session...')
self.session = lt.session(lt.fingerprint('LT', lt.version_major, lt.version_minor, 0, 0),
alertMask = (lt.alert.category_t.error_notification |
lt.alert.category_t.storage_notification |
lt.alert.category_t.tracker_notification |
self.session = gt.session(gt.fingerprint('LT', gt.version_major, gt.version_minor, 0, 0),
alertMask = (gt.alert.category_t.error_notification |
gt.alert.category_t.storage_notification |
gt.alert.category_t.tracker_notification |
if self.config.debugAlerts:
alertMask |= lt.alert.category_t.debug_notification
alertMask |= gt.alert.category_t.debug_notification
settings = self.session.get_settings()
@ -730,12 +739,12 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
settings["tracker_backoff"] = 0
### Непонятно, как заставить использовать прокси только для подключения к трекеру?
if self.config.proxy is not None:
ps = lt.proxy_settings()
ps = gt.proxy_settings()
# peer_ps = lt.proxy_settings()
# peer_ps.type = lt.proxy_type.none
ps.hostname = self.config.proxy['host']
ps.port = self.config.proxy['port']
ps.type = lt.proxy_type.socks5
ps.type = gt.proxy_type.socks5
# self.session.set_peer_proxy(peer_ps)
settings['force_proxy'] = False
@ -753,7 +762,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
strerror = e.args
rand = SystemRandom(time.time())
portLower = self.config.listenPort
@ -799,10 +808,10 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
logging.info('Added DHT router: %s:%d' % (host, port))
logging.info('Setting encryption settings')
encryptionSettings = lt.pe_settings()
encryptionSettings.out_enc_policy = lt.enc_policy(self.config.encryption)
encryptionSettings.in_enc_policy = lt.enc_policy(self.config.encryption)
encryptionSettings.allowed_enc_level = lt.enc_level.both
encryptionSettings = gt.pe_settings()
encryptionSettings.out_enc_policy = gt.enc_policy(self.config.encryption)
encryptionSettings.in_enc_policy = gt.enc_policy(self.config.encryption)
encryptionSettings.allowed_enc_level = gt.enc_level.both
encryptionSettings.prefer_rc4 = True
except Exception as e:
@ -871,7 +880,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
def consumeAlerts(self):
alerts = self.session.pop_alerts()
for alert in alerts:
if type(alert) == lt.save_resume_data_alert:
if type(alert) == gt.save_resume_data_alert:
@ -907,7 +916,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
def processSaveResumeDataAlert(self, alert):
logging.info('Saving resume data to: %s' % (encode_msg(self.config.resumeFile),))
data = lt.bencode(alert.resume_data)
data = gt.bencode(alert.resume_data)
with open(self.config.resumeFile, 'wb') as f:
@ -918,9 +927,9 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
def saveResumeData(self, async_=False):
if not self.torrentHandle.status().need_save_resume or self.config.resumeFile == '':
return False
if not async_:
alert = self.waitForAlert(lt.save_resume_data_alert, 5)
alert = self.waitForAlert(gt.save_resume_data_alert, 5)
if alert is None:
return False
@ -930,7 +939,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
if self.config.stateFile == '':
entry = self.session.save_state()
data = lt.bencode(entry)
data = gt.bencode(entry)
logging.info('Saving session state to: %s' % (encode_msg(self.config.stateFile),))
logging.info('Saving session state to: %s' % (encode_msg(self.config.stateFile),))
@ -973,14 +982,14 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
state = self.torrentHandle.status().state
if state != state.checking_files and not self.config.keepFiles:
if not self.config.keepComplete and not self.config.keepIncomplete:
flag = int(lt.options_t.delete_files)
flag = int(gt.options_t.delete_files)
files = self.filesToRemove()
logging.info('Removing the torrent')
self.session.remove_torrent(self.torrentHandle, flag)
if flag > 0 or len(files) > 0:
logging.info('Waiting for files to be removed')
self.waitForAlert(lt.torrent_deleted_alert, 15)
self.waitForAlert(gt.torrent_deleted_alert, 15)
def shutdown(self):
@ -992,7 +1001,7 @@ class Pyrrent2http(object):
if self.session != None:
self.waitForAlert(lt.torrent_paused_alert, 10)
self.waitForAlert(gt.torrent_paused_alert, 10)
if self.torrentHandle is not None:

lib/gorrent2http/log.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import xbmc
from typing import Union
import chardet
def info(msg : Union[str, bytes]):
xbmc.log(f'INFO: {isinstance(msg, bytes) and msg.decode(chardet.detect(msg)["encoding"]) or msg}')
def error(msg: Union[str, bytes]):
xbmc.log(f'ERROR: {isinstance(msg, bytes) and msg.decode(chardet.detect(msg)["encoding"]) or msg}')

View File

@ -24,16 +24,17 @@ class Struct(dict):
self[attr] = value
def uri2path(uri):
def uri2path(uri: str) -> str:
uri_path: str = ''
if uri[1] == ':' and sys.platform.startswith('win'):
uri = 'file:///' + uri
fileUri = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
if fileUri.scheme == 'file':
uriPath = fileUri.path
if uriPath != '' and sys.platform.startswith('win') and (os.path.sep == uriPath[0] or uriPath[0] == '/'):
uriPath = uriPath[1:]
absPath = os.path.abspath(urllib.parse.unquote(uriPath))
return localize_path(absPath)
file_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
if file_uri.scheme == 'file':
uri_path = file_uri.path
if uri_path != '' and sys.platform.startswith('win') and (os.path.sep == uri_path[0] or uri_path[0] == '/'):
uri_path = uri_path[1:]
abs_path = os.path.abspath(urllib.parse.unquote(uri_path))
return localize_path(abs_path)
def detect_media_type(name):
@ -114,3 +115,62 @@ def ensure_fs_encoding(string):
if isinstance(string, bytes):
string = string.decode('utf-8')
return string.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding() or 'utf-8')
def get_platform():
ret = {
"arch": sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 and "x64" or "x86",
if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.android"):
ret["os"] = "android"
if "arm" in os.uname()[4] or "aarch64" in os.uname()[4]:
ret["arch"] = "arm"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.linux"):
ret["os"] = "linux"
uname = os.uname()[4]
if "arm" in uname:
if "armv7" in uname:
ret["arch"] = "armv7"
ret["arch"] = "armv6"
elif "mips" in uname:
ret["arch"] = 'mipsel'
elif "aarch64" in uname:
if sys.maxsize > 2147483647: # is_64bit_system
ret["arch"] = 'aarch64'
ret["arch"] = "armv7" # 32-bit userspace
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.windows"):
ret["os"] = "windows"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.osx"):
ret["os"] = "darwin"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.ios"):
ret["os"] = "ios"
ret["arch"] = "arm"
ret = get_system(ret)
return ret
def get_system(ret):
ret["system"] = ''
if ret["os"] == 'windows':
ret["system"] = 'windows_' + ret['arch']
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and ret["arch"] == "x64":
ret["system"] = 'linux_x86_64'
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and ret["arch"] == "x86":
ret["system"] = 'linux_x86'
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and "aarch64" in ret["arch"]:
ret["system"] = 'linux_' + ret["arch"]
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and ("arm" in ret["arch"] or 'mips' in ret["arch"]):
ret["system"] = 'linux_' + ret["arch"]
elif ret["os"] == "android":
if ret["arch"] == 'arm':
ret["system"] = 'android_armv7'
ret["system"] = 'android_x86'
elif ret["os"] == "darwin":
ret["system"] = 'darwin'
elif ret["os"] == "ios" and ret["arch"] == "arm":
ret["system"] = 'ios_arm'
return ret