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2022-03-14 20:34:22 +03:00
# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2018 Dmitry Vinogradov
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
import traceback
from collections import OrderedDict
import xbmcgui
from . import *
class Model(object):
data = None # type: dict
API = None
def __init__(self, data): = data
self._listitem = None
def __getattr__(self, attr):
def get_icon(self):
return ""
def get_listitem(self):
if self._listitem is None:
self._listitem = xbmcgui.ListItem()
for key, value in
if key == 'icon':
value = self.get_icon()
if isinstance(value, (type(None), str, int, float, bool)) is False:
# if not isinstance(value, str):
# value = str(value)
# try:
# value = value.decode('utf-8')
# except UnicodeError:
# value = value.encode('utf-8')
2022-03-14 21:38:43 +03:00
if not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
value = value.decode('utf-8')
2022-03-14 20:34:22 +03:00
self._listitem.setProperty(key, value)
return self._listitem
class Group(Model):
gid = None # type: str
name = None # type: str
channels = None # type: OrderedDict[str, Channel]
number = None # type: int
def __init__(self, gid, name, channels, number=None):
# type: (str, str, OrderedDict[str, Channel], int) -> Group
self.gid = gid = name
self.channels = OrderedDict(channels)
self.number = number
super(Group, self).__init__({"gid": gid, "group_name": name, "icon": "", "number": number})
def get_icon(self):
number = (self.number if self.number is not None else int(["gid"])) % 20
return "%s.png" % (number if number != 0 else 20)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s (%s)" % (, self.gid)
class Channel(Model):
cid = None # type: str
gid = None # type: str
name = None # type: str
icon = None # type: str
epg = None # type: bool
archive = None # type: bool
protected = None # type: bool
url = None # type: str
_programs = None # type: dict[int, Program]
def __init__(self, cid, gid, name, icon, epg, archive, protected=False, url=None):
# type: (str, str, str, str, bool, bool, bool, str) -> Channel
self.cid = cid
self.gid = gid = name
self.icon = icon
self.epg = epg
self.archive = archive
self.protected = protected
self.url = url
self._programs = OrderedDict()
channel_data = {
"cid": cid,
"gid": gid,
"channel_name": name,
"icon": icon,
"epg": epg,
"archive": archive,
"protected": protected,
super(Channel, self).__init__(channel_data)
def get_icon(self):
return addon.getAddonInfo('icon') if not self.icon else self.icon
def get_current_program(self):
# type: () -> Program
return self.get_program_by_time(int(time_now()))
def get_program_by_time(self, timestamp):
# type: (int) -> Program
for ut_start, program in list(self.programs.items()):
if program.ut_start == timestamp:
return program
if program.ut_start > timestamp and program.prev_program is not None:
return program.prev_program
return Program.factory(self)
def programs(self):
if len(self._programs) == 0:
real_programs = self.API.get_epg(self.cid) # type: OrderedDict
if len(real_programs) == 0:
ut_start = timestamp_to_midnight(time_now())
real_programs[ut_start] = Program.factory(self, ut_start, ut_start + HOUR)
first_program = real_programs[next(iter(real_programs.keys()))] # type: Program
last_program = real_programs[next(reversed(list(real_programs.keys())))] # type: Program
# prepend epg with dummy entries
if first_program.ut_start > time_now() - self.API.archive_ttl:
start_time = int(time_now() - self.API.archive_ttl) - DAY
start_time = first_program.ut_start - DAY
start_time = timestamp_to_midnight(start_time)
programs = Program.get_dummy_programs(self, start_time, first_program.ut_start)
last_prepend_program = programs[next(reversed(list(programs.keys())))]
first_program.prev_program = last_prepend_program
last_prepend_program.next_program = first_program
# append epg with dummy entries
if last_program.ut_end == 0:
last_program.ut_end = last_program.ut_start + HOUR
end_time = timestamp_to_midnight(last_program.ut_end + DAY * 2)
append_programs = Program.get_dummy_programs(self, last_program.ut_end, end_time)
first_append_program = append_programs[next(iter(append_programs.keys()))] # type: Program
last_program.next_program = first_append_program
first_append_program.prev_program = last_program
prev = None # type: Program
for key in sorted(programs.keys()):
program = programs[key]
if prev:
program.prev_program = prev
program.prev_program.next_program = program
self._programs[key] = prev = programs[key]
except Exception as ex:
log("Exception %s: message=%s" % (type(ex), ex))
log(traceback.format_exc(), xbmc.LOGDEBUG)
start_time = timestamp_to_midnight(time_now() - self.API.archive_ttl - DAY)
end_time = timestamp_to_midnight(time_now() + TWODAYS)
self._programs = Program.get_dummy_programs(self, start_time, end_time)
return self._programs
def __repr__(self):
return "%s (%s/%s)" % (, self.gid, self.cid)
class Program(Model):
cid = None # type: str
gid = None # type: str
ut_start = None # type: int
ut_end = None # type: int
length = None # type: int
title = None # type: str
descr = None # type: str
epg = None # type: bool
archive = None # type: bool
image = None # type: str
prev_program = None # type: Program
next_program = None # type: Program
def factory(channel, ut_start=None, ut_end=None, length=HOUR,
# type: (Channel, int, int, int, str, str) -> Program
ut_start = str_to_timestamp(format_date(time_now(), custom_format="%d%m%y%H"), "%d%m%y%H") \
if ut_start is None else ut_start
ut_end = ut_start + length if ut_end is None else ut_end
return Program(channel.cid, channel.gid, int(ut_start), int(ut_end), title, descr, channel.archive)
def get_dummy_programs(channel, start_time, end_time):
# type: (Channel, int, int) -> OrderedDict[int, Program]
programs = OrderedDict()
ut_start = start_time
prev = None
while ut_start < end_time:
ut_end = end_time if (ut_start + HOUR) > end_time else (ut_start + HOUR)
program = Program.factory(channel, ut_start, ut_end)
if prev is not None:
program.prev_program = prev
prev.next_program = program
programs[program.ut_start] = prev = program
ut_start = ut_start + HOUR
return programs
def __init__(self, cid, gid, ut_start, ut_end, title, descr, archive=False, image=None):
# type: (str, str, int, int, str, str, bool, str) -> Program
self.cid = cid
self.gid = gid
self.ut_start = ut_start
self.ut_end = ut_end
self.length = self.ut_end - self.ut_start
self.title = title
self.descr = descr
self.archive = archive
self.image = image
(img_s, img_m, img_l) = self.get_image_urls(self.image)
program_data = {
"cid": self.cid,
"gid": self.gid,
"title": self.title,
"title_list": (self.title[:52] + '...') if len(self.title) > 55 else self.title,
"img_s": img_s,
"img_m": img_m,
"img_l": img_l,
"descr": self.descr if self.descr is not None else "",
"t_start": format_date(self.ut_start, custom_format="%H:%M"),
"t_end": format_date(self.ut_end, custom_format="%H:%M"),
"d_start": format_date(self.ut_start, custom_format="%A, %d.%m"),
"ut_start": self.ut_start,
"ut_end": self.ut_end
super(Program, self).__init__(program_data)
def get_image_urls(image):
# type: (str) -> (str, str, str)
if image is None:
return "", "", ""
if '/large' in image:
return image.replace('/large', '/small'), image.replace('/large', '/normal'), image
return "%s/176x99" % image, "%s/350x197" % image, "%s/700x394" % image
def is_playable(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.is_live_now() or self.is_archive_now()
def is_past_now(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.ut_end < time_now()
def is_live_now(self):
# type: () -> bool
return self.ut_start <= time_now() <= self.ut_end
def is_archive_now(self):
# type: () -> bool
now = time_now()
return bool(self.archive) is True \
and self.ut_end < now \
and self.ut_start > (now - self.API.archive_ttl)
def equals(self, other):
# type: (Program) -> bool
return str(self.cid) == str(other.cid) \
and self.ut_start == other.ut_start \
and self.ut_end == other.ut_end
def get_listitem(self):
listitem = Model.get_listitem(self)
status = " "
if self.is_past_now():
if self.archive is True:
status = "prg_status_archive.png"
status = "prg_status_past.png"
elif self.is_live_now():
status = "prg_status_live.png"
listitem.setProperty("status", status)
listitem.setProperty("day_color", "1%s.png" % format_date(self.ut_start, custom_format="%w"))
return listitem