150 lines
5.9 KiB
150 lines
5.9 KiB
import sys
import os
import xbmc, xbmcgui, xbmcvfs
import urllib
__libbaseurl__ = "https://github.com/DiMartinoXBMC/script.module.libtorrent/raw/master/python_libtorrent/"
__scriptname__ = "script.module.libtorrent"
__icon__=os.path.join(xbmc.translatePath('special://home'), 'addons',
'script.module.libtorrent', 'icon.png')
class DownloaderClass():
def __init__(self, dest_path):
self.dest_path = dest_path
self.platform = get_platform()
def download(self, url, dest):
self.dp = xbmcgui.DialogProgress()
self.dp.create("script.module.libtorrent","Downloading File", url)
urllib.urlretrieve(url, dest, lambda nb, bs, fs, url= url: self._pbhook(nb,bs,fs))
def _pbhook(self, numblocks, blocksize, filesize):
percent = min((numblocks*blocksize*100)/filesize, 100)
percent = 100
log("libtorrent: DOWNLOAD FAILED")
if self.dp.iscanceled():
log("libtorrent: DOWNLOAD CANCELLED")
def tools_download(self):
log("libtorrent: try to fetch libtorrent.so")
for libname in get_libname(self.platform):
url = "%s/%s/%s.zip" % (__libbaseurl__, self.platform, libname)
dest = os.path.join(self.dest_path, libname)
self.download(url, dest + ".zip")
log("%s -> %s" % (url, dest))
xbmc.executebuiltin('XBMC.Extract("%s.zip","%s")' % (dest, self.dest_path), True)
xbmcvfs.delete(dest + ".zip")
text = 'Failed!'
xbmc.executebuiltin("XBMC.Notification(%s,%s,%s,%s)" % (__scriptname__,text,750,__icon__))
def log(msg):
xbmc.log("### [%s]: %s" % (__scriptname__,msg,), level=xbmc.LOGINFO )
#print "### [%s]: %s" % (__scriptname__,msg,)
def get_libname(platform):
if platform['system'] == 'darwin':
elif platform['system'] == 'linux_x86':
elif platform['system'] == 'linux_x86_64':
elif platform['system'] == 'windows':
elif platform['system'] == 'android' and platform['arch'] == 'arm':
libname=['libtorrent.so', 'liblibtorrent.so']
return libname
def get_platform():
ret = {
"arch": sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32 and "x64" or "x86",
if xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.android"):
ret["os"] = "android"
if "arm" in os.uname()[4]:
ret["arch"] = "arm"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.linux"):
ret["os"] = "linux"
if "arm" in os.uname()[4]:
ret["arch"] = "arm"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.xbox"):
system_platform = "xbox"
ret["arch"] = ""
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.windows"):
ret["os"] = "windows"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.osx"):
ret["os"] = "darwin"
elif xbmc.getCondVisibility("system.platform.ios"):
ret["os"] = "ios"
ret["arch"] = "arm"
ret["system"] = ''
ret["message"] = ['', '']
if ret["os"] == 'windows':
ret["system"] = 'windows'
ret["message"] = ['Windows has static compiled python-libtorrent included.',
'You should install "script.module.libtorrent" from "MyShows.me Kodi Repo"']
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and ret["arch"] == "x64":
ret["system"] = 'linux_x86_64'
ret["message"] = ['Linux x64 has not static compiled python-libtorrent included.',
'You should install it by "sudo apt-get install python-libtorrent"']
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and ret["arch"] == "x86":
ret["system"] = 'linux_x86'
ret["message"] = ['Linux has static compiled python-libtorrent included but it didn\'t work.',
'You should install it by "sudo apt-get install python-libtorrent"']
elif ret["os"] == "linux" and ret["arch"] == "arm":
ret["system"] = 'linux_arm'
ret["message"] = ['As far as I know you can compile python-libtorrent for ARMv6-7.',
'You should search for "OneEvil\'s OpenELEC libtorrent" or use Ace Stream.']
elif ret["os"] == "android":
ret["system"] = 'android'
ret["message"] = ['Please use install Ace Stream APK and choose it in Settings.',
'It is possible to compile python-libtorrent for Android, but I don\'t know how.']
elif ret["os"] == "darwin":
ret["system"] = 'darwin'
ret["message"] = ['It is possible to compile python-libtorrent for OS X.',
'But you would have to do it by yourself, there is some info on github.com.']
elif ret["os"] == "ios":
ret["system"] = 'ios'
ret["message"] = ['It is NOT possible to compile python-libtorrent for iOS.',
'But you can use torrent-client control functions.']
return ret
def tempdir(platform):
for subdir in ('xbmcup', 'script.module.libtorrent', 'python_libtorrent', platform['system']):
dirname = os.path.join(dirname, subdir)
if not xbmcvfs.exists(dirname):
return dirname
class LibraryManager():
def __init__(self, dest_path):
self.dest_path = dest_path
self.platform = get_platform()
def check_exist(self):
for libname in get_libname(self.platform):
if not xbmcvfs.exists(os.path.join(self.dest_path,libname)):
return False
return True
def check_update(self):
return False
def update(self):
if self.check_update():
pass |