# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import os from zope.interface import implements from twisted.cred import portal from twisted.internet import protocol, ssl from twisted.mail import imap4 from serpent.config import conf from serpent.imap.mbox import ExtendedMaildir from serpent.misc import IMAP_HDELIM, IMAP_MBOX_REG, IMAP_ACC_CONN_NUM from shutil import rmtree, move class IMAPUserAccount(object): implements(imap4.IAccount) def __init__(self, mdir): if not os.path.exists(mdir): os.makedirs(mdir) self.dir = mdir if self.dir in IMAP_MBOX_REG.keys(): IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][IMAP_ACC_CONN_NUM] += 1 else: IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir] = {} IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][IMAP_ACC_CONN_NUM] = 0 for m in conf.imap_auto_mbox: if m not in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): if isinstance(m, unicode): m = m.encode('imap4-utf-7') IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][m] = ExtendedMaildir(os.path.join(self.dir, m)) IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][m]._start_monitor() self.subscribe(m) def _getMailbox(self, path): if isinstance(path, unicode): path = path.encode('imap4-utf-7') fullPath = os.path.join(self.dir, path) mbox = ExtendedMaildir(fullPath) mbox._start_monitor() return mbox def listMailboxes(self, ref, wildcard): for box in os.listdir(self.dir): yield box.decode('imap4-utf-7'), self.create(box) def select(self, path, rw=False): if isinstance(path, unicode): path = path.encode('imap4-utf-7') if path in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): return IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][path] else: if path in os.listdir(self.dir): return self.create(path) else: raise imap4.NoSuchMailbox, path def addMailbox(self, name, mbox = None): if mbox: raise NotImplementedError return self.create(name) def create(self, pathspec): if isinstance(pathspec, unicode): pathspec = pathspec.encode('imap4-utf-7') if pathspec not in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): paths = filter(None, pathspec.split(IMAP_HDELIM)) for accum in range(1, len(paths)): subpath = IMAP_HDELIM.join(paths[:accum]) if subpath not in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): try: IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][subpath] = self._getMailbox(IMAP_HDELIM.join(paths[:accum])) except imap4.MailboxCollision: pass IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][pathspec] = self._getMailbox(pathspec) return IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][pathspec] def delete(self, pathspec): if isinstance(pathspec, unicode): pathspec = pathspec.encode('imap4-utf-7') if pathspec in conf.imap_auto_mbox: raise imap4.MailboxException, pathspec if pathspec not in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): raise imap4.MailboxException("No such mailbox") inferiors = self._inferiorNames(pathspec) if r'\Noselect' in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][pathspec].getFlags(): # Check for hierarchically inferior mailboxes with this one # as part of their root. for inferior in inferiors: if inferior != pathspec: raise imap4.MailboxException, "Hierarchically inferior mailboxes exist and \\Noselect is set" for inferior in inferiors: mdir = IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][inferior].path IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][inferior].destroy() del IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][inferior] rmtree(mdir) return True def rename(self, oldname, newname): if oldname in conf.imap_auto_mbox: raise imap4.MailboxException, oldname if isinstance(oldname, unicode): oldname = oldname.encode('imap4-utf-7') if isinstance(newname, unicode): newname = newname.encode('imap4-utf-7') if oldname not in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): raise imap4.NoSuchMailbox, oldname inferiors = [(o, o.replace(oldname, newname, 1)) for o in self._inferiorNames(oldname)] for (old, new) in inferiors: if new in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): raise imap4.MailboxCollision, new for (old, new) in inferiors: move(os.path.join(self.dir, old), os.path.join(self.dir, new)) IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][new] = IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][old] IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][new].path = os.path.join(self.dir, new) del IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][old] return True def subscribe(self, name): if isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode('imap4-utf-7') if name in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][name].subscribe() def unsubscribe(self, name): if name in conf.imap_auto_mbox: raise imap4.MailboxException, name if isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode('imap4-utf-7') if name in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][name].unsubscribe() def isSubscribed(self, name): if isinstance(name, unicode): name = name.encode('imap4-utf-7') return IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir][name].is_subscribed() def _inferiorNames(self, name): name_l = name.split(IMAP_HDELIM) inferiors = [] for infname in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.dir].keys(): if name_l == infname.split(IMAP_HDELIM)[:len(name_l)]: inferiors.append(infname) return inferiors class SerpentIMAPRealm(object): implements(portal.IRealm) def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces): if imap4.IAccount not in interfaces: raise NotImplementedError( "This realm only supports the imap4.IAccount interface.") mdir = os.path.join(conf.app_dir, conf.maildir_user_path % avatarId) avatar = IMAPUserAccount(mdir) return imap4.IAccount, avatar, lambda: None ############################################################################### class IMAPServerProtocol(imap4.IMAP4Server): def lineReceived(self, line): if isinstance(line, unicode): line = line.encode('utf-8') print "CLIENT:", line imap4.IMAP4Server.lineReceived(self, line) def sendLine(self, line): imap4.IMAP4Server.sendLine(self, line) if isinstance(line, unicode): line = line.encode('utf-8') print "SERVER:", line def connectionLost(self, reason): self.setTimeout(None) if self.account and self.account.dir in IMAP_MBOX_REG.keys(): IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.account.dir][IMAP_ACC_CONN_NUM] -= 1 if IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.account.dir][IMAP_ACC_CONN_NUM] <= 0: for m in IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.account.dir].keys(): if m == IMAP_ACC_CONN_NUM: continue IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.account.dir][m].close() del IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.account.dir][m] del IMAP_MBOX_REG[self.account.dir] self.account = None def _parseMbox(self, name): if isinstance(name, unicode): return name try: return name.decode('imap4-utf-7') except: #log.err() raise imap4.IllegalMailboxEncoding(name) def _cbCopySelectedMailbox(self, mbox, tag, messages, mailbox, uid): if not isinstance(mbox, IMAPMailbox): self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, 'No such mailbox: ' + mailbox) else: imap4.maybeDeferred(self.mbox.fetch, messages, uid ).addCallback(self.__cbCopy, tag, mbox ).addCallback(self.__cbCopied, tag, mbox ).addErrback(self.__ebCopy, tag ) def __cbCopy(self, messages, tag, mbox): # XXX - This should handle failures with a rollback or something addedDeferreds = [] fastCopyMbox = imap4.IMessageCopier(mbox, None) for (_id, msg) in messages: if fastCopyMbox is not None: d = imap4.maybeDeferred(fastCopyMbox.copy, msg) addedDeferreds.append(d) continue # XXX - The following should be an implementation of IMessageCopier.copy # on an IMailbox->IMessageCopier adapter. flags = msg.getFlags() date = msg.getInternalDate() body = imap4.IMessageFile(msg, None) if body is not None: bodyFile = body.open() d = imap4.maybeDeferred(mbox.addMessage, bodyFile, flags, date) else: def rewind(f): f.seek(0) return f _buffer = imap4.tempfile.TemporaryFile() d = imap4.MessageProducer(msg, _buffer, self._scheduler ).beginProducing(None ).addCallback(lambda _, b=_buffer, f=flags, d=date: mbox.addMessage(rewind(b), f, d) ) addedDeferreds.append(d) return imap4.defer.DeferredList(addedDeferreds) def __cbCopied(self, deferredIds, tag, mbox): ids = [] failures = [] for (status, result) in deferredIds: if status: ids.append(result) else: failures.append(result.value) if failures: self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, '[ALERT] Some messages were not copied') else: self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'COPY completed') def __ebCopy(self, failure, tag): self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'COPY failed:' + str(failure.value)) #log.err(failure) def _cbAppendGotMailbox(self, mbox, tag, flags, date, message): if not isinstance(mbox, IMAPMailbox): self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, '[TRYCREATE] No such mailbox') return d = mbox.addMessage(message, flags, date) d.addCallback(self.__cbAppend, tag, mbox) d.addErrback(self.__ebAppend, tag) def __cbAppend(self, result, tag, mbox): self.sendUntaggedResponse('%d EXISTS' % mbox.getMessageCount()) self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'APPEND complete') def __ebAppend(self, failure, tag): self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'APPEND failed: ' + str(failure.value)) def _cbStatusGotMailbox(self, mbox, tag, mailbox, names): if isinstance(mbox, IMAPMailbox): imap4.maybeDeferred(mbox.requestStatus, names).addCallbacks( self.__cbStatus, self.__ebStatus, (tag, mailbox), None, (tag, mailbox), None ) else: self.sendNegativeResponse(tag, "Could not open mailbox") def _ebStatusGotMailbox(self, failure, tag): self.sendBadResponse(tag, "Server error encountered while opening mailbox.") #log.err(failure) def __cbStatus(self, status, tag, box): line = ' '.join(['%s %s' % x for x in status.iteritems()]) if isinstance(box, unicode): box = box.encode('imap4-utf-7') self.sendUntaggedResponse('STATUS %s (%s)' % (box, line)) self.sendPositiveResponse(tag, 'STATUS complete') def __ebStatus(self, failure, tag, box): self.sendBadResponse(tag, 'STATUS %s failed: %s' % (box, str(failure.value))) ################################################################################ class SerpentIMAPFactory(protocol.Factory): def __init__(self, portal): self.portal = portal def buildProtocol(self, addr): contextFactory = None if conf.tls: tls_data = file(conf.tls_pem, 'rb').read() cert = ssl.PrivateCertificate.loadPEM(tls_data) contextFactory = cert.options() p = IMAPServerProtocol(contextFactory = contextFactory) if conf.tls: p.canStartTLS = True p.IDENT = '%s ready' % conf.SRVNAME p.portal = self.portal return p imap_portal = portal.Portal(SerpentIMAPRealm())