
37 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from serpent.config import conf
from serpent.usrpwd import dbs
from serpent import errors
'''Здесь находятся функции для проверки различных вещей.'''
def validateFrom(obj, email):
if not conf.smtp_open_relay:
if email[1] in conf.local_domains:
if not obj.avatarId:
raise errors.SMTPAuthReqError()
elif obj.avatarId != username_by_email(email):
raise errors.SMTPBadSender(conf.smtp_email_delim.join(email))
elif obj.avatarId:
raise errors.SMTPBadSender(conf.smtp_email_delim.join(email))
return True
def validateTo(obj, user):
local = user.dest.local
domain = user.dest.domain
for u, f in user.protocol._to:
if local == u.dest.local and domain == u.dest.domain:
del user.protocol._to[user.protocol._to.index((u,f))]
if domain in conf.local_domains and not username_by_email([local, domain]):
raise errors.SMTPBadRcpt(conf.smtp_email_delim.join([local, domain]))
if domain not in conf.local_domains and not obj.avatarId and not conf.smtp_open_relay:
raise errors.SMTPNotOpenRelay()
return True # Адрес найден в базах пользователей
def username_by_email(email):
result = None
for db in dbs:
result = db.username_by_email(email)
if result:
return result